The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
Father God Almighty, I come before you to consecrate and sanctify myself as living and holy sacrifice to You and You only. I’m taking an intimate journey with You for the next 21 days Father. Order my steps, order my stops. I love You Father, I adore You, For You alone are holy. I’ve realized that I can’t do anything and achieve anything without Your blessings. Any effort of mine will be fruitless. Thank You for Your beloved Son my Lord and Savior the Messiah Jesus Christ. He is my Prince of Peace and my soon coming King. Holy Spirit, I invite You today to come and take control of this session in Jesus’ name, amen.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 1: Ezra 8:21
Then I proclaimed a fast. That we might humble ourselves before our God, from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions. (Ezra 8:21)
COMMENT: You declare a fast as a sacrifice to cleanse yourself and draw near to God. Fasting and praying is more effective to please God than just praying. This is the Ultimate Weapon God has given you.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 2: Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29: 11-13)
COMMENT: God loves you and is eager to bless you. He says He has wonderful plans for you. When you pray and fast, you give Him permission to use you for His purposes. Then He will supply you your every need. God is always eager to communion with you!
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 3: Revelation 1:4-6
Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own Blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (Revelation 1: 4-6)
COMMENT: Through the Blood of Jesus Christ, you have been made king and priest to rule the earth for God. Kings give commands, not beg around. Do the same. Kings have dominion and not authority. Policemen, Government officials, your boss have authority. You are a King. You are Royalty. You got Power! You have dominion over all things.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 4: Mark 11:22-26
“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” (Mark 11: 22-26)
COMMENT: Jesus gives three tips for effective prayer. First, give a specific command, then believe you have received by acting in faith, and finally, make sure there no unhealthy relationship in your life or with others. So you need your mouth, heart and soul to pray effectively.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 5: Matthew 6:31-34
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6: 31-34)
COMMENT: God knows all your needs. He is eager to give them to you. But He is more eager to train you to have a good character to behave like a king unto Him. You do this by first understanding how His Kingdom works and how to do things the right way. The Kingdom of God has principles that must be learned and applied for a happy and fulfilled life here on earth.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 6: Isaiah 55:6-9
Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 6-9)
COMMENT: Be like God to pray effectively: think like Him, speak like Him and act in righteousness like Him.
Song: All To Jesus I Surrender by Hillsong
Reading 7: Isaiah 58:3-8
‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?’ “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for people to humble themselves? Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed and for lying in sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD? “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58: 3-8)
COMMENT: The real fast is outlined here. The focus is not you. The focus is what you do to those hurting or in need around you. Love them unconditionally. Bless them and help them. That is counted as holiness. Do some good as your fast. Let your light so shine and let the world see that you are a child of the most High God.
Father God Almighty, fill me with unusual grace to become an intercessor for others' salvation. I present my emptiness to You with an open heart and a willing mind. Holy Spirit use my tongue as instrument to attract ready souls into God's Kingdom. Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for access to the Father through Your precious Blood. Father, today I come to You with all my heart. I’ve seen how my lack of surrender to Your will and purpose for my life has given the enemy an advantage over me. I surrender to Your will. Teach me to always seek Your mind in every situation that I face. May I not waste precious time wandering when I can come directly to You and see direction for my life. I receive grace from You, Lord, to bring my will into total submission to Yours. Holy Spirit, empower my prayer life from this day forward and make me a force that causes the devil to tremble. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father God Almighty, you are Glorious, You are Magnificent, You are Mighty, You are Majestic. I love You with every fiber of our being. Today is day 2 of my special time with You and I love to be in Your presence. For in Your presence, there is peace, love, healing, restoration, joy, deliverance, hope, salvation. Jesus Christ my Savior, I thank you for the Cross, I thank Your name that is above all other names. Holy Spirit, I invite you today to come and be the chairperson of this meeting. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 1: John 12: 23-36
Jesus said: The time has come for the Son of Man to be given his glory. I tell you for certain that a grain of wheat that falls on the ground will never be more than one grain unless it dies. But if it dies, it will produce lots of wheat. If you love your life, you will lose it. If you give it up in this world, you will be given eternal life. If you serve me, you must go with me. My servants will be with me wherever I am. If you serve me, my Father will honor you. Now I am deeply troubled, and I don't know what to say. But I must not ask my Father to keep me from this time of suffering. In fact, I came into the world to suffer. So Father, bring glory to yourself. A voice from heaven then said, "I have already brought glory to myself, and I will do it again!" When the crowd heard the voice, some of them thought it was thunder. Others thought an angel had spoken to Jesus. Then Jesus told the crowd, "That voice spoke to help you, not me. This world's people are now being judged, and the ruler of this world is already being thrown out! If I am lifted up above the earth, I will make everyone want to come to me." Jesus was talking about the way he would be put to death. The crowd said to Jesus, "The Scriptures teach that the Messiah will live forever. How can you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?" Jesus answered, "The light will be with you for only a little longer. Walk in the light while you can. Then you won't be caught walking blindly in the dark. Have faith in the light while it is with you, and you will be children of the light." After Jesus had said these things, he left and went into hiding. (John 12:23-36)
COMMENT: Jesus gave up his life to save humankind. What generosity by God and what obedience by our Lord and Savior! The power of the Blood of Jesus will resolve every challenge today and in the future for everyone ready to receive. It is amazing power!
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading Bible 2: Jonah 3: 1-10
Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways
and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. (Jonah 3: 1-10)
COMMENT: Embrace the heavy responsibility of interceding for others to attract God's attention. When you pray for others believe with conviction and certitude, that God is the same forever. As we pray for sinners to turn from their evil ways, God relents and does not bring any destruction HE has for those who disobey Him. That is the merciful God we serve.
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 3: Genesis 3: 1-13
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” The man said, “The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” (Genesis 3: 1-13)
COMMENT: Are you into the blame game? Well, watch out. God just wants your life fixed and realigned to His will and laws. He wants unity and oneness in your family, your church, your, at your job site, in your association, and not the history of how the problem started! He wants you to live holy, no matter what your spouse is doing. No pay back games! He wants you to do things right even if promotion at work comes by other ungodly methods. He wants you to become rich by appropriate means.
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 4: Genesis 12: 1-9
The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there. Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. The LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to
him. From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD. Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev. (Genesis 12: 1-9)
COMMENT: Abraham showed extraordinary obedience by leaving his people for an unknown destination. He earned God's admiration. By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God's call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By an act of faith he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger camping in tents. Isaac and Jacob did the same, living under the same promise. Abraham did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations - the City designed and built by God. Ever since God gave you a new baptism what have you been doing to completely obey Him? What inheritance and legacy are you leaving for your children and the next generations?
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 5: Acts 6: 1-7
Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” And the saying pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch, whom they set before the apostles; and when they had prayed, they laid hands on them. Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many
of the priests were obedient to the faith. (Acts 6: 1-7)
COMMENT: We are advised that we should obey our leaders. All the leaders we need are in God's custody. To get the right leaders you must pray and pray effectively. The quality of leaders you get is a function of the quality of prayers made. Good leaders need total submission to God to use them lead efficiently and effectively. May God release upon you the grace to submit to Him as never before in Jesus name.
