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How Great Is Lord God Almighty:

How Great Is Earthly Man?


Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

We come to you this week and season

In response to  the prosecution of Your people

And the increasing open rejection of Your teachings.

We raise our voices together in prayer to You.

You made the heavens and the Earth and the sea,

And everything in them.

How majestic is Your name in all the Earth! 

You have set Your glory in the heavens.


Through our praise You establish a stronghold

Against our enemies, to silence the foe and avenger.

When we consider Your heavens,

The work of Your fingers, 

What is mankind that You are mindful of them,

Human beings that You care for them?

You have crowned them with glory and honor.

You made them rulers over the works of Your hands.

And You put everything under their feet.


Why do the foolish nations plot against God?

Why are the heathen peoples so furious against the Lord?

The kings and rulers of the Earth are taking their stand

And are gathering together to fight the Lord God Almighty

And against his Anointed One, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed the wicked and the evil meet together

To conspire against Your people and servants,

And against the Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

They do what Your power and will have decided beforehand.

Now Lord God, consider their threats and plans

And enable your servants to speak Your Word.

Stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs

And wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.

Fill us with the Holy Spirit to speak Your Word boldly.

Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

How majestic is Your name in all the Earth!

We pray in Jesus' mighty name,

Amen and Amen.


Bringing Prayer into Your Lifestyle


Our Father and our God Almighty,

You are the answer to our prayers.

Your Kingdom come and Your will be done

Here on Earth as it is in Heaven above.

For we're the expressions of Heaven on Earth. 

Empower us to seek first Your Kingdom.

And let the rule and reign of Christ in our lives.

We realize that whatever You give or withhold from us,

Is to draw us into personal and deeper intimacy with You.


Lord, make us Your instruments for Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let us give love;

Where there is injury, let us show pardon;

Where there is doubt, let us sow faith;

Where there is despair, let us impart hope;

Where there is darkness, let us shine Your light;

Where there is sadness, let us induce joy;

Where there is disagreement, let us work for harmony;

And where there is competition, let us bring cooperation.


O Lord, grant that we may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console; 

To be understood as to understand; 

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive; 

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; 

And it is in dying that we are born unto eternal life.

May we turn our backs on material wealth for our lifestyles

And commit ourselves to Your service and to God's Kingdom.


Lord, open our spiritual eyes to see clearly into the spirit realm

The ways that You are moving here on Earth today.

Lord, we want to be a part of what You are doing on Earth.

We want to be part of the coming Great Awakening in the World.

For we want to see the dead raised, the sick healed, the lame walk,

And to have supernatural encounters as natural phenomena.

We want to feel Your presence in a new and profound way.

Thank You Father, for ushering us into a new season of victories.

We give You all the praise and honor, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.


Thinking Victory and Abundance


Our Gracious Father God Almighty,

We acknowledge our utter dependence on You.

We deliberately empty our minds and hearts

Of anything that does not glorify You.

We thank You for guiding our efforts

Through the revealing of Your Word to us.

You alone are the one we seek to please.

Help us make time to talk and listen to You.


We ask You to take from us

Anything that makes it difficult

Not to love or like certain people.

May our relationships reflect Your love

And forgiveness, mercy and kindness.

We know that we cannot breathe a breath,

Think a thought or make a decision

Without Your power and appointment.


You've blessed us to be a blessing in serving others.

Grant us the grace and courage to give ourselves

To You and to those with whom we live and work.

We submit our failures and commit our lives

To make a fresh start with Your guidance.

We want to become all that You want us to become;

We want to have all that You want us to have;

And we want to do all what You've planned for us.


We thank You, Father, that You will not

Let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.

Help us to know that You are present

And working out Your plans ad purposes

For our lives and family faithfully.

Help us to do all things as You say to us daily.

Enable us to obey You as You show us the way.

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.


Sharing in God's Divine Nature


Our Father and our God Almighty,

You are light and there is no darkness at all.

We open ourselves to You as we are.

We long to have complete fellowship with You,

Through the precious blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Whatever we have held against ourselves or any other

We lay it before you now to be made known

And accepted for our learning.

Father, enable us walk in the light, as You are the light.

Let us have fellowship with one another,

As the blood of Jesus purifies us continually from all sin. 

Father, Your divine power has given us

Everything we need for a godly and fulfilled life

Through the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ

Who called us by His own glory and goodness.

Fill us with Your light and love and sound of protection

And lift us into a greater awareness of

Who we are and of what we are made.

Let us see the unlimited blessings that You

Pour down upon us into our spirits as we grow,

How you anticipate our needs,

And constantly deliver a way to grace. 

Thank You, Father for Your precious promises to us

That through them we may participate in divinity.

Let our heads carry the crown of the King;

Let our ears hear God and Jesus;

Let our eyes behold the glory of the King;

Let our lips speak blessings and truth;

Let our hearts beat like the Heart of Jesus;

Let our hands behold healing;

And let our feet carry the Gospel to the nations.

And let the World see divinity and royalty in us.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.


Confessing God's Word


Our Father and our God Almighty,

We praise You with our whole heart;

For Your loving kindness and Your truth;

You've magnified Your word above Your name.

Cleanse us from secret faults,

And keep us from presumptuous sins;

Let them not have dominion over us.

Let the words of our mouth

And the meditation of our heart

Be acceptable in Your sight,

O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer.


You've taught us that our aptitude and attitude

Determine the altitude of our success

In Your work and in our relationships.

Help us overcome the difficulties that

Dominate our inner feelings

And control our attitudes to life.

Thank You Father, for enabling us adjust our attitude

And to submit to Your transforming power.

Empower us to realize that true hope is faith in action

And constancy of faith in all contradictory circumstances.

Father, give us positive and inspiring attitudes.


Almighty God, help us to see the invisible movement

Of Your Spirit in people and events this season.

Help us to know that You're present with us always,

Working out Your purposes and plans through us.

Give us the eyes to see Your invisible presence

Working through people and events,

Arranging details and solving complexities,

And bringing good out of every difficulty.

Help us to claim Your promises in Your Word.

Show us great and mighty things.

Through Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.


Yielding To God's Spirit


Our Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ,

You said that Your followers would walk

In greater miracles than You did on Earth.

We want to walk in those miracles and to see

The dead rise, the sick healed and the lame walk.

Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ,

Let us feel You with our emotions;

Let us hear Your instructions clearly as we listen to You;

Let us see Your glory as we look around;

And manifest in us what You want to do through us.


You're the ultimate judge of what we think and say and do.

You alone can give us the strength, courage and wisdom we need.

When we seek first Your pleasure, we can serve with pleasure.

Take our mind and think through it.

Take our lips and speak through them.

Take our heart and set it on fire for Christlikeness.

Now as we stand before You as our Judge,

We feel the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer,

Beside us with mercy and within us as perfect peace.

Take our hands, dear Lord, and lead us on. 


Lord Jesus Christ, You've blessed us with many gifts and talents.

We know that there is one main reason for which You created us.

That purpose is Your perfect will for our life.

We want to know it in order to be focused on it

And dominate the World for the rest of our earthly life.

Otherwise, we'll be going in circles all our life

As we've seen so many others do for lack of Your guidance.

Lord, we want You to reveal to us Your purpose

For our life so that at the end of our life on Earth,

We'll feel fullilled and satisfied for serving You and humanity.

Hear my prayer, LORD;

Listen to my cry for mercy.

When I am in distress, I call to you,

Because  you answer me.


Among the gods there is none like you, Lord;

No deeds can compare with yours.

All the nations you have made

Will come and worship before you, Lord;

They will bring glory to your name.

For you are great and do marvelous deeds;

You alone are God.



Psalm 86:6-10

Baptizing With God's Spirit


Dear Father God Almighty,

You are the answer to our prayers.

Your Kingdom come and Your will be done

Here on Earth as it is in Heaven above.

Empower us to seek first Your Kingdom.

And let the rule and reign of Christ come into our lifestyles.

Help us to realize that whatever You give or withhold from us,

Is to draw us into deeper intimacy with You and Your Kingdom.

Father, grant us the spiritual gifts of wisdom and discernment.


We know Father that You still have a plan for planet Earth,

For Christ to rule and reign here, and as Believers,

We will rule and reign with Him in the very near future.

Meanwhile we are also praying for the rule and reign of

The Kingdom of God in our lives when Christ Jesus is in charge. 

For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within each of us Believers.

When we are under His lordship, He is in control of our lives.

That is the Kingdom of God; when we're saved and born-again!

With righteousness and peace and joy through the Holy Spirit.


Lord Jesus Christ, we surrender our lives to You unconditionally.

Lord, we want Your will more than we want our own will.

We are willing to surrender to You all we have right now.

A lack of faith can bring a lot of anxiety into our lives.

So instead of worrying, we put God and His will first in our lives.

We seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

We trust that all our material and financial needs are being

Supplied to us in abundance through Your mercy and grace.

We pray in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen and Amen.


Picking Up God's Vibration


Oh Lord Jesus Christ,

Hallowed be Your name.

Your Kingdom Come

And Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Let the power of Your Blood speak for us - 

For our body and our soul,

For our heart and our children,

For our affairs and our finances,

For our relationships and our lifestyle.


Father, break off anything that’s on us that would hinder us

From believing that we've the legal right to ascend into Heaven

And get everything we need to cause Your promises for our life

To come to pass in an accelerated manner.

So we just receive it right now as we command everything

That will hinder us from ascending into the heavenly realms

To be gone right now in the name of Jesus.

By faith we're now able to go into the heavenly realms

And bring back everything we need to live life and life abundant.

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for setting us free.

For whom You set free is free indeed!

We decree an open heaven for us

That we'll become knowledgeable about God's glory,

How to cause it to manifest in our homes and lives,

How to bring it in, how to open the heavens,

And have a tangible manifestation of

The glory cloud coming into our home

So we can begin to write our monthly bills and our checks,

And command a blessing over them.

So every time we pay our bills we will have a multiplication.

We decree that for us right now in Jesus’ name.


Healing Wounded Souls


Father God Almighty, we speak over the lives of everyone, 

That are wounded in their souls by sin or trauma;

That have been abandoned or betrayed, rejected or hurt;

That are sitting lonely with tears coming down their eyes;

That have given up and that have thrown in the towel;

That are living their life just disconnected from who they are;

That are afraid of trying again and afraid of being rejected.

For their hurts and pain and loneliness, Father,

We pray for these wounded in the soul,

That You would touch them now by their spirit.

Cause Your Spirit to come upon them to let them know

That they're no longer orphans, but children of God.

We pray that You'd touch them for You're their Father.

You said that You would not leave us as orphans.

Take away the pain they've when they don't feel they belong.


And we command that every soul wound is getting healed

In the Glory Light of God until we're completely healed, 

And every part of our mind, our will and our emotions, in Jesus' name.

We speak to the demonic that’s been tormenting us,

That’s been attached to those wounds inside our soul.

And we say to the demonic now, we release King Jesus on you.

For King Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords!

There is no king and no lord higher than Him.

And every king and every power and master spirit that’s attached

To our soul wounds have to go when those wounds are healed.

These soul wounds are being healed right now by the Glory Light of God.

God taking His Glory Light and putting it in our soul.


We pray that every wounded soul be visited and given them hope.

And let them know that they're loved and they're lovable,

And that they're not alone.

And bless them, Oh God, let them believe again.

Let them hope again even if it's just for this moment.

Don't allow them to commit suicide spiritually or emotionally.

But let them hope again for today in Jesus' wonderful name.

And then let them do it again tomorrow and the next day, until,

God, the hole in their soul is healed in Jesus' powerful name. Amen.


Coming Out of Bondage


Our dear Heavenly Father and our God Almighty,

We come before Your throne to petition You

For each precious soul caught in Satan's cruel grasp.

