The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The reason of this web site is to suggest priceless and complete information concerning the Daniel Fast. Our number one objective is that once you get on here; you look no further! What better time to deny self and seek God but now!
Fasting, especially when ordered by God, can destroy the strongholds of evil in our lives. And during this transition into the New Year 2015, we want to make sure we're in God's will and purpose. For God has a purpose for everything He does. We need to be in His plan and purpose to vibrate fruitfully in our lifestyle. We're never comfortable until we are in His will and plan. In fact, we are only safe and secure when we are secure in His presence. We have to pray, "Lord, show me Your presence," until we are assured of His nearness and presence. As it was said of historic Joseph in Egypt, "The Lord was with Joseph."
Whatever you may want from God in the New Year: Your healing? A job? Salvation for a loved one? A home?Deliverance for your children? Financial Breakthrough?
Your marriage restored? A life partner? The Impossible? this e-Course will enable you wait on God for three weeks in prayer and fasting, in praise and worship, with millions of other people the World over. For we know that there is nothing impossible with the God we serve and worship. We'll come out of this period greatly transformed and enlightened. And you'll experience a higher level of your relationship with God. We know that God loves us. There is nothing we can do to diminish or increase that love; God is love! The key is to make up your mind to wait on God. And His Spirit will see you through successful in your sacrifice.
The designation, "The Daniel Fast," highlights the selection of meals and recipes, though the emphasis of fasting and prayers is on abstention from meals and words, attitudes and behaviors. Our problems or challenges are never that God is mad at us and punishing us.The challenges are to teach us and guide us on the right path to claim and declare the victory of Jesus Christ on the Cross for our freedom and well-being. Any deviation from God's purpose leads us into darkness or dis-ease. Any abnormal use - abuse - of our mouth or heart, soul or body, leads us to difficulties. And a period of prayer and fasting will show the Lord God Almighty we care. And He will lead us out of any difficulties.
This site is meant as a “gathering place” for information and resources about the Daniel Fast to help those seeking God for whatever the reason may be. Please “cruise” the site. Remember, to page down in order to determine all the posts. Also, leave comments if you have got ideas, queries, or comments. Finally, be a part of our Facebook community! It's a strong means to remain connected to others who are seeking God through an extended period of prayer and fasting.
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The Daniel Fast here:
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Then I proclaimed a fast. That we might humble ourselves before our God, from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions. (Ezra 8:21)
So much more than food!The Daniel Fast is so much more than food! And when we keep our focus on the food, it seems it’s just another way to feed the flesh rather than denying it! | See what the Lord wants to show youSo then the Lord says, “Yes, I want to use you! So let’s get you ready for service.” This message often comes to us when we knowingly disobey Him or when our emotions are filled with fear, anxiety or unforgiveness. It might be when we collide with our own unhealthy attitudes or behaviors. |
Corrected Not CondemnedThink about the meaning and purpose of correction. | Entangled or Established?“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” |
Why No Herbal Tea or 100% Juice!“Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.” |