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       Minister Henry Ngomesia   


Pastor Henry got transformed by the message of the Kingdom of God. Revelation 1:6 states that Jesus Christ “has made us kings and priests to His God and Father.” He paid for it with the precious price of His blood in obedience to the Father God Almighty. God then raised Him from death and set Him to rule over the universe, from all earthly governments to the galaxies. No name and no power is exempt from His rule. He is in charge of all forever. He has the final word on everything.

When Pastor Henry got this new birth transformation under Apostle Charles Ndifon and the Christ Love Ministries International in November 2009, he has never been the same again. This was the circumcision of his heart or his heart transplant. He had been living as royalty most of his life, taking up the titles of Lord Henry in youth life, and Duke Henry in his adult life. And now, it appeared natural to take up the title of king Henry from the King of kings Himself!

Henry and his wife, Jackie, decided to touch hurting people’s lives, especially in gratefulness for her supernatural healing from her near-death experience, and from the practical message which was now elevating her from duchess to queen. From January 2010, they decided and focused on kingdom of God teachings. They bought every appropriate teaching tape, CD, and DVD; attended conferences and seminars, attended Bible Schools, visited Churches, and received prophecies and presbytery declarations.
Pastor Henry’s inner man heard God calling him to take cities, not churches. He quickly understood the extend of his assignment, having gone through three major careers in twenty one years – science teaching, rural development, and banking. Taking cities will require strategies and resources - material, mental, emotional, political, social-cultural, technological, and spiritual - for the needs of schools, medical facilities, worship centers, sports facilities, business centers, residential facilities, radio and television stations, training centers, and much more. In a few words, his calling is to take the kingdom message to the church, marketplace, workplace, family, and everywhere.

This is liberating for him from many years of experience with Religion. Religion limits the Kingdom of God. Everything was made by Christ Jesus, for Him and through Him. So Pastor Henry and wife welcomed the divine instructions to relocate to Florida in the summer of 2011, after God's frequent reminders that He is already shaking the world. The formal launching of Rainbow Evangelistic Ministry this Spring, is a natural progression in the couple's seeking the Lord for details of their calling. They’ll touch lives by Announcing Freedom to All Captives. There’ll be total healing - healing in body and soul, affairs and relationships, and spirit. Then the need for total restoration into the integrated city life!  

The Rainbow will represent the various talents and skills needed in operation for total restoration and victory in city life. Everyone must render service to serve God and people. Then the Lord will provide for all, like He clothes the flowers and feeds the birds. That is Pastor Henry’s calling as royal priest, to be a channel for the blessings of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Ngomesia! He will not die without fulfilling the purpose for which God created him. He’ll keep loving, for love never fails.

  Evangelist Jackie Ngomesia


Evangelist Jackie has been sharing the message of overcoming every challenge in life with the Blood of Jesus Christ. She caught the fire for Jesus Christ before the mystical forty, and has not slowed down since. Her new birth experience came suddenly during her two-year period of near-death experience, starting December 2007, and Jackie tells the story in her book - My Triumph Over Death - of how she saw Jesus Christ in her hospital room and fought for her life. She faced fierce spiritual warfare, but overcame by the Blood of Jesus. The old things have passed away, and she is a new creation in Christ Jesus! Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!


Jackie was raised Catholic, but since coming to America she became Pentecostal with her family. While she worked every hour she could to earn more money, Jackie believed in God and liked church to a point. But if truth be told, money was the most important thing in her life. All was fine until Jackie had a defining moment in her life! At Jackie's darkest hour, she was shown the key to overcoming death! Jackie was pulled back from hell to live the vibrant and productive life she lives today.


After Jackie's miraculous healing in 2009, the Lord called her into healing ministry. Jackie, and her husband Henry, were ordained July 2011 in Rhode Island through Christ Love Ministries International. She and her husband are in full time ministry taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the market place (out of the four walls of a church). 

Jackie published a book in December 2011, titled 'My Triumph Over Death.' Her personal and victorious testimony is proof that God is a miracle-working God and He is still in the healing business today. Jackie and her husband are founders of Rainbow Evangelistic Ministry where God has commissioned them to take the message of the Kingdom of God to hurting souls around the world. Jackie says all she does can never be by any human effort but through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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