Father, we petition You to bind the demons so each person

Can have at least one chance to hear about Jesus and accept Him.

Father God, we petition You for each one that does accept Jesus.

We petition You to send Your angels to surround and protect them.

We petition You to guide them to true followers of Jesus who will help them.


Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before Your throne

To counter-petition Satan and his kingdom for every soul that

Comes out of bondage and witchcraft to You and Your Kingdom. 

We petition that You will not allow Satan to sacrifice these people

Or overwhelm them or lead them to false followers of Jesus Christ.

We petition You, Father, that every soul that comes out of Satanism 

Will in turn be raised up to bring many people out of Satanism

Into the wonderful Kingdom of Jesus Christ.


We thank You and praise You Father God Almighty

For all of this in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Amen and Amen. 


Reviving Our World!


Heavenly Father, we want to be used by You

To touch a lost World with the love of God.

Bring revival to each one of us, oh Lord.

We don't want to be led by our feelings, but by Your Holy Spirit.

Help us to have our senses exercised to discern Your voice

And by use have our senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Help us to use the spiritual and natural gifts that You have given us

To display the law of love and compassion among people

In our local church and in our community, in our nation and in our World.

Lord, we pray for revival in our community, our nation, and the World.


We pray that You will touch people's hearts in our area.

Open their eyes that they would see their sin

And recognize their need for a Savior.

Pour out your Spirit in our city, and bring a move of God

That will change the hearts of men and women.

Father, as we pray for peace in our community

We thank You for the promises of Your Word.

Lord, as we pray for revival in the World,

We also pray for revival in our neighborhood.

We lift up our friends, relatives, and acquaintances to You.


We pray for salvation for those who don't know You.

Help us to be the salt and light that you have called for us to be.

Give us grace that we might walk in love and compassion.

Give us strength that I might walk in holiness and righteousness.

Give us wisdom that we might answer questions with clarity and honesty.

And give us boldness, that we may share your Gospel without fear or doubt.

And Father, we pray that You will give Christians a burden for the lost.

We pray that they would make time to pray for revival.

Give us creative ideas for reaching out to the community in love.

Give us special insight into the Scriptures, and an articulate tongue

To share the truth of the Bible with those they teach.


We thank You for going before us to prepare the way, and for filling us with

Your Holy Spirit so that we can be a witness to the ends of the Earth.

May we be bold in our preaching, and graceful in our ministry.

Help us to remember that we were born for this hour,

To reach our generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We pray that Your Gospel would penetrate the unreached people of the world,

That Your Great Commission would be fulfilled by disciples of every tongue,

And nation and that the Earth would be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.

Unite us in Your Spirit so that we will be fit for the task that you have set before us.

In Jesus' name, Amen. 


Reviving Your Lifestyle!


 Lord Jesus, You have given us many promises in the Scriptures:

You said in John 14:14, that You'll do anything we ask in Your name.

You said in Matthew 7:7, that we'll receive what we ask,

We'll find what we seek, and the doors we knock on will be opened to us.

You said one person will chase a thousand enemies

And two people will put ten thousand bad guys to flight.

You said whatever we bind or loose, allow or disallow on Earth,

You will bind or loose, allow or disallow in Heaven.

You said the words from our mouth are holy and acceptable unto You.

You are the same yesterday, today, now, and forever! 

What You did yesterday, You will do it again!


With a staff, Moses parted the Red Sea;

With a stone and sling, David killed Goliath;

With 300 men, Gideon defeated thousands of enemies;

You used Esther to save the Jews;

You used Joseph in Egypt to save Your people from hunger;

You used Paul for the salvation of the Gentiles;

And You used Nehemiah to rebuild the broken wall and nation.

Were we born for such a time as this, Lord?

Use us! Use us! Use us! You are the same God!

Use us for World Salvation and Revival, in Jesus' name!

Use us for World Restoration and Rebuilding, in Jesus' name!


Ancient of Days and the Unchangeable Changer and Transformer!

Can these dry bones live again? Yes, Lord,  if You so declare!

Therefore, the ruins of the World can be restored again!

We declare and decree the exposure of sin and evil in the World!

We declare and decree economic growth and abundance of food and jobs.

We declare and decree availability of compulsory and free education.

We declare and decree affordable health and wellness programs.

We declare and decree a political turnaround and the end of injustice.

We call forth a shift in the political and economic, cultural and educational,

Ecclesiastical and social atmosphere and climate of the whole World.

In the mighty name of Jesus, it is so.


 Fighting Poverty of Soul


 We're peculiar and spectacular beings in Christ Jesus

For we now carry the DNA of Christ, the Son of God.

We're most favored and honored of all God's created species.

We're the apples of our Father God Almighty's eyes.

Every day of this year 2014 shall be days of

Advancement for us and our families because

It is our time and turn to be recognized and decorated.

It is our year to harvest all our years of past labor!


This year 2014, our Father God Almighty shall release

His abundant peace and joy, blessings and favor,

Glory and honor, wisdom and power, wealth and riches,

To decorate us and our families, our children and our careers,

Our finances and businesses, and our ministries and fellowships.

Our Father God Almighty has set this year 2014 aside

To decorate us with unspeakable colors beyond

The imaginations and expectations if our detractors.


This year and this season, as covenant children of God,

We'll be divinely and fully connected to our lives and lifestyles,

Business partners, ministry partners and helpers speedily.

All our adversaries and oppressors, antagonists and persecutors

Shall mourn this season and this year because our Father 

God Almighty shall decorate us with increases roundabout.

And we shall reign and rule in their midst.

Our Father God Almighty shall recognize and decorate us and

Our loved ones as never before with provision and protection,

Preservation and perfection in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.


 Creating Spiritual Climates


O Lord Jesus Christ, we need Your critical intervention.

Raise up consecrated and sanctified intercessors in all

Our communities in the whole wide World which You love.

Lord, enable us to create in our homes and communities

Conducive spiritual atmospheres and climates where we

Can lovingly receive the Holy Spirit and His Gifts.

Continue to assist us Christians and all consecrated souls.

Guide the steps of those who have generously welcomed

Your call and prepare themselves for soul winning forever.

We'll arise and shine, for the Lord's glory is now upon us.

Direct Your loving gaze to the many well-disposed

Young people and invite them to follow You.

Help them to understand that only in You

Can they achieve their purpose and its fulfillment.

We entrust these great desires of Your Heart

To You and beg You to sustain our faith

In the certainty that the Father will listen

To what You Yourself have instructed us to ask for.


As we look around in the natural we see there is a shift occurring.

The seasons are changing positions at the Lord's request.

It is causing us to look upon the new things.

We sense a change in the atmosphere, a shift.

And it is propelling us towards our purposed destiny.

Today we choose to look at new things Christ is doing and going to do.

There is indeed a shifting taking place in the atmosphere of

Our prayers and our worship, our trials and our tribulations,

But more than that, we're being elevated in the shifting process.


Father, help us provide an effective strategy

To changing the spiritual atmosphere that will

Embrace Your power and Your presence. 

We pray that God Almighty will grant us each

Wisdom and understanding, perseverance and boldness

In order for Him to establish through us an atmosphere

That diffuses the sweet fragrance of the love of Christ,

To the praise and Glory of God in the name of our precious

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!


Clarifying Visions and Dreams


 Immortal, Invisible and Gracious Father,

Help us to trust You completely this year 2014.

We will attempt great things for You

And we expect great results from You.

We trust in Your sovereignty to provide us

Supernatural power to accomplish what

You will give us to do for Your glory and honor.

May the visions and dreams You guide

Be equaled by the power You provide us.


Father God, give us a special measure of wisdom,

Insight and discernment to tackle the problems

That will arise in our lives and lifestyles this year.

We therefore commit all our cares and concerns to You.

Grant us the knowledge and understanding of Your wisdom.

May the visions and dreams You will give us this year

Wind up influencing and blessing other people and

Translating us from the natural to the supernatural realm.

Let the process of our visions and dreams transform us.


Father God, command Your light to shine in our minds

To dispel the darkness of doubt and prejudice, so that

We may know what righteousness and justice demand.

May we see the truth in the issues of our lives this year.

Place in our minds clear discernment of what is Your will.

Help us to look ahead to every detail of the year 2014

And to picture You guiding us every step of the way;

Shaping our attitudes, inspiring our thoughts and

Enabling abundant living in our lives and lifestyles.


Father God, You give us strength and courage for challenges.

You have inspired us to be merciful as You are merciful.

Therefore we will refrain from condemnatory judgments this year.

Help us through contentious times of discord and disunity.

Father God, we ask You for the gift of awareness of

The power of prayer for family, friends and other people.

We know that we are blessed when we intercede for others.

Even our attitudes will change and we will listen better;

And we'll resolve conflicts and discover answers together.


Thank You Father God Almighty,

For giving us wisdom to perceive You and diligence to seek You,

The patience to wait for You and the heart to receive You,

And the opportunity to love, serve and worship You this year!

We will seek to do everything with excellence

Because You have called us to glorify You with our good works.

We will trust You and resist every tendency

To lean on our own understanding.

Your timely interventions in trying times make us optimistic!


 Giving in Spirit is Supply


 We are the expression of Heaven on Earth.Father, empower us to use the weapons of truthAbout ourselves and the God we worship and serveTo combat all our enemies and temptations.There is an objective force of evil in the world that oftenHas been expressed through people, movements and nations.You are faithful and You always bring good out of evil.Make us good communicators of love and strengthTo those who continue to suffer in outbursts of evil deeds.Lord, make us Your instruments for peace and harmony.Where there is hatred, let us give love;Where there is injury, let us show pardon;Where there is doubt, let us sow faith;Where there is despair, let us impart hope;Where there is darkness, let us shine Your light;Where there is sadness, let us induce joy;Where there is disagreement, let us work for harmony;And where there is competition, let us bring cooperation.


O Lord, grant that we may not so much seekTo be consoled as to console;To be understood as to understand;To be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive;It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.May we turn our backs on material wealth for our lifestylesAnd commit ourselves to Your service and to God's Kingdom.

Lord, open our spiritual eyes to see clearly into the spirit realm

The ways that You are moving on Earth today.

Lord, we want to be a part of what You are doing on Earth.

We want to be part of the coming Great Awakening in the World.

For we want to see the dead raised, the sick healed, the lame walk,

And to have supernatural encounters as natural phenomena.

We want to feel Your presence in a new and profound way.

Thank You, Lord, for ushering us into the new year of victories.

We give You all the praise and honor, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.


 Knowing Providential History


O Lord God Almighty, may You be gracious to us

And bless us and make Your face shine upon us.

May all the peoples praise You, O God.

May the nations be glad and sing with joy,

For You rule the peoples and guide the nations justly.

God will bless us, and the Earth will fear Him.

Save us, O God, from those who seek to destroy us.

We are forced to restore what we did not steal.

May those who hope in You not be disgraced because of us.

May those who seek You not be put to shame because of us.

O Lord our God, rescue us from the mire; do not let us sink.

Deliver us from those who hate us, and from the deep waters.

Do not let the flood waters engulf us or the depths

Swallow us up or the pit close its mouth over us.

Answer us out of the goodness of Your love and mercy.

Do not hide Your face from Your servants.

Come near and rescue us; redeem us because of our foes.

May those who seek our lives be put to shame and confusion.

May those who desire our ruin be turned back in disgrace.

But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You.

O Lord, You are our Help and our Deliverer.

Rescue us and deliver us in Your righteousness;

Turn Your ear to us and save us,

For You are our Rock and our Fortress.

Deliver us, O our God, from the hand of the wicked,

From the grasp of the evil and cruel people.

For You are our Hope and our Confidence,

O Sovereign Lord, since our youth, You have taught us.

