The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
Share your testimony here about how you experience on the Daniel Fast touched and changed your life.
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
I just want to thank you for your commitment and devotion to lead us through the Daniel Fast. May God continue to bless you and give you more grace to touch lives. I want to thank all our sisters who joined you to lead us in this cleansing and spiritual healing experience. It was a holiday ride as you put it. I was a silent participant and I feel so blessed today I was part of this. I was amazed sisters called in from all over the world, Cameroon, Britain, Nigeria to name a few.
What did I learn from this? First I was wondering how I can go for 21 days without eating some food items I crave like meat, fish , sweets etc but guess what, at the end of the fast I learned that I can do all things with Christ.
I realized that I can actually be satisfied with fruits, vegetables and whole grains and my craving for certain things has stopped.
I also realized that some of the foods that I gave up during this fast contribute to my weight problem ,although weight loss was not my motivation for the fast. The scales have proven this to be true and I thank God for that.
Above all after the fast , I feel my body which I believe is the temple of the holy spirit is clean of junk and I feel closer to God with the prayers and meditation during the fast..
Sisters what next? How can we keep this prayer spirit going? Form a prayer line where we praise and worship God together as sisters? Just thinking aloud.
Once more thank you, thank you Jackie.
I am speechless at what the power of prayer is for real. Never did such a fast in my life and I can beat myself for not experiencing this wonderful physical, spiritual and mental cleansing earlier in my life. My testimonies can fill up several pages. It has been a day to day experience from the first day of the fast to today. Yes, I have become a pescetarian after this fast having experienced what those foods that I eliminated have been doing to my body. The Lord answers our prayers when we deny somethings in his name. It is unbelievable that I do not crave coffee after taking at least a cup a day for the past 24 years. I now crave water. Wow !
Jackie, we lift you up to the Lord. May your ministry grow from strength to strength. We will definitely be calling on you soon so that praying together becomes a way of life in LESA. The devil must stay out of our lives. To God be the Glory.
We thank You Lord, We thank You Lord
We thank You, Jesus Christ the Son of God
We thank You Lord. Amen.
What a blessing that we made it through the 21 days. Be careful what you ask from God!! The past 21 days have been such a BIG blessing and we better fasten our seat belts and watch the MIGHTY hands of GOD on the association and our LIVES like never before. Many like me already have testimonies. If you attended the last session, you would have been overwhelmed with what God has been doing in the lives of sisters. The tears flowed as we listened.
At the end of the day, the CATCH phrase is OBEDIENCE. When you pray and ask God’s guidance, you must obey him. There are uncomfortable situations that might come your way but you MUST always REMEMBER that if GOD IS still on the throne, then he must be the ONLY one you are answerable to and No body. Thankfully, we all know the difference between right and wrong. What ever we chose to do, let us be ready to answer ONLY to one man and I tell you, If you will have to LOSE all your possessions, friends, family, and everything and be RIGHT with GOD alone, you are certainly blessed. IF GOD be for YOU/US, who can be against us?? We cannot thank Jackie enough for taking the challenge and putting us through a rare experience. Make I no lie ohhh, I had never known details of a Daniel fast until we started the 21 day fast. I was so spiritually ready for it. I had seen us united too many times in dreams and I know it shall come to pass so this rare opportunity was not something to let go. My greatest challenge was my morning coffee. The first day was quite challenging as I passed through the coffee station at work and could smell the sweet Aroma of freshly brewed Columbian Coffee. The Coffee pot had this welcoming and deceptive smile of the snake that tempted Adam and Eve. I could feel it going peacefully down my throat but I looked back at the pot and gave it that queer look and I could hear. Okay okay and the game was over. Bread, OH RICE and all those things I had passion for!! God’s grace gave me the tolerance and assurance that “I can truly do everything through Christ who strengthens me”. Shey Sabina was my go to person to verify food items that I was not to sure of. Can I eat this I would always ask? And you could hear her say “NOPE”.Mushrooms was my favorite meat. Oh, I even helped Ma Nah drop an additional 8 pounds that my body did not need but that was not my intention.
I can actually write a book about the entre 21 days if it is going to bless JUST one soul but I think I have said enough. I hope we can adopt this moving forward. It was heart warming to see the call details and realize that sisters were joining from all parts of the Globe. WHAT A BLESSING. I guess after accepting to do what we did, we now have to be God’s armed commanders just like the Military men who are sent out to fight for their country. Now spiritual matters are not easy but ONE day at a TIME, Let us continue to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us in the right direction and to do the RIGHT THING.
We claimed many things during the fast and MOST of all CLAIMED PEACE and UNITY for LESA. Where ever you are, LOOK up to HEAVEN and JUST THANK GOD in advance. When many start thanking GOD, You bet the devil will be scared to death. If we all agree that his days are NUMBERED, just say AMEN in your heart or aloud!!
Lastly, Jackie was a nurse who was used mightily by GOD and she decided to quit NURSING to FULLY SERVE GOD. She has a ministry which she is using to do God’s work. Please, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to advise you on how you can support her ministry. If it is through prayers, just pray for her and if you want to offer a little token to bless her ministry, please you can send a check to the address below. May God Bless you ABUNDANTLY in any way you decide to bless her ministry. P.O. Box 352084, Palm Coast, FL 32135.
In thanksgiving to God, I am giving a gift of her book to the 1st 5 sisters who contact me via personal email or call/text me @. It does not matter where you are in the world. I will make sure you get your copy if you are first five. God bless you all sweet sisters and if you are a LESAN, Let Everyone Shout Alleluia
In my humble capacity as Chair of the Follow-up Committee, and one of the Association's Advisers, I first of all rejoice for our long-advocated fast having taken root yesterday. I am here addressing only us, in-house, to seize this Divine exercise, and RUN with it: I mean RUN. We are the ones that can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the entire Lesan body. That, I believe. After 21 days, you are on a different plane. The power of God will unearth and take care of areas dreamt of and not dreamt of.
The pervading spiritual atmosphere last night was awesome. If this, presumably is your first time, adhere to the tips on what to eat, graciously provided by Sabina, and the clinically researched breast-feeding tips by Emily. Thank you sisters. Thank you Rosemary, Thank you Jackie, for bearing the torch. Thank you EVERYONE for jumping on board. Thank God we are all Christians - no Moslems amongst us; but Ah....Ah..... the Moslems don't play when it comes to this. Are we the ones to play?
First of all- Many thanks for all the Spiritual guidance these few weeks- Personally, I've never experienced something like this. I will hold this very close to my heart. Thank you and God bless.
Thanks for being such an inspirational source to me and to Lesa as a group.
My good Lord who started his work in you will surely completely it.
In his mighty name I pray.
Amen Amen Amen.
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager