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One (1) meal a week to 24 hours fasting can be used for regular Spiritual maintenance and upkeep. Also can be used for problems and situations etc.


Three (3)days fasting for a crisis situation as we see in the Book of Esther. This also can be used for Healing for certain sicknesses and diseases.


Seven (7)days fasting for Divine direction if you are at a cross roads and want to know which direction to go.... 



Some reasons why a group should fast and Pray:

They are but not limited to -

·   For revival in the local church

·   Preceding a city wide crusade

·   Serious church problems

·   Financial need

·   Minster (Priest, elder, deacon etc.) has fallen into sin

·   A family is about to go through a divorce

·   Missionary abroad facing serious problem, taken hostage

·   Divisions and splits in church due to proud people

·   For the town or city to get rid of evil places and spirits

·   Leader of a church in scandalous relationship

·   If a Minister or his wife is afflicted by life-threatening disease like cancer etc.

When you face serious issues and problems in your life or in the local church or in any group or association, do fast and pray to solve problems. It will not fail.


Remember, fasting and prayer is the Ultimate Weapon ordained by God Himself for our victory and mastery over all evil forces which hinder our Spiritual progress and blessings. Use it consistently in your life and encourage your church to do so to transform your community.




The Bible teaches that not only should we have personal prayer time with God, but we should also pray with others in groups. This could be two or three or more even up to a thousand. The more the number it takes more organization to make it more effective. You could do this also as a family, with father, mother, and children.


Groups prayers produce explosive power if done properly because Jesus said, “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that you ask it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19. This is called the “power of agreement.” We see the power of this kind of prayer in Acts 2 when the 120 prayed with “oneness of mind” and the Holy Ghost fell on them. The rest is history with awesome power.


Group prayers can be made more effective by “Fasting group prayer sessions” by a few individuals in a home, or as a family or in the local church. This is all the more powerful.


You can literally transform the world conditions for the better by continual group prayers with the oneness of mind and agreement. Now remember, Satan, will fight it tooth and nail because you are going to put big dents in his kingdom and put him to fight and stop his evil actions in an individual, church, community, city, nation and the world! He will try everything possible to split the group by misunderstandings, wrong doctrines, too much talking and various other schemes.


The key to making a group prayer meeting effective and exciting is planning well and in advance. Surprisingly, many don’t think this is necessary. Most prayer meetings are conducted with absolutely no preparations at all. Many think you need to spend hours to prepare a good Sunday morning sermon but the prayer meetings can be done extemporaneously. This is why many prayer meetings are a failure and most people don’t come. An outstanding sign of effective prayer meeting are those attended by all ages, especially youth!


The most important activity of the local church is prayer ministry. When the church is strong in this area, then it will be strong in all areas. Souls will be saved all the time, at every service, finances will flow without any pressure from the pulpit, there will be peace in the congregation, believers will grow in grace and become strong and win souls and bring in new people to the church, and the church will make an impact on the community around it.


Prayer empowers, energizes, makes exciting every activity and aspect of the local church. Without prayer, everything is mere motion with no power or lustre.  You will be going through the motions every Sunday morning in church.


The Leader of the prayer group should be a mature Christian  with experience in prayer and the Bible, one who can detect the devil’s ways and stop it at the very beginning before it is too late with tact and intelligence and much prayer. The prayer leader should personally be praying and spending extra time on the day of prayer meeting, apart from his daily prayer time. The prayer leader should pray for the people who are coming, because weak believers will always find some lame excuse for not coming. They should lead  the group in prayer by standing , lifting up of hands, kneeling etc. The group should all participate in singing the worship and praise songs loud and clear as this also brings deliverance. The prayer leader should pray in tongues for 10 minutes with one or two people before the prayer meeting starts.


Without any exaggeration, group prayer meetings with fasting has awesome power!  This will bind evil spirits, it will bring revival in the church, city, town, nation , the world, sinners will be saved in the community,  serious church problems like finances will be solved, backsliders will  come back to God, during an election time , God’s chosen man/woman will be elected for any public office and when the country is at war, this group prayer and fasting will move mountains.


Also, the church should make use of Senior Citizens as prayer warriors. Many of them today because of advanced medical science are  in good health and are able to play Bingo, and participate in other recreations but are not challenged to pray. It’s a big waste in human resources. They must be challenged to organize group prayer meetings in their homes and in the church. What power the church will have when the Seniors  pray! They have time and can come anytime. If the church taps into the prayer ministry and the church will be breaking new grounds.

Christians are the prime targets of the devil. Christians especially experience strange attacks both physically and spiritually, day and night. In such conditions, we are not expected to be helpless. Put on the whole armor of God. When God Arises,  the giants in your life MUST go!!!!!


When the pattern is right, the glory falls! When we get our house, our church, our ministry,  in order, the glory of God falls.


When prayers are grounded in the Word of God like we have done in this course and ebook and when prayed with faith like you will do, it can make a powerful impact in your life and your loved ones.


I was contacted by my Alma mater for prayers as the group has been undergoing some very serious problems for the past two years or so. These phenomenal ladies really believed they needed to seek God and get a touch from Him in their lives and affairs and they were absolutely right! I am always ready to pray anytime, anywhere; but this was a special request for me as my heart had been hurting to watch the devil tear up my own sisterhood in such a horrible way. I immediately sought the help and counsel of the Holy Spirit for directions on how to pray for them as I was going to be dealing with serious issues of principalities and powers in high places. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood the Word of God teaches us. The Holy Spirit  gave me specific directions as to how to proceed.