Though You have made me see many and bitter troubles,

O God, You will restore our lives again.



We will praise You for Your faithfulness, O our God.

For those who wanted to harm us have been put to shame.

Your righteousness reaches to the skies

And You have done great and mighty things for us.

To this day, we declare Your marvelous deeds.

Do not forsake us, O God, till we declare Your power

And might to this and subsequent generations.

Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God,

You will increase our honor and comfort us once again.

There is none like You, O Sovereign Lord.

Worship in Spirit and in Truth


Our Father and our God Almighty,

With all our heart we praise the Lord

And our spirit rejoices in God our Savior.

Our Lord, the Most Merciful, always shows mercy

Especially to everyone who worships You.

The Lord has redeemed us from darkness to light.

You have shed Your precious Blood for our .

And You have even led us to the Father and given us

Unlimited access to the Throne of mercy.

We thank You for Your presence and for the

Supernatural experiences You invite us into as children of God.


Our Redeemer and our Lord ,

We want to know You in intimate worship.

You said that Your followers would walk

In greater miracles than You did on Earth.

We want to walk in those miraculous signs and wonders.

Teach us how to remove the limits we've placed on You.

Empower us to raise the dead and to heal the sick;

To make the lame walk and perform miracles for Your glory.

Help us lift Your name up so that nations will be drawn to You.

Take us to new levels and dimensions in You.

Let signs and wonders follow us who believe in You.


We thank You for the supernatural experiences we have.

We want to see You face-to-face.

Deepen our faith so that we can expect the unexpected,

And allow You to move in Your splendor and glory.

We believe that these testimonies prophesy to people who hear them,

That You will do similar miraculous signs and wonders in their lives.

Father God, give us a grid to understand the way that You work.

Teach us how to work out our supernatural faith.

Help us to measure normal by how Jesus Christ lived.

We will walk in great humility and give all the glory to Jesus.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen.


 Seeking First Things First

Dear Father God Almighty,

You are the answer to our prayers.

Your Kingdom come and Your will be done

Here on Earth as it is in Heaven above.

Empower us to seek first Your Kingdom.

And let the rule and reign of Christ come into our lifestyles.

Help us to realize that whatever You give or withhold from us,

Is to draw us into deeper intimacy with You and Your Kingdom.

Father, grant us the spiritual gifts of wisdom and discernment.


We know Father that You still have a plan for planet Earth,

For Christ to rule and reign here, and as Believers,

We will rule and reign with Him in the very near future.

Meanwhile we are also praying for the rule and reign of

The Kingdom of God in our lives when Christ Jesus is in charge. 

For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within each of us Believers.

When we are under His lordship, He is in control of our lives.

That is the Kingdom of God; it is not rules and regulations.

But righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Lord Jesus Christ, we surrender our lives to You unconditionally.

Lord, we want Your will more than we want our own will.

We are willing to surrender to You all we have right now.

A lack of faith can bring a lot of anxiety into our lives.

So instead of worrying, we put God and His will first in our lives.

We seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

We trust that all our material and financial needs are being

Supplied to us in abundance through Your mercy and grace.

We pray in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen and Amen.


 Declaring Triumph in Christ


Our Father in Heaven, Your name be praised forever,

For wisdom and might are Yours.

You are all-powerful, and You know everything.

You change the times and the seasons,

And You control human events.

You give rulers their power and take it away.

You remove kings and raise up others.

You are the Source of wisdom and knowledge.

You give the wise wisdom and knowledge to the discerning.


Father, You reveal deep and secret things;

Because even the dark is light to You.

Our Father, You are always God Almighty.

Lord, we've heard of Your wonderful deeds in the past.

Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known.

Please turn from your anger and be merciful.

Show us Your power to save us.

Your glory covers the Heavens, Your praise fills the Earth.

Your splendor, Father, is like the sunrise.


The Lord shakes the Earth and nations tremble.

The ancient mountains are crumbling,

But the Lord's ways are eternal.

The sun and moon will stand still,

While your arrows and spears flash like lightning.

In Your anger, You will come out to deliver your people,

To save Your anointed One.

You crushed the head of the wicked and laid bare his bones.

Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity on evil nations!


 Personal Integrity and Character


  Oh, give thanks to the Lord,

For He is good and His mercy endures forever;

Indeed, He is good and His mercy endures forever.

We called on the Lord in distress; in our anguish,

And the Lord answered us and set us free.

The Lord is with us; and on our side.

We will not be afraid: what can man do to us?

The Lord is for us and the Lord is with us;

He is our Helper.

We will look in triumph on our enemies,

And those who hate us.

It is better to trust the Lord for protection,

And to take refuge in Him

Than to put confidence in man.

All our enemies surrounded us,

But in the name of the Lord we will destroy them.

They attacked us from all sides;

But in the name of the Lord we will destroy them.

They swarmed around us like bees;

But they'll die out as quickly as burning thorns;

For in the name of the Lord we will destroy them.

Their attacks were so fierce that we nearly fell,

But the Lord helped us.

The Lord is our strength and our power,

And He has become our salvation.

Shouts of joy and victory

Resound in the homes of the righteous:

The Lord's right hand has done mighty things!

We shall not die, but live, to proclaim and declare

What the Lord has done, the works of the Lord.

The Lord has punished us terribly,

But He has not given us over to death.

Open to us the gates of justice and righteousness;

And we will enter and give thanks to the Lord.

This is the Lord's gate for the righteous to enter.

Lord, we will praise You, for You have answered us,

And You have become our salvation.

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the most important stone.

It's the Lord’s doing; and marvelous in our eyes.

This is the day the Lord has made;

We will celebrate and be glad in it.

Save us now, we pray, O Lord;

Grant us success and send prosperity now.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

The Lord is God, and He has given us light.

You're our God, and we'll praise You; we'll exalt You.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever.


 Operating in the Supernatural


Lord Jesus Christ, weconfess that we have put

Certain things in oursight and hearing that are sinful.

We ask for yourforgiveness and cleansing.

We forgive individualswho have hurt or offended us.

Lord, wash our eyes andclean our ears and give us

Your grace to walk infreedom and wholeness.


Lord, we receive Youranointing.

We desire to grow inour walk with You.

We open our heartsfor more of

Your work in andthrough us.

We desire to fulfillthe call on our lives.

We ask for anointingto run down upon us now.


Lord, we offer to Youall the parts of

Our bodies includingour spiritual senses.

Our spiritual abilityto see, hear, taste,

Smell and touch we giveto You alone.

Lord Jesus Christ, weoffer ourselves

To You as instrumentsof righteousness.


Lord, we receiveimpartation right now from the

Holy Spirit for anincrease in discerning spirits.

We receive Youranointing for our eyes to see.

We receive animpartation for the eyes of

Our understanding tobe enlightened.

We receive impartationfor vision in the spirit realm.


Lord, we wantcommunication from Heaven in our lives.

We ask that You wouldopen the unseen realm to us.

Lord, please removeall fear from our hearts –

Fear of the unseenand fear of spiritual encounters.

Lord Jesus Christ, wewant to receive all of the

Spiritual blessingsthat You have provided for us.


We make ourselvesavailable to

Your many forms ofcommunication.

Lord, we’ll pursueYou no matter what.

We’ll overcomeoffense and

Disappointment tofollow You.

We’ll follow You, full offaith.


 Choosing God's Seal


Our Sovereign Lord God Almighty,

You alone are God,

Only You are holy.

You are the Alpha and Omega,

The Begining and the End.

Father, give us various sources of income

To enable us to be financially independent.

Lead us to Your choice career for us

To bring out our best and highest potential

To shine for your glory.

Not by our power nor by our might,

But by the Spirit of the Most High God.

Reveal Yourself to us today in a unique

And personal way for us only.


Amen and Amen.

When God Is Speaking


Praise the Lord GodAlmighty, O my soul;

And all that iswithin my inmost being,

Praise His holy name.

The Lord hasestablished His throne in Heaven,

And His Kingdom rulesover all.

From everlasting toeverlasting

The Lord’s love iswith those who fear Him,

And His righteousnesswith their children’s children.

The Lord God Almightyworks righteousness

And justice for allthe oppressed.


Praise the Lord GodAlmighty, O my soul

And forget not all Hisbenefits:

Who forgives all yoursins and heals all your diseases,

Who redeems your life and lifestyle from the pit

    And crowns you with love and compassion,

Who satisfies yourdesires with good things,

    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

He makes known Hisways and His deeds to us.

The Lord iscompassionate and gracious,

Slow to anger andabounding in love.


Praise the Lord GodAlmighty, O my soul,

And all His workseverywhere in His dominion.

He will not harbor Hisanger forever;

He does not treat usas our sins deserve

For as high as the Heavens are above the Earth,

So great is His lovefor those who fear him;

As far as the East isfrom the West,

So far has He removedour transgressions from us.

The Lord hascompassion on those who fear him;

For He knows how weare formed.


Remedy Your Finances


O Lord, our Strength and our Fortress,

And our Refuge in the day of trouble.

Lord, restore our fortunes and ourwealth.

You have shown us Your power and might

And made us understand that You aloneare God.

You are the Living God who rescued usfrom Darkness

And from the forces of evil to YourKingdom of Light.

Lord, send us and empower us asfishermen and hunters

For end-time harvest for the Kingdomof God.


Wherever we run to escape Your judgment,

You will find us and punish us.

For You are closely watching us,

And You see every sin we commit evenin secret.

We cannot hope to hide from You.

No one wants us as friends

And no one cares what happens to us.

But You promise to heal our injuries,

And we’ll get well.


And other people will respect andhonor us.

Our homes will be filled withchildren,

And we’ll celebrate, singing praisesto You.

And we’ll worship You just like oldtimes.

We will be Your people, and You willbe our God.

Father, give us back our health againand heal our hurts.

Then our cities will be filled with joy and great thanksgiving,

Multiply Your people and make of us greatand honored.

Make our children to prosper and ournation established.

We pray in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amenand Amen.


Overcoming Daily Temptations


Father God Almighty, bless our families and nation today. 

Bless us with a clear vision of your purpose for our lives.

Bless us by ordering our steps and with safety from all harm.

Bless our prayers for each other and our finances today.

Bless us with peaceful and loving homes and nation.

Bless us with hearts that are open and filled with gentle compassion.

Bless us so that we'll remember to compliment and encourage others.

Bless us with strength so that no weapon can be formed against us.

Bless our thoughts, words and deeds in every situation.

Bless and fill our hearts with overwhelming peace and joy.

Hear our every concern and bring every appropriate solution

To our minds and hearts very clearly and gently.

Bless us with patience so that we may be more tolerant with people.

Bless us to know and to see only the things that really matter

And to surrender all habits of thought or speech that breed discord.

Remind us to use our resources wisely and to give of our first fruits to you.

Bless us so that we will cooperate with other Believers for Your Kingdom.

Bless us so that we will see the goodness of Your presence in others.

Bless us with kind thoughts of other people

That spill forth from our mouths as kind words.

Bless us to know when to speak up and when to listen.

Bless us to hear with our hearts and not with our hurts.

Bless our marriages to be breeding places for Your presence.

Father God, we invite you into the center of our lives and lifestyles

So that we may grow to be all what You created us to be.

We are so grateful for the blessings of Your peaceful loving presence. 

Let it be so! And So It Is! We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Sharing Life with People


 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

Heaven and Earth are filled with Yourglory.

Praise and thanksgiving be to You.

Ruler of the Universe, reign in us.

Recreate our hearts to love You aboveall else.

May we never forget that we have beenblessed

To be a blessing to other people onEarth.


Lord Most High,

May our only source of security bethat

We have been called to be Your servants.

With complete trust, we dedicate ourwork to You.

You are the reason for our living,

We place our hope in Yourproblem-solving power,

And Your conflict-resolving presence.


                                    We’re accountable to You for the precious gift of life.                   

You are the judge of what we think andsay, feel and do.

You alone can give us the strength and power,

Courage and wisdom we need.

Take our minds and think through them.

Take our lips and speak through them.

Take our hearts and set them on firefor You.


Take our hands, dear Lord, and lead meon.

Let us feel You with our emotions;

Let us hear You clearly as we listento You;

Let us see Your glory as we lookaround;

And manifest in us what You want to dothrough us.

That we’ll have less to confess andmore to give thanks for.

In Your righteous and all-powerfulname, we pray. Amen.


Politics and God’s Kingdom


Our Father and our God Almighty,

Lord of the ups and downs of life, of triumphs and disappointments,

Lord who does not change in the midst of change.

Thank You for the religious freedom we enjoy in this nation.

We pray for our political leaders at this crucial time in World affairs.

They need Your wisdom and understanding, guidance and strength

To make right decisions on which our safety hinges.

We pray Lord, that our political leaders will listen to Your counsel.

Lord, let them not depend solely on their own wisdom,

And the wisdom and ideology of their political parties.

Replenish us with Your power and discernment so that we may soar.

We claim Your promise through prophet Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31.

We who wait upon the Lord shall renew our strength;

We shall mount up with wings like eagles;

We shall run and not be weary; and we shall walk and not faint.

Help us rededicate ourselves to maintain religious freedom.

When things go bad like they appear this week, purge from us any

Judgmentalism for people whose faith and politics differ from our own.

As we battle against evil doers and leaders who persecute

People because of their religious and political beliefs,

Help us make this nation and the World free of

Bigotry and persecution, extremism and intolerance.

Father, our daily life is divided into camps of liberal and conservative,

This party or that party, this religion or that religion, this race of that race,

And from each camp we shout demeaning criticisms of each other.

Forgive us when our judgments divide us from others.

For we condemn those who differ with us.

We miss Your lordship by lording it over others.

Forgive our pride and prejudice, judgmental ism and presumption.

People are deeply wounded by cutting words and hurting attitudes

Toward their Religions and races, political parties and cultures.

Grant us the knowledge and understanding of Your wisdom

So that we may speak Your words on our lips.

 Heavenly Father, forgive our arrogance and reluctance to work together

With those with whom we differ in politics or faith, race or culture.

We confess that Your work is held back because of intolerance.

Bind us together in love and peace, tolerance and cooperation with others.

Your goodness can bring what is best out of the most complicated problems.

Thank You for Your goodness given so lavishly to us in the past.

Lord we turn to You for Your guidance for what is good for us and our nation,

For our Church and our World, and for our families and friends.

May Your goodness always be the source of the graciousness

We long to be able to express this week.

To the good name of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen.


Fulfilling Divine Purpose


Dear Father, we thank You and praise You for giving us wonderful

And marvelous soul and body with their magnificent functions.

Thank You for showing us Your love by sending Jesus our Redeemer,

To cleanse all our sins and to deliver us from eternal damnation.

Lord, we come to You today for Your guidance,

Because You are the All-Wise and All-Knowing God.

You know our past, present and future.

Your Word says, if we acknowledge You in our life,

You will direct our paths; we need Your guidance today.

We see in Your Word, many people came to You for guidance,

And when they followed Your direction, they were successful.

Your servant king David sought Your directions many times

Before he went against the enemies and he won many battles.

You are still the same God, deeply interested in all areas of our life.

You don't want us to experience loss of money, energy and time.

That is why we are asking for Your guidance today.

Our heart yearns to know Your will for our life,

The purpose for which You have created us.

We thank You for creating us and we consider it a great privilege.

As such You love us, because Your Word says

That You gave Your Son's life for humans

To redeem us from sin and final destruction.

Lord God Almighty, You have blessed us

With Great many gifts and talents to dominate the Earth.

We know that there is one main reason for which

You brought us into this World.

That purpose is Your perfect will for our life and we want to know it

In order to be focused on it for the rest of our earthly life.

Otherwise, we will be going in circles all our life

As we have seen so many others do.

Lord, we want You to reveal to us Your purpose

For our life so that at the end of our life on Earth,

We'll feel fulfilled and satisfied for serving You and humanity.

Help us, Father, to discover the passion and fulfill it

So that it brings glory to Your Name,

And in some way bless humanity.

Lord, let us have human witnesses

To this revelation to nudge us on.

Empower us thereafter to help others discover

Your plans and purpose for their lives.

Then we'll have satisfaction, fulfillment and joy.

In our final moments, we'll have no regrets or apologies to anyone,

As we come to You with grateful hearts to our eternal Home.

We pray this prayer in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen. 


Living and Enjoying Life


 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

Heaven and Earth are filled with Yourglory.

You are the unseen but ever-presentSovereign.

You are so near yet enthroned inHeaven above!

You created humankind to know and tolove You,

To serve and to worship You always.

You are on the throne of our hearts.

We have been blessed to be a blessingto others.

We commit our life to You today andforever.


You have given us freedom of choice

Knowing that there can be no lovewithout choice.

Help us not to take the fence ofprotection

Meant to keep the enemy out of ourlives,

As confinement when it was never meantto keep us in.

Give us the humility to trust You foranswers and solutions.

And grant us the courage to do whatmust be done.

Help us decide to enjoy every momentof our life.

Encourage us to have a lifestyle ofpraise and thanks.


Let us feel You with our emotions;

Let us hear Your instructions clearlyas we listen to You;

Let us see Your glory as we look around;

And manifest in us what You want to dothrough us.

We claim the promise of Psalm chapter37 verse 5:

"Commit your way to the Lord,trust also in Him,

And He shall bring it to pass."

Thank You dear Father God, for doingit today!

In the mighty name of our Lord JesusChrist.


Living the True Life


 Ever-loving andeverlasting Father God Almighty,

You are Alpha andOmega, the Beginning and the End.

Thank You for Yourmercy and kindness to us all these years.

Give us a burst of enthusiasm for the privilege of being alive.

Replenish our enthusiasmfor the people of our life,

For the work You havegiven us to do,

And for theleadership we must provide.


Lord, Your love in usis like a fire.

It sets us ablaze with moral passion and social responsibility.

You give us devotionfor social justice.

You purify ourmotives with Your holy fire.

Here are our hearts,if they’re burned out, relight them;

If the flame is low, stokeit with Your Spirit;

If our fires arebanked, set them ablaze again.


Lord, we need Yourhelp.

We surrender our minds to You; think Your thoughts through us,

And send us the pure signals of Your peace, power, and patience.

Forgive our angers, rooted in self-will; make us channels of Your love.

Take charge of our tongues so they become instruments of healing.

Make us communicatorsof love and forgiveness

As we cheer others onto their best.


Lord, set us free from the lust of the flesh, the craze for pleasures;

From the lust of the eyes, the ambition to buy every appealing thing;

From the pride oflife that comes from wealth and importance;

And from the lust of seeking security in things rather than in You.

Lord, help us to honor our partners and to live in peace with everyone;

To be kind and humble, loving and forgiving, understanding and gentle.

Give us the boldnessto do things that are right.

In Jesus’ name, Amenand Amen.


Empowering God’sPeople


Dear Lord Jesus, Youare our Redeemer.

You are our Saviorand our Master.

You are the King ofkings and the Lord of lords.

And our lives and lifestylesare gloriously blessed.

We are seated in thehighest place in You.

And we areexperiencing another dimension of life.

We see possibilitiesand we dwell in possibilities.

We keep dreamingwithout limitations.

We are dreaming God'sdream and seeing visions.

There is nolimitation in our life that will remain.

We see infinity and eternityat work in humanity.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,our past is gone.

We forgive ourselvesand we forgive those that hurt us.

We forgive our past;we let loose and let go,

To let God continue to do awonderful work in our lives.

We have been deliveredout of Satan's power darkness.

And we now operate inthe dimension of Heaven.

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ,we are reigning in life.

We seek Your truth inthe issues before us.

Let Your light ofguidance shine in our minds today.

Place in our minds clear discernment of what is Your will

For us and ourfamily, for our ministry and our business.


Lead us Lord, in yourrighteousness

And make our waystraight before our face.

Help us to look aheadto every detail of the day,

To picture You guideour steps and shape our attitude,

Inspire our thoughtsand enable abundant living.

We accept Your Wordand Your commands,

And we are storing themup within us in our hearts.

We now call out forsupernatural insight from You.

We’ll keep lookingfor divine insight as our priority.

We desire Yourwisdom, knowledge and understanding.

We pray in the nameof Jesus. Amen and Amen.


Experience Christ's Glory




























Operating in the Supernatural


Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

We thank You for Your presence and for the

Supernatural experiences You invite us into as children of God.

We want to know You the way Moses and others knew You.

We want to know You in intimate worship the way David did.

We want to see You face-to-face the way Moses did.

Teach us how to remove the limits we've placed on You.

Deepen our faith so that we can expect the unexpected,

And allow You to move in Your splendor and glory.


Our Redeemer and our Lord Jesus Christ,

You said that Your followers would walk

In greater miracles than You did on Earth.

We want to walk in those miraculous signs and wonders.

Empower us to raise the dead and to heal the sick;

To make the lame walk and perform miracles for Your glory.

Help us lift Your name up so that nations will be drawn to You.

Take us to new levels and dimensions in You.

Let signs and wonders follow us who believe in You.


We stand on, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy."

We thank You for the supernatural experiences we have.

We believe that these testimonies prophesy to people who hear them,

That You will do similar miraculous signs and wonders in their lives.

Father God, give us a grid to understand the way that You work.

Teach us how to work out our supernatural faith.

Help us to measure normal by how Jesus Christ lived.

We will walk in great humility and give all the glory to Jesus.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen.


Restoring the Nations


HeavenlyFather God Almighty,

Thank You for creatingus in Your own image.

We bow inworship and praise before You today.

We cover ourselves with the Blood of Jesus Christ as protection.

Grant us grace to contend fearlessly against evil and oppression.

Help us use our freedom in maintenance of justice in our communities

And among the nations, to the glory of Your holy and mighty Name.


We take astand against all the workings of Satan the devil

That would hinder us in our life and lifestyle of intimacy with You.

We addressourselves only to the True and Living God

And refuse any involvement of Satan the devil in our lives and lifestyles.

Satan the devil, we command you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

 Leave our presence, with all your demons and principalities.

We bring the Bloodof the Lord Jesus Christ between us.


Heavenly Father, open our eyes that we might see how great You are,

And howcomplete Your provision is for this day.

We are thankful for Christ’s victory for us on the Cross at Calvary.

His Resurrection made us to be seated with Him in heavenly places.

We recognize by faith, all wicked spirits and Satan himself are under our feet.

We therefore declare that Satan the devil and his wicked spirits are

Subject to usforever, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, we are thankful for the Armor of God provided us.

We put on the belt of Truth and the breastplate of Righteousness.

We also put on the shoes of Peace and the helmet of Salvation.

We lift up the shield of Faith against all the fiery darts of the enemy.

And we take in our hand the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

We choose to use Your Word against all the forces of evil in our lives.

We put on this Armor, live and pray in complete dependence upon You.


We give our will to You and choose to make the right decisions of faith.

We give our bodies to You recognizing that we are Your temple.

We put off all forms of selfishness and put on our new nature of love.

We surrender ourselves totally to You and refuse to be discouraged.

We pray throughJesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

Who lives andreigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

One God, nowand forever. Amen and Amen.


Radically Serving Humanity


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

Heaven and Earth are filled with Your glory.

We have been blessed to be a blessing to other people.

We commit our life to You here and now, today and forever.