We were to do a Daniel Fast in 21 days. We immediately embarked on this divine directives and the results were amazing. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. What Jesus did yesterday, he will do it again.


With the awesome testimonies that came in during and after the Daniel Fast we got inspired to send out the prayers to all who had testified and blessed our ministry as our gift to them in a devotional format. The Lord then told us to write it out not just for these ladies but to write it out to benefit the body of Christ in general. We just obey and here is a course and an ebook:  The Daniel Fast - 21 days of Prayer & Fasting inspired by the Holy Spirit.


This book will teach you, your family, your home groups, your church, your ministry, in 21 days how to breakthrough in every area of your life with simple and effective bible scriptures, comments for better understanding and application, songs to minister to you as well. A lot of people do want to pray but do not know how. Even the disciples of Christ at one time asked him to teach them how to pray. The reason was that even though the Jews knew how to pray in their way, they found something unique in the way Jesus prayed and the effect of his prayers in His works of doing great miracles of healing people, ordering the storm to be quiet, casting out demons, even raising the dead! So they wanted to pray effectively.


There is an effective and ineffective way to pray. There is a way to pray that brings results and there is a way to pray just to comfort and soothe your conscience but with no results. When you go through this 21 days in 7 steps in faith, however little faith you may have, God will answer and if the answer does not come instantly, we encourage you to persevere UNTIL you get the answer. Pray without ceasing Jesus said! We assure you that you will get the answer.


We encourage you to start this journey  individually, with a group of trusted friends, your church, leaders and elders of the church, prayer groups, your ministerial team, today. You are an instrument of God to bring many blessings to your community and dispel many evils. After you have found this course has worked in your life, you may arrange for a meeting of some sort: a home prayer meeting, a prayer seminar in a church or other suitable place, a prayer conference on the telephone, skype or webinar for 21days with others. And if you are a Pastor, and you want us to come to your church to speak on Sundays or weekdays, do not hesitate to contact us. Every problem that humans face can be solved by appropriate prayers. So many tragedies and heartaches can be prevented by the power of fasting and prayer.  These meetings are aimed to inspire, motivate to pray, share prayer needs, pray for sick, and share praise reports for answered prayers. We have the ability to live very happy, healthy lives and enjoy great success in every area by the grace of our Loving God.


We would love to hear  your questions, comments, clarification on any prayer. The Holy Spirit will lead you as you pray. God bless you and your group or church  and have a great time on this exciting journey in prayer and fasting!

The Lord said to Jackie;

 "take 7 Last Steps and It Is Finished!"



Gen 1: You will look for your enemies and you won’t find them anymore. You will look for what used to trouble you and you won’t find it anymore.


The Jericho wall = 7 days they matched round the Jericho wall



The human being has 7 basic needs:


1.   The Need to Know God:


Man's way to meet this need: study different religions.


God's way to meet this need: learn Christ's commands.


2.   The Need to be Special:


Man's way to meet this need: make close friends.


God's way to meet this need: make strong disciples.


3.   The Need to Share Our Heart:


Man's way to meet this need: share secrets with friends.


God's way to meet this need: share truth with disciples.


4.   The Need to be Understood:


Man's way to meet this need: do more talking.


God's way to meet this need: explain deeper truths.


5.   The Need to Do Something Great:


Man's way to meet this need: fulfill personal ambitions.


God's way to meet this need: make "disciple-makers".


6.   The Need to Do Things that Last:


Man's way to meet this need: build personal monuments.


God's way to meet this need: lay up eternal treasures.


7.   The Need to Receive Recognition:


Man's way to meet this need: work for man's praise.


God's way to meet this need: work for God's approval.

In 21 days of fasting and praying as an individual, a family, a group at home, a ministry, a church, your breakthrough is eminent.


Naaman had to get into the River Jordan 7 times to get his healing.



The number 7 : means completion; finished work; perfection; rest; perfection in the Spirit. (Gen. 2: 1-3; Lev. 14: 7; 16: 14, 19; Matt. 18: 21-22; Jude 14; Rev. 2: 1; 8: 2; 12: 3)


The number 20 means: Twenty: Holy; redemption. (Ex. 30: 12-14; Rev. 4: 4)


The number 1 means: New; beginning; unity; timing; position or order primacy; deity; sufficiency. (Du. 6:4; John 17: 21; Matt. 6: 33; Ex. 20: 3; Rev. 1: 11, 17; 2: 8; Is. 44: 6; 45: 5-6)


Jesus bled 7 times  before He was nailed on the cross. The Last word Jesus said before His death was, ”It Is Finished.”


The Blood of Jesus has more power than you know. These are the 7 places were Jesus bled before His death:


1.   Jesus bled in the garden of Gethsemane. In Gethsemane, Jesus Won Back Our Willpower.


2.   Jesus bled on the head from the crown of thorns.


Jesus Crown of Thorns Won Back Our Prosperity.


3.   Jesus bled from the bruises.


Jesus Won Our Deliverance from Hurts & Iniquities.


4.   Jesus bled on His back from the strokes.


The Stripes on Jesus Back Won Back Our Health.


5.   Jesus bled on His hands.


Jesus’ Pierced Hands Won Back Dominion Over the Things We Touch.


6.   Jesus bled on His feet.


Jesus’ Pierced Feet Won Back Dominion Over the Placed We Walk.


7.   Jesus bled on His side as He was pieced.


Jesus Pierced side Won Back Our Joy.


When you take these 7 last steps by the Word of God, everything you are going through right now, God says, “It Is Finished.”


The word of the lord to Jackie.

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