We surrender the false idols of our heart to You:

Pride and position, power and accomplishments.

Without You, dear Father God Almighty,

We can't breathe a breath or think a thought;

We can't devise a plan or utter a word or take any action.

With complete trust, we dedicate this season's work to You.

You're the ultimate judge of what we think and say and do.

You alone can give us the strength, courage and wisdom we need.

When we seek first Your pleasure, we can serve with pleasure.

Take our mind and think through it.

Take our lips and speak through them.

Take our heart and set it on fire for Christlikeness.

Now as we stand before You as our Judge,

We feel the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer,

Beside us with mercy and within us as perfect peace.

Take our hands, dear Lord, and lead us on.

Let us feel You with our emotions;Let us hear 

Your instructions clearly as we listen to You;

Let us see Your glory as we look around;

And manifest in us what You want to do through us.

We claim the promise of Psalm chapter 37 verse 5:

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him,

And He shall bring it to pass."

Thank You, dear Father God Almighty, for doing it today!

In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen and Amen. 


Living in Obedience


Almighty Father God,

You are the unseen but ever-present Sovereign.

You created humankind to know and tolove You,

To serve and worship You always.

You are on the throne of our hearts.

You have given us freedom of choiceknowing that

There can be no love without choice.

Help us not to take the fence ofprotection

Meant to keep the enemy out of ourlives,

As confinement when it was never meantto keep us in.

Give us the humility to trust You foranswers and solutions.

And grant us the courage to do what mustbe done.


Father, empower us to use the weaponsof truth

About ourselves and the God we worshipand serve

To combat these enemies andtemptations.

There is an objective force of evil inthe world that often

Has been expressed through people, movementsand nations.

You always bring good out of evil.

Make us good communicators of love andstrength

To those who continue to suffer inoutbursts of evil deeds.

Bless us with a fresh gift of faith toput our trust in You

For every insecurity and need we have.

Enable us to consciously choose not toworship ourselves

Nor worship others by doing what wewant

Or by doing what we think others wantus to be and do.


Illuminate our understanding with insightand discernment.

Activate our understanding that peopleare not our problem

Nor our enemies; but rather that ourspiritual condition is

More consequential than our humanrelationships.

It is in those relationships that weexhibit

Our true spiritual position with God.

We pray in the mighty name of JesusChrist.

Amen and Amen.


Claiming Your Inheritance


Sovereign Lord God Almighty,

You are our Father and our God.

You made the Heaven and the Earth,

And the Sea, and everything in them.

The foundations of Your holy Throne

Are Righteousness and Justice.

There is no one like our God!


All the heathen nations are furious;

And the people make foolish plans

Against the Lord God Almighty.

The kings and presidents of the Earth,

And the rulers and leaders of the peoples,

Gather together to take their stand

Against the Lord and against His Christ.


They can only do what Your power and purpose

Had determined beforehand to be done.

O Lord, hear their threats and warnings,

And grant Your servants zeal and boldness

To proclaim Your message with signs and wonders.

Show Your mighty power in healing Cameroon.

We pray in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

Making Things Happen




























Influence by Serving People


Our Lord Jesus Christ,You are the Alpha and the Omega,

The first and thelast, the beginning and the end.

We are of the root ofthe beginning and the end.

Therefore we declarethat our projects will not be abandoned.

We receive thefinishing anointing, grace and wisdom now.

We receive strength and help to accomplish all our life’s projects.

We can do all thingsand have all things and become anything

Through Christ who strengthens us with His life-giving Spirit.

We are children ofthe Most High God and citizens of Heaven

By the Blood and Resurrectionpower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We carry power and authority, dominion and influence of Heaven.

Whatever we bind or loose on Earth, is bound or loosed in Heaven.


We bind every evil powerassigned to frustrate our projects

By the fire, thunders and lightning of the living God Almighty!

We subdue all forcesand powers contending with our growth

By the fire, thunders and lightning of the living God Almighty!

We command everyembargo on our projects to be lifted away

By the fire, thunders and lightning of the living God Almighty!

We command you enemiessitting on our life’s projects

And you witchcraftspells cast to stagnate our projects,

To scatter, scatter, and scatter in seven different directions,

By the fire, thunders and lightning of the living God Almighty!

We conquer every negative force, fear, passivity and procrastination

By the fire, thunders and lightning of the living God Almighty!


Fire of success in ministry and business, fall afresh on us today.

Lord, raise and send uncommon and dedicated partners and financiers

Into our ministry and our business now and today, this season and year.

Strengthen our ministry and our business with grace and wisdom.

Abba Father, movesomeone or circumstance to recommend us to

To a person or to a nation whose challenge we have answers to.

Lord, thank You for opendoors and for uncommon favor.

Rest Your mighty hand of power on us and awaken us to a new vision.

Help us to stir up afresh every gift that is lying dormant in us for exploits.

Lord, baptize us with fresh fire and oil, and with fresh passion for service.

We shall finish all our life’s projects well and strong from now forward.

In Jesus’ mighty name,we have prayed, Amen and Amen.


Experience Genetic Salvation


Our Father and ourGod Almighty,

We thank You foranother week in our lives.

We dedicate this weekand days to You.

We ask the preciousBlood of Jesus the Christ

To cleanse us from anyknown and unknown sin.

Lord show us uncommonmercy of David in Jesus’ name.

Enable us to declarethat we now live by the faith of Jesus,

The Son of the living God who loved us and gave His life for us.

We let our lifestylesbe kind and loving, tender and patient.

We pursue goodnessand love to receive prosperity and honor.


We walk in love thisweek by faith in Jesus’ name.

We release forgivenessto all who hurt us.

We cancel thedecisions of every evil meeting concerning

Our lives or lifestyles, family or ministry, career or business.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou bright and morning star, cause us to shine.

Shine on our pathwayand grant us peace.

Holy Spirit, guide usand deliver us from all evil this week.

We declare that theangels of the living God go ahead of us

And perfect all that concerns careers and family, ministry and business.

Cause us to hear good news and let the world hear our story of glory.


Father, You are theAlmighty God in our lives and ministry.

Take our feet fromthe traps and pits set by our enemies.

Father, don’t allow us to meet people who will demote us in life.

We declare that it shall be well with us and all that concerns us.

We have authority,whatever we loose is loosed

And whatever we bindis bound in Heaven as on Earth.

We loose all our provision and supply, help and unusual favor.

We loose productivityand fruitfulness, wisdom and abundance.

We bind loses of any kind or every bad news, death or sickness.

Lord, make us ablessing to this generation and the next!


Holy Spirit, use us to talk boldly about Jesus wherever we go.

Let our life andministry show holiness and purity.

Let the fire of Godrestore our lives as an evidence.

Lord, order our stepsin Your divine code of security.

Secure our preciouslives from the touch of our enemies.

Make our lives animpossible case for enemies to handle;

Turn our lives intofire balls against our enemies.

Make our children andgrandchildren to be described as

Your testimonies ofmiraculous signs and wonders.

We decree and declarethat our children and grandchildren

Will not die young nor marry nor live outside the will of God!


Our God and our Father,grant our children and

Grandchildren wisdomto excel in whatever they do.

Let their light shineinto the darkness of this world.

Make them stars thatcannot be dimmed by satanic agents.

We claim geneticsalvation of our children and grandchildren.

Our children andgrandchildren and great grandchildren

Shall grow fromstrength to strength; they shall be the head

And not the tail inall they do and pursue.

They shall never makeus to weep or to mourn.

This is our prayeroffered in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Planning with Christ


Father God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

You knew us before we were born for Your purposes!

You are the Savior of our souls

And the Lord of our lives and lifestyles.

You know the end from the beginning.

You say You have wonderful plans to prosper us.

Our plans for our lives and lifestyles have often failed.

You translated us from kingdom of darkness to Light.

Please show us more of Your plan for our lives,

And give us the grace to accept it.

We believe we can become anything in Your service;

We believe we can do everything to bring You glory;

And we believe we can have everything for Your pleasure,

Through our Lord Jesus the Christ who strengthens us.

Lord God Almighty, Light of the Worlds.

Thank You for Your grace and mercy, love and patience.

We know we cannot stick to Your plan without Your help.

Fill us with Your Holy Spirit this day,

To be strengthened and renewed in You.

We pray in the mighty name of Your Son

Our Redeemer, Jesus the Christ. Amen.


KeepingChrist’s Word


Our Father and our God of eternal wisdom and everlasting glory,

We come humbly, and yet boldly, into Your presence today.

We continue to thank You and we worship You and we praise You

Forwho You are, for what You have done, for what You are doing

Andfor what You will do for all who have their faith and trust in You.

Weare moved to great gratitude and awesome wonder

Atthe gift of Your Holy Word, the Holy Bible.

We thank You for inspiring holy men of old to record for us

That which You knew to be necessary for our salvation and

Congruent with Your will as made known through Jesus the Christ.

We thank You for Your providence and Your protection of that Word.

We thank You for those who gave their lives to copy and preserve it,

And to defend it against the many forces of evil that would destroy it.

We thank You for those who have translated the Word

And for those who are still translating it in the language

Of tribes and nations and unreached people of the world.


Lord God Almighty, with the Psalmist of old we cry out,

“Oh,how we love Your Word.

The grass withers and the flowers fall,

ButYour Word stands forever.”

We’ve much to confess even as we thank You for Your eternal Word:

We have not always treated it as Your Word.

We have not always approached it in humble obedience.

Sometimewe have neglected it altogether; at other times,

We have read it half heartedly with our minds on other things;

Worst of all, there have been those times when we've read it

Thinking that we would, through such reading,

Gain brownie points in the Book of Life.

Father,we know that Your Word is intended,

Both directly and indirectly, toget inside our heads,

To deal with our souls and to form a life thatis congruent with

Your will as You have made it known through Your Son Jesus.


O God, forgive us for our failure to internalize Your truth

And to let it form and fashion us into a people

That are well pleasing unto You.

Help us, O God, to take You seriously when You cry:

“Is not My Word like a fire and like a hammer

That breaks the rock in pieces.”

God of love and mercy, give us an appetite for Your Word

Such as was expressed by the prophet Jeremiah:

“When Your Words came, I ate them;

They were my joy and my heart’s delight.”

Only then will the reading of Your Word produce in us,

The purpose for which You have given it to us.

Only then will it enter our souls as food enters our stomachs,

Spread through our blood and produce in us the Christ-likeness

Which makes us truly Your people in word and deed. 

This is our prayer offered in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Inspiring Christ's People


Our Father and our God Almighty,

With all our heart we praise the Lord God Almighty

And our spirit rejoices in God our Savior.

Our soul magnifies and extols the Lord Most High.

Our soul glorifies the Lord of lords and the King of kings.

For the Lord has redeemed us from darkness to light.

He has shed His precious Blood for our transgressions.

He has even led us to God the Father

And given us unlimited access to the Throne of mercy!

From now on all generations will call  us blessed.

For we are sons and daughters of the Most High God.

We release over us an ability to partner with God's angels.

We declare and we decree in the name of Jesus the Christ,

That we'll sense the coming shifts of spiritual seasons

And discern what God Almighty is doing here on Earth;

We'll call leaders and nations into their God-given destiny;

Our words will call the promises of God into reality,

Breathe life into hopeless situations,

And edify everyone who hears them.

For we are children of the Most High God.

Everywhere we go, we carry the power and dominion,

The authority and the influence of Heaven.

We're the expression of Heaven on Earth.

God uses us to bless people and nations of the Earth,

And to reproduce a generation of new Believers

Who will be intimate worshipers of God the Father.

And they'll walk in miraculous signs and wonders that

Declare the glory and faithfulness of God to all people.

We declare that the Holy Spirit will touch the sick through us,

And that total restoration will take place in their bodies and souls;

And in their families and finances, affairs and social relationships.

May the Lord God Almighty declare us caring hearts and hands.

In the mighty name of Jesus the Messiah, Amen and Amen.


Reviving Creation to Glory


Abba Father God Almighty, Source of all our blessings.

Immortal and Invisible, Powerful and Merciful God.

You are omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent.

We praise You for the privilege of being alive.

Give us a burst of zeal and enthusiasm for being alive.

We know that our trust in Your sovereignty

Provides us supernatural power to accomplish

Whatever You give us to do for Your glory.

And our acceptance of Your sovereignty gives us courage.

We come to You for Your strength and Your power.

Lord God Almighty, we acknowledge our utter dependence on You.

You have chosen us to love and serve, to know and worship You.

Help us to trust You with all the challenges and opportunities

Ahead of us today, and we commit them to You, dear Father.

Give us a special measure of wisdom and understanding,

Discernment and insight to tackle the problems that arise today.

Help us realize that we work by Your permission and grace,

Using all the gifts of talents and skills that You provide us.

Replenish us with Your strength so that we can soar.

Make us communicators of love and forgiveness to cheer others.

Sovereign God, You are our help in all triumphs and defeats.

You are our Lord in all changes and seasons, and for all challenges.

We don't need to spin to win with You for You know all about us.

And so we simply ask You to take our minds

And focus our intelligence on what  You will guide;

To take our will and inspire us to choose what is righteous and just;

And to take our voices and speak Your truth through them.

Make us hopeful people who expect great strength from You

And continue to attempt great strategies for You.

Help us synchronize with Your guidance and live by Your timing.

Almighty God, we accept that we're accountable of our lives.

Think through our minds and speak through our lips.

Thank You for Your abiding presence and power.

Thank You for liberating us from the false assumption

That we are adequate on our own for life's challenges.

Thank You for accepting our work with excellence as worship.

Help us to know and do Your will and guide us in doing Your will.

Help us to seek our security in our relationship with You.

Through Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

You are our Lord and our Savior. Amen and Amen.

Reviving the Cameroon Nation

Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

You are a great and awesome God,

You always fulfill Your promises of mercy

To those who love and obey You.

But we've sinned, trespassed and transgressed so much.

We've rebelled against You and scorned Your Teachings.

We've refused to listen to Your servants the Prophets,

Whom You send again and again through the years,

With Your messages to leaders and peoples of Cameroon.

Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

You are righteous, You do things right;

But as for us Cameroonians, we suffer oppression

Because we've been unfaithful and have sinned against You.

Yes Lord, all of us - the government, leaders and the citizens.

And even our ancestors and Cameroonians scattered abroad.

You are merciful and forgiving,

And You even pardon those who rebel against You.

There is no one full of grace like You.

We've not obeyed the voice of the Lord God Almighty.

We've transgressed Your laws and rejected Your Teachings,

In preference to our own traditions and man-made laws!

And so the consequences of our culture of disobedience

Have put us in bondage, according to Your Word.

Never has a nation been in such ruin even after a jubilee.

But even so we still refuse to satisfy the Lord God Almighty

By turning from our evil and wicked ways and doing right.

You are fair in everything You do, yet we would not obey!

Our Father and our Lord God Almighty,

You have rescued us before from the oppression of Colonizers.

According to all Your righteousness,

We pray, let Your anger and fury be turned away from Cameroon,

The Africa in miniature, the trigger for the continent of Africa.

You brought lasting honor to Your name by granting us Independence

And freedom among the free nations of the world, half a century ago,

In a great display of power; Lord, do it again; our God of possibilities.

For the heathen mock at You because your nation lies in utter ruins!

O Father God Almighty, hear our desperate supplication.

Listen as we plead the case of the nation and people of Cameroon.

Let Your face shine again with peace and joy, security and prosperity,

Upon our desolate land, for Your own glory and honor.

We pray not because of our righteousness,

But because of Your great mercies; O Lord hear us and forgive us.

Listen to us and act; do not delay for Your own sake.

For Your people who are praying are called by Your name.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let it be so!


Prophecy and Revival for Cameroon


Father, You are God all by Your Self. 

Ancient of Days and the Unchangeable Changer!

Forgive us of our sins, transgressions and trespasses.

Forgive our parents and families up to the beginning of time in Cameroon.

You are the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Father God Almighty, thank You for Your Son Jesus! 

Jesus..... The name that is above all other names.

Every knee must bow,  every tongue must confess, at the mention of Your name.

You have given us jurisdiction and authority over this territory today.

We know that if You shut the Heavens, there will be no rain in Cameroon.

But we also know that You are a merciful God.

Thank you Father for making us vessels for Your glory.

Manifest Your power and love; let there be signs, miracles and wonders.

For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.

We thank You that our prayers are holy and acceptable unto You.

Thank You for Your consecration and sanctification.

Our declarations will ascend into Heaven without hindrance

And will not be earth-bound, in Jesus' name.

We break every spiritual bar and barrier, in Jesus' name!

Anoint us afresh even right now with Your Oil.

Marinade and saturate us with Your glory!

Fill us with your Fire and get us to work, in Jesus' name!

Father God Almighty, from the time of John the Baptist,

The Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

The psalmist says if the foundation be broken what can the righteous do?

We find the answer, Oh Lord, in the book of Revelation 12:11.

That we overcome Satan by the Blood of Jesus Christ,

And by our testimony and our lifestyle.

Lord Jesus, You have given us many promises in the Scriptures:

You said in John 14:14, that You'll do anything we ask in Your name.

You said in Matthew 7:7, that we'll receive what we ask,

We'll find what we seek, and the doors we knock on will be opened to us.

You said one person will chase a thousand enemies

And two people will put ten thousand bad guys to flight.

You said whatever we bind or loose, allow or disallow on Earth,

You will bind or loose, allow or disallow in Heaven.

You said the words from our mouth are holy and acceptable unto You.

You said two are better than one; and where 2 or more are gathered,

You are there with them; so You are here with us now, we're more than 2.

You said You will honor Your Word more than Your name, in Psalm 138:2! 

You are the same yesterday, today, now, and forever! 

What You did yesterday, You will do it again!

With a staff, Moses parted the Red Sea;

With a stone and sling, David killed Goliath;

With 300 men out of 32000, Gideon defeated the His enemies;

You used Esther to save the Jews;

You used Joseph during the hunger crisis in Egypt to save Your people;

You used Paul for the salvation of the Gentiles;

And You used Nehemiah to rebuild the broken wall and a broken nation.

Were we born for such a time as this, Lord?

Use us! Use us! Use us! You are the same God!

Use us for the Salvation of Cameroon, in Jesus' name!

Use us for the Revival of Cameroon, in Jesus' name!

Use us for the Restoration of Cameroon, in Jesus' name!

Use us for the Rebuilding of Cameroon, in Jesus' name!

Ancient of Days and the Unchangeable Changer and Transformer!

Can these dry bones live again? Yes, Lord,  if You so declare!

Therefore, the ruins of Cameroon can be restored again!

We declare and decree good governance and a democratic Cameroon!

We declare and decree accountability and no more corruption.

We declare and decree the exposure of sin; nothing shall be hidden anymore!

We declare and decree economic growth and abundance of food and jobs.

We declare and decree availability of schools, roads and other infrastructure.

We declare and decree affordable health and free hospitals.

We declare and decree a political turnaround and the end of injustice.

We declare and decree free and fair elections at all levels in Cameroon.

We call forth a shift in the political and economic, cultural and educational,

Ecclesiastical and social atmosphere and climate of Cameroon.

We call forth separation of powers of government and a breakthrough season.

The Blood of Jesus Move in Cameroon! Move north to south, east to west! Move!

In the mighty name of Jesus, it is so. 


Preparing Kingdom Harvesters


Our Father and our God Almighty,

Time has come for You to empower Your servants,

That they may bring glory and honor to You

By doing everything the King of kings gave us to do

For everyone who believes and obeys Your Son Jesus Christ.

Those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ and obey Him,

Know that He came from You and that You gave Him all power.

Father God Almighty, now that You are shaking the Earth,

We're praying for all people of God who love our Savior,

But not for those who belong to this world and hate Your Son.

We're praying that all Christians bring glory to Jesus Christ.

We're still in the world as You prepare it for the return of Christ.

So keep us safe by Your mighty power.

That we may be one with each other in unity and love.

Keep us safe by Your sovereign power.

Guard us that we may have complete joy and prosperity.

The people of this world hate us as they hated Your Son,

Because we don't belong to the world; we're Heaven's citizens.

Father, we're not asking You to take us out of this world,

But to keep us safe from the evil one,

Especially during this perilous season.

We don’t belong to this world even though we live in it.

Your word is the truth; let this truth make us completely Yours.

Jesus has sent us into the world to set the captives free.

And so that we may belong completely to the truth.

We're also praying for everyone else who will have faith

Because of what we'll say about our Redeemer.

Guide us to be selfless and to be one with each other and with You.

Then the people of this world will know that You love us.

Then they'll see the glory that you have given us,

Through the Lamb of God Who takes away our sins.

Father, may You find us worthy in Your service.

We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Keeping Our Blessings


Father God Almighty, bless our marriage today.

Bless us with a clear vision of Your purpose for our union.

Bless us by ordering our steps and bless our prayers for each other.

Bless us with safety from all harm and with a peaceful and loving home.

Bless us with hearts that are open and filled with

Gentle compassion for each other.

Bless us so that we'll remember to compliment and encourage each other.

Bless us with strength from the inside that spills forth to the outside

So that no weapon can be formed against or within us.

Bless our spouses in everything that they do this day.

Bless their thoughts, words and deeds under all circumstances.

Bless and fill our spouses' hearts with overwhelming peace and joy.

Hear their every concern and bring every appropriate solution

To their mind clearly and gently.

Bless us with patience so that we may be more tolerant partners.

Bless us to know and to see only the things that really matter

And to surrender all habits of thought or speech that breed discord.

Bless our finances today and remind us to use our resources wisely

And to give of our first fruits, offerings and tithes to You.

Bless us so that we'll cooperate with each other.

Bless us so that we'll see the goodness of Your presence in each other.

Bless us with kind thoughts of each other

That spill forth from our mouths as kind words.

Bless us to know when to speak up and when to listen.

Bless us to hear with our hearts, not our hurts.

Bless our marriage to be a breeding place

For Your presence and your love.

Dear Father God, we invite you into the center of our marriage

So that it may grow to be all that You created it to be.

For the blessings of Your peaceful, loving presence

In the center of our marriage, we are so grateful.

Let it be so! And So it is! We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Releasing Unexpected Resources


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!

Heaven and Earth are filled with Your glory.

Praise and thanksgiving be to You, Lord Most High.

Ruler of the Universe, reign in us.

Creator of all, recreate our heart to love You above all else.

Provider of limitless blessings, may we never forget that

We have been blessed to be a blessing to other people.

We commit our life to You here and now, today and forever.

We surrender the false idols of our heart to You:

Pride and position, power and accomplishments.

Without You, dear Father God Almighty,

We can't breathe a breath or think a thought;

We can't devise a plan or utter a word or take any action.

With complete trust,we dedicate this day's work to You.

You're the reason for living, the only One we must please.

We place our hope in Your power and presence and peace.

And we discover the liberating power of commitment to You.

Thank You for the movement of Your provision we experience.

The company of Heaven plus people and circumstances

Begin to rally to our aid when we commit our life to You our Lord.

We are released from the challenges we face,

And from the tension of living on our own limited resources.

Unexpected resources are being released now;

Unexplainable good things are starting to happen.

Thank You, dear Father God Almighty, for doing it today!

In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Increasing in Finances Supernaturally


Dear Father God Almighty,

Our struggles with money and finances are bringing us down.

We're  in dire need for our families, ministries, businesses and others.

Dear Lord God Almighty, we need Your help like never before.

You are the source of all our sustenance.

We know that You have all answers, and You always hear us.

Father, shine Your infinite light into our lives.

Bless us with abundance so that we may thrive.

We pray that You hear our prayer

And guide us in Your infinite wisdom.

Our finances are in crisis, and are causing us great pain.

Please uplift our hearts and bless us with more prosperity.

Money issues bring us down, despite Your other blessings.

We thank You for all You have done for us to date.

And we pray You will always remind us when we forget

That our spirit and soul always dwell in Your good graces.

Thank You Father, for blessing us with material comfort.

We affirm our ability to handle whatever comes our way

And we turn our financial problems over to God Almighty.

We commit to being grateful for all that we now have in our life.

What is in our lives right now that we feel grateful for,

Include richness in friends and blessed with fantastic health;

Overflowing with good will about our families;

Wealthy in life experiences and affluent in knowledge and skill;

Prosperous with the nature surrounding our homes.

We'll learn to manage our finances wisely, seeking all help.

And finally, we ask our Father God Almighty

To help us to understand our purpose in life and

To act on that purpose with courage and strength.

We know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work we love.

Father help us use our skills to be of service in the world.

Thank You Father God Almighty.

We know You are there to help us and we're grateful.

In Jesus' mighty name. Amen and Amen.

Creating Cultures of Love

Our Father and our God,

We speak to our inner man and call forth our spiritual gifts.

Thank You Father God Almighty,

That You have got a specific purpose and plan for our life,

And we pray that You would stir up our spiritual gifts.

We thank You Father, that when we pray for gifts from You,

You are a good Daddy who gives us good gifts.

We pray that You would release us into a deeper level

Of understanding how our unique spiritual gifts work.

We pray that we'll learn how to use our gifts with wisdom

And understanding and guidance from You alone.

We pray that we'll build the Kingdom of God with our gifts

And lead others to You through our unique spiritual gifts.

We declare that our spiritual gifts and calling

Are not based on good works

And cannot therefore be taken back from us.

For God has called and equipped us

According to His purpose and plan.

We're called Heaven-ward, to peace and to holiness.

We pray that we may grow in our revelation of who we are

And what God has empowered us to do with our life.

In the name of Jesus the Messiah, we release ourself

Into the Kingdom realm where the miraculous is normal.

We impart supernatural learning so that we'll comprehend

Matters that have previously been a mystery to us,

And we'll understand these things so well that we teach them.

We release over us an ability to partner with

The Angels of  God Almighty.

We declare and we decree in the name of Jesus,

That we'll sense the coming shifts of spiritual seasons

And discern what God is doing here on Earth;

We'll call leaders and nations into their God-given destiny;

Our words will call the promises of God into reality,

Breathe life into hopeless situations,

And edify everyone who hears them.

For we're children of the Most High God,

Sons and daughters of the King of kings.

Everywhere we go, we carry the power

And the authority and the influence of Heaven.

We're the expression of Heaven on Earth.

God will use us to touch and disciple

The peoples and the nations of the Earth.

We'll reproduce a generation of new Believers

Who will be intimate worshipers of

God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And they'll walk in signs, miracles and wonders

That declare the glory and faithfulness of God to all people.

We declare that the Holy Spirit will touch the sick through us,

And total restoration will take place in their body and soul,

And in their families and finances, and social relationships.

In the mighty name of Jesus the Messiah.

Amen and Amen and Amen.


Magnifying Jesus the Christ!


Our Father and our God Almighty,

With all our heart we praise the Lord

And our spirit rejoices in God our Savior.

Our soul magnifies and extols the Lord.

Our soul glorifies the Lord.

For the Lord has redeemed us from darkness to light.

He has shed His precious Blood for our transgressions.

He has even led us to the Father

And given us unlimited access to the Throne of mercy!

From now on all generations will call  us blessed.

Our Lord, the Most Merciful, always shows mercy

Especially to everyone who worships You.

The Almighty God does great things for us.

The All Powerful scatters the proud and the haughty,

Because of the purpose and designs of their hearts.

The Mighty One puts down the mighty from their thrones,

And enthrones humble people in places of power.

The Most Generous gives the hungry good things to eat,

And the Everlasting Father sends the rich away with nothing.

Holy is Your name  from generation to generation.


Assessing Seasons of Your Life


Oh Father God Almighty,

Our Redeemer and our Provider.

Bless us indeed this season,

For Your blessing is our greatest wealth,

And our work adds nothing to it!

Make us willing channels for Your mighty power

To accomplish great things here on Earth.

We allow the unhindered forces of Heaven

To begin to accomplish Your will through us now.

Oh Lord, that You would enlarge our territory.

Enlarge our life so that we can make

A greater impact for You here on Earth.

Expand our family and ministry and business.

Multiply and empower our children and grandkids.

Increase our ministry helpers and partners.

Enlarge our business network and income.

Replicate our talents and efforts a thousand fold.

And accelerate our growth process in time and space.

Oh Lord, that Your hand would be with us.

Provide Your protection and be with us in all we do.

Send people who need us and our services.

Expand our opportunities and impact in such a way

That we touch more lives for Your glory.

Let us keep doing more for You and Your Kingdom.

And let our abilities and resources increase supernaturally.

Oh Lord, that You'd keep us from trouble and pain.

Thank You Father, for granting us our request.

In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Unsealing Prophetic Knowledge


Our Father God Almighty,


Make us worthy to serve those who live and die

In poverty and hunger, injustice and ignorance.

Give them daily bread through our hands and heads,

And by our understanding love, give them peace and joy.

Lord, make us a channel of Your peace and justice:

That where there is hatred, we may bring love;

Where there is wrong, we may bring forgiveness;

Where there is discord, we may bring harmony;

Where there is falsehood, we may bring truth;

Where there is doubt, we may bring true faith in You;

Where there is despair, we may bring hope;

Where there are darkness, we may bring light;

Where there is sadness, we may bring joy.

O Father, grant that we may seek rather

To comfort than to be comforted;

To understand than to be understood;

To love with all our soul than to be loved!

For it is in giving that we receive.

It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.

It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.

In the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.


The Rainbow Prayer

Declaring God's Protection



























The Rainbow Prayer

Declaring God's Protection


We live in the shelter of the Most High

And we find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This we declare about the Lord.

You alone are our Refuge,

Our Place of safety.

You are our God and we trust in you.

For You will rescue us from every trap

And protect us from deadly disease.

You will cover us with Your feathers.

You will shelter me with Your wings.

Your faithful promises are

Our armor and our protection.

We will not be afraid of the terrors in the night

Nor the arrow that flies in the day.

Though a thousand fall at our side,

Though ten thousand people

Are dying all around us,

These evils will never touch us.

No evil will conquer us.

No plague will come near our home.

For You will order Your angels

To protect us wherever we go.

You will reward us with a long life.

And thank you, thank you for our salvation."


Healing Your Soul Wounds


Now, Lord Jesus Christ,

The Messiah, the Anointed One;

Come with Your Dunamis power,

That comes from Your resurrection,

To enable me to be excellent in soul.

I declare and I decree that right now

I am becoming excellent in my soul.

Flood my soul with Dunamis power.

Your Blood washed away the sin.

Now Your power, which is Dunamis power,

Is washing and cleansing and healing

The wounds that come from my sin.

Heal my wounded soul.

Cause my wounded soul to become excellent.

Fill my wounds with Dunamis power.

I receive it now in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is the power that comes from Your resurrection.

Heal me in soul and then heal my body.

I am being prospered and brought into health,

Because my soul is being prospered now.

I command diseases and sicknesses off of me now!

I command ailments and bacteria off of me now!

I command toxins and viruses to die and be removed now!

I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Preparing for the Return of Christ


Dear Lord Jesus, You're my King,

You're my Lord and my Master;

And my life is gloriously blessed.

I'm seated in the highest place.

And from today I'm experiencing another dimension.

I see possibilities and I dwell in possibilities.

I dream without limitations, I dream God's dream.

There is no limitation in my life that will remain.

From today, I see infinity and

Eternity at work in humanity.

In the name of Jesus, my past is gone.

I forgive myself and I forgive those that hurt me.

I forgive my past; I let loose and let go.

I've been delivered out of Satan's power.

And I now operate in the dimension of kings.

Thank You Lord, I am reigning in life.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.


Preparing for the Return of Christ


Father God Almighty,

We seek Your truth in the issues before us.

Let Your light of guidance shine in our mind today.

Place in our mind clear discernment

Of what is Your will for us and our family,

Our ministry and our business.

Lead us Lord, in your righteousness

And make our way straight before our face.

Help us to look ahead to every detail of the day,

To picture You guide our steps and shape our attitude, 

Inspire our thoughts and enable abundant living.

We accept Your Word and we have

Stored up Your commands within us.

We now call out for supernatural insight from You.

We now make divine insight our priority,

And we'll look for divine insight

And won't take 'No' for an answer.

We live to fear You Lord,

Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding

Are what we so desire.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.


Inspirations of the Still Small Voice Within You


My heavenly Father, I am your child,

For I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

The Messiah, has been raised from the dead,

And I have confessed Him as my Lord and Savior.

Jesus said, "How much more shall your heavenly Father

Give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."

I ask You now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

The Messiah, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

I step into the fullness and power that I desire

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.

I confess that I am a Spirit-filled Christian.

As I yield my vocal organs,

I expect to speak in tongues for the Spirit gives utterance,

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.

Praise the Lord!

Father I thank You for I have the mind of Christ.
The Holy Spirit leads and guides me into all the truth.

He gives me understanding, discernment, and comprehension

So that I am preserved from the snares of the devil.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.

I seal this prayer in Jesus the Christ, the Messiah's name! Amen!


The Christ Disciple Dimension


Gracious Father God Almighty,

Heal our soul with Your forgiveness,

That sacred sanctuary, the place You live in us,

The port of entry for Your Spirit.

It is the portion of us that determines the development

Of our character and the direction of our life.

Uplift our soul with Your inspiration,

Quiet our soul with Your peace,

And sustain our soul with Your patience.

May we always express what You place in our soul.

Give us a sense of expectancy in our present lifestyle.

Help us to expect great things from You

And to attempt great things for You.

Fill us with Your love and joy, peace and patience

And we'll be empowered to perform our duties differently.

We commit to You the challenges and opportunities ahead,

Expecting Your surprises to work things out.

Give us freedom to cooperate with You.

Inspire in us a positive attitude towards life

Because we know You will maximize our efforts,

Assist us when dealing with difficult people,

And help us care for those in need.

Bring on life filled with Your Spirit, Lord.

We're expecting wonderful things to happen!

Bless the Lord, O our soul, bless His holy name!

Lord God of hosts, thank You for restoring our soul.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.


Cultivating Habits That Attract Success


Almighty Father, we praise You for giving us life.

You are the One to whom we must account for

Our behavior and character, achievements and relationships.

We spread out before You all that we’ve been and done,

And ask You to show us what You require; we belong to You.

May we see ourselves honestly in the pure white light of Your truth.

May we learn to walk daily in truth, love and obedience to Your commands.

Sovereign God, we are accountable for the precious gift of life.

You are the ultimate Judge of what we say and do.

You alone can give us the strength, courage and wisdom we need.

When we seek first Your pleasure, we can serve with pleasure.

Think through our mind, speak through our lips,

And set our hearts on fire with convictions

That will enable us to enable Your best for our lives.

We claim Your presence and we praise You for supplying our needs.

You establish our thinking and energize our work.

We trade in the spirit of self-importance for the spirit of self sacrifice;

The need to appear great for the desire to make others great;

The worry over our place of importance

For the certainty of Your place in our hearts.

As You care for us today, we pledge to live for Your glory.

In Your righteous and all-powerful name. Amen and Amen.


Taking Full Responsibility for Our Life

Our Gracious Father, Lord God Almighty;

We acknowledge our utter dependence on You.

We have nothing we've not received from You.

You sustain us day by day and moment by moment.

We deliberately empty our minds and hearts

Of anything that doesn't glorify You.

We release to You any pride, self-serving attitude,

Or willfulness we may have harbored on our hearts.

We ask You to take from us anything that makes it

Difficult not to love or like certain people.

May our relationships reflect Your love and forgiveness.

We commit our life to You here, now, today, forever.

We surrender our false idols to You:

Pride, position, power, past accomplishments.

In Your presence we simply can be and know

That we're loved and renewed each day.

Accept our work as our worship of You.

Help us to bring meaning of our faith to our work

Rather than make our work the meaning of our life.

Enable us to seek to do everything to Your glory.

Fill us with Your grace and make us cheerful people

Who make others happier because we're with them.

Make us a blessing and not a burden,

A lift and not a load, and a delight and not a drag.

Free us of preoccupation with self and needs.

May our thoughts and words, attitudes and actions

Communicate our caring and empathy to others.

Make us good listeners and enable us to hear

What people are expressing beneath what they're saying.

Expand our mind until we're capable of thinking Your thoughts.

Deepen our trust so that we can live with freedom from anxiety.

Show us the people who particularly need encouragement.

You have blessed us to be a blessing in serving others.

Grant us grace and courage to give ourselves away

To You and to others with whom we live and work.

Your presence burning in us gives us enthusiasm for our calling.

Your love in us sets us ablaze with passion and responsibility.

Replenish our enthusiasm for the people in our life,

The work You've given us to do, and the leadership we provide.

In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Confidence in God when in Problems


Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psalm 50:15).

We share in Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end. (Hebrews 3:14).


Almighty Father, Your will be done on Earth in these uncertain times.

You do not cause disasters; and You’re with us giving us

Courage and hope during disasters and disappointments.

We therefore press on with confidence to the challenges ahead.

Irrespective of perplexities and complexities of issues,

We know that You’re with us to offer strength and wisdom.

You created us with freedom of choice to know, love, and serve You.

There’s a force of evil in the world expressed through people and nations.

You’re not dissuaded but You suffer with us and bring good out of evil.

Lord we need discernment into blessings wrapped up in our problems.

Endow us with wisdom and inspiration to see the solutions clearly.

Thank You for our family and friends who depend on us.

Help us communicate Your love and forgiveness, peace and hope.

Help us to keep loving them even when we feel rejection or disrespect.

Help us to ask, “Lord, what do You want us to get out of this?”

Rather than to cry out, “Lord, get us out of this!”

Help us overcome the illusion that the only time You are present

Is when everything is going smoothly in our circumstances.

This life is but a small part of the whole of eternity;

Not even death can separate us from You.

Remind us of the shortness of time and the length of eternity.

Make us effective communicators of love and strength to those who

Continue to suffer in the grim outbursts of evil deeds and injustice.

Bless us with a fresh gift of faith to trust You,

And a renewed assurance that though the wrong seems so strong,

You are the ruler of Heaven and Earth yet!

In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.



Last Week of 14 Weeks!

Changing the Dimension of Your Lifestyle


Dear Lord Jesus, You're our King,

You're our Lord and our Master;

And our life is gloriously blessed.

We're seated in the highest place.

And from today we're experiencing another dimension.

We see possibilities and we dwell in possibilities.

We dream without limitations, we dream God's dream.

There is no limitation in our life that will remain.

From today, we see infinity and eternity at work in humanity.

In the name of Jesus, our past is gone.

We forgive ourself and we forgive those that hurt us.

We forgive our past; we let loose and let go.

We've been delivered out of Satan's power.

And we now operate in the dimension of kings.

Thank You Lord, we're reigning in life.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.



Week 13 of 14. Days 85-91 of 95

Supernatural Insight to Problem Solving


Gracious Father, Lord of triumphs and disappointments,

Lord who does not change in the midst of change,

Lord of the ups and downs of life,

I come to You for Your strength and Your power.

Make me a hopeful person who expects great strength from You

And continues to attempt great strategies for You.

Replenish me with Your strength so that I may soar.

I claim Your promise that those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.

And I will run and not be weary, I will walk and not faint!

I begin this day by yielding my mind to Your magnificent creativity.

You know everything, and You also know what is best for me.

You have entrusted me with responsibilities.

You are omniscient, You are omnipresent, and You are omnipotent.

You're here with me now and You will be with me

Wherever this day's responsibilities take me.

I commit all my works to You Lord, establish my thoughts.

Thank You for this secret of success in Your Word.

Thank You for supernatural intelligence to maximize my thinking.

I surrender my life, this day's work, and the challenges I face to You.

When I commit my problems and plans and projects to You,

You instigate thoughts I would not have conceived without Your help.

Thank You that I can commune with You in quietness and confidence,

Renew my convictions and refresh my courage

And affirm my dedication to serve You.

In Your presence I simply can be.....and know that I am loved.

You love me and give me new beginnings each day.

Thank You that I can depend on Your guidance for my day's challenges.

I consecrate the day and You will show me the way.

You are my Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen.



Week 12 of 14. Days 78-84 of 95

Problems are a Setup for Triumph


Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for not always believing in Your miracles.

I want to know You in Your fullness and see

The ways that Heaven touches Earth.

Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see

The ways that You're moving on Earth today.

Lord, I want to be a part of what You're doing on Earth.

I want to see the dead rise, the sick healed, the lame walk,

And to have supernatural encounters.

I want to feel Your presence in a new and profound way.

Jesus, You said that Your followers would walk in greater miracles

Than You did on Earth, and I want to walk in those miracles.

I want to see the dead rise, the sick healed, the lame walk.

Give me a grid to understand the way that You work.

Teach me how to work out my supernatural faith.

Help me to measure normal by how You lived on the Earth.

Lord, I thank You that part of my divine inheritance as a Believer

Is the realm of the supernatural and the miraculous.

But I don't want to get distracted from my relationship with You.

I ask You for a greater boldness and courage to pray

For those around me who need healing and miracles.

Teach me Your ways, Lord; show me how to walk in the supernatural.

Give me revelation about how to pray for the sick; I'm willing, teach me.

Empower me to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to perform miracles,

And to demonstrate Your goodness and glory through signs and wonders.

Lord, help me keep things in perspective; help me build intimacy with You.

Thank You that You've given me praise as a key to victory.

I choose to praise You with all my heart and to tell of Your wonders.

 No miracle is greater than You, Jesus; I love and adore You;

And You are always the object of my affection; my portion forever!

Lord, let the miracles and healings I witness be signs that point to You.

Let these signs and wonders make me wonder about Your greatness.

Lord, thank You for the supernatural experiences that You invite me into.

As a child of the Most High God, reveal to me how to grab hold of a faith

That pushes me into the realm of Your unlimited abilities.

Lord, I allow You to move in Your splendor and glory, out of the box!

Thank You for who You are. In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.



Week 11 of 14. Days 71-77 of 95

Completing Your Assignment on Earth


Almighty Father, I praise You for making life a courtroom with a judge.

You are the Judge of my life, the One to whom I must account

For my behavior and character, achievements and relationships.

I don't have to judge myself with self-condemnation or others with harshness.

I expose my private and public life and lifestyle for Your judgment.

I spread out before You all that I have been and done,

And ask You to show me what You require; I belong to You.

The people of my life, Your gifts, given to me by Your divine appointment;

And your justice and righteousness are my mandates.

May I see myself honestly in the pure white light of Your truth.

May I learn to walk daily in truth, love and obedience to Your commands.

Sovereign God, I accept that I'm accountable for the precious gift of life.

You are the ultimate Judge of what I say and do.

Help me to play my life to an audience of One: You, dear Father.

You alone can give me the strength, courage and wisdom I need.

When I seek first Your pleasure, I can serve with pleasure.

Think through my mind, speak through my lips, and set my heart on fire

With convictions that will enable me to enable Your best for my life.

Now as I stand before You as my Judge, I feel Your Son Jesus

Beside me with mercy and within me as perfect peace.

Take my hands, dear Lord, and lead me on to Your righteousness,

So that I may have less to confess and more to give thanks.

I claim Your presence and I praise You for supplying my needs.

You establish my thinking and energize my work.

Thank You that I can depend on Your guidance for all that is ahead of me.

Restore the continuous flow of Your Spirit through me as a mighty river.

I trade in the spirit of self-importance for the spirit of self sacrifice;

The need to appear great for the desire to make others great;

The worry over my place of importance

For the certainty of Your place in my heart.

I consecrate the day and You show me the way to fulfillment.

As You care for me today, I pledge myself to live for Your glory.

In Your righteous and all-powerful name. Amen and Amen.


Gracious Lord Jesus Christ our Redeemer,

I need to know You as my friend.

I ask You for a renewal of the friendship that makes

Prayer a natural give-and-take divine dialogue.

You have told me that if I as a branch, am connected to You

The Vine of virtue, my life will emulate Your character.

I dedicate this day to live as Your branch for the flow of Your Spirit.

Apart from You I can accomplish nothing of lasting significance.

Distinguish me with the fruit of Your Spirit, a cluster of divinely inspired,

Imputed and induced character traits of Your nature reproduced in me.

Your love encourages me and gives me security;

Your joy uplifts me and gives me exuberance;

Your peace floods my heart with serenity;

Your patience calms my agitation over difficulties and pressures;

Your kindness enables me to deal with shortcomings;

Your goodness challenges me for renewed commitment to integrity;

Your faithfulness produces trustworthiness and dependability;

Your gentleness reveals the might of true meekness;

Your Lordship gives me self-control due to Your control in my life.

Open my mind so I may see myself and

My relationships from Your perspective.

Reveal to me Your priorities and Your plan.

I spread out my problems and perplexities before You.

Help me to listen attentively to Your answers.

I ask You to be my unseen but undeniable friend.

Let me hear Your voice sounding in my soul.

You have shown me repeatedly that courage is mine

Because You have a tight grip on me.

Thank You dear Lord Jesus, my friend,

For the fresh supply of courage today.

You lead me to attempt what I couldn't pull off in my own strength.

At the very moment I cry out for Your help in desperate times,

You open the floodgates of courage and give me

That inner resolve that makes me bold and resolute.

You are the mighty God.; may my communion with You go deeper.

Live in me and manifest in me what You want to express through me.

You make me strong for tough times!

In Your mighty name. Amen and Amen.



Week 9 of 14. Days 57-63 of 95

Uplifting and Restoring Your Soul


Gracious Father God Almighty,

I long for You to heal my soul with Your forgiveness,

That sacred sanctuary, the place You live in me,

The port of entry for Your Spirit.

It is the portion of me that determines the development

Of my character and the direction of my life.

Uplift my soul with Your inspiration,

Quiet my soul with Your peace,

Sustain my soul with Your patience,

And calm my soul with Your pacing and timing.

May I always express what You place in my soul.

Give me a sense of expectancy in my present lifestyle.

Help me to expect great things from You

And to attempt great things for You.

Fill me with Your love and joy, peace and patience

And I'll be empowered to perform my duties differently.

I commit to You the challenges and opportunities ahead,

Expecting Your surprises to work things out.

Give me freedom to cooperate with You.

Inspire in me a positive attitude towards life

Because I know You will maximize my efforts,

Assist me when dealing with difficult people,

And help me care for those in need.

Bring on life filled with Your Spirit, Lord;

I am expecting wonderful things to happen!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, bless His holy name!

Lord God of hosts, thank You for restoring my soul.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.

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