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 6: Matthew 21: 24-32
Jesus answered, "I have just one question to ask you. If you answer it, I will tell you where I got the right to do these things. Who gave John the right to baptize? Was it God in heaven or merely some human being?" They thought it over and said to each other, "We can't say that God gave John this right. Jesus will ask us why we didn't believe John. On the other hand, these people think that John was a prophet, and we are afraid of what they might do to us. That's why we can't say that it was merely some human who gave John the right to baptize." So they told Jesus, "We don't know." Jesus said, "Then I won't tell you who gave me the right to do what I do." Jesus said: I will tell you a story about a man who had two sons. Then you can tell me what you think. The father went to the older son and said, "Go work in the vineyard today!" His son told him that he would not do it, but later he changed his mind and went. The man then told his younger son to go work in the vineyard. The boy said he would, but he didn't go. Which one of the sons obeyed his father? "The older one," the chief priests and leaders answered. Then Jesus told them: You can be sure that tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you ever will! When John the Baptist showed you how to do right, you would not believe him. But these evil people did believe. And even when you saw what they did, you still would not change your minds and believe. (Matthew 21: 24-32)
COMMENT: You cannot serve God effectively when people are grumbling around you. So the Disciples appointed Deacons to deal with the needs of the Believers. Their material needs were as important as their spiritual needs. God thus promoted Deacon Stephen to even outshine the Disciples. Make sure you are not overwhelmed with responsibilities. Help is always available if you just ask. Putting so much on your plate will affect every area of your life negatively: your church, your marriage, your ministry, your relationships.
Song: I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
Bible Reading 7: Joshua 24: 14-22
“Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD to serve other gods! It was the LORD our God himself who brought us and our parents up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled. And the LORD drove out before us all the nations, including the Amorites, who lived in the land. We too will serve the LORD, because he is our God.” Joshua said to the people,
“You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you.” But the people said to Joshua, “No! We will serve the LORD.” Then Joshua said, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the LORD.” “Yes, we are witnesses,” they replied. (Joshua 24: 14-22)
COMMENT: Joshua declares that he and his household will always serve the Lord. And the people promised that they too will serve the Lord. Joshua had been obedient to the Lord since taking over from Moses. Take the solemn decision to serve the Lord faithfully for the rest of your life and see what the Lord will do in your life. Blessings will overtake you in all you do.
Thank You Father God Almighty, for putting Your Spirit in me so I can have fellowship with You. Help me keep Your Spirit within me alive as I habitually stay in touch with You through prayer. Breathe into my being the atmosphere of Heaven. Enable me live an obedient lifestyle that brings you glory and honor. I want to be in profound communion with You in order to obey you faithfully. I need vision, wisdom and courage no one else can provide but You. I’ll obey You faithfully dear Father from this day forward. Thank You for using this time of prayer with You to show me Your faithfulness and to give me Your guidance in Your Word. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father God Almighty, You are the Boss! You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Underneath the earth belongs to You. You are Alpha and Omega, You are A to Z, You are All-wise, All-Knowing, You are Everything! I honor You, I fear You, I reverence You, I glorify You, I worship You, as I was created by You to love You and to worship You. Father God, today is day 3 of my intimate time with You. I’m excited and rejoicing in Your presence. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, You are my Healer, my Salvation, my Redemption, my bright Morning Star. I love You, Jesus. What can I do without You? Holy Spirit, You are my Helper, my Director, please help me direct this meeting today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega by Israel & The New Breed
Reading 1: Psalm 23:1, 4
"The LORD is my shepherd......Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
COMMENT: God is your Protector; fear no evil. With God on your side, who can be against you? You are covered. Therefore, honor Him to show your appreciation.
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega by Israel & The New Breed
Reading 2: Proverbs 4:20-22
"My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body."
COMMENT: God’s Word is life and health to you, when you believe it. Stand on it to overcome every challenge in your life. Let the Word become flesh in your life. Speak the Word in your situation.
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega By Israel & The New Breed
Reading 3: Isaiah 53:4-5
"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."
COMMENT: God loved you and gave up Jesus for your sins. Honor God for that alone. For He led you to Christ to redeem you!
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega By Israel & The New Breed
Reading 4: Hebrews 11:1, 6, 8.
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."
COMMENT: With faith you attract God to act for you. But with fear, you attract the Enemy to hurt you. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Lack of faith is considered sin!
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega by Israel & The New Breed
Reading 5: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."
COMMENT: God is love. Love is power and light. It overcomes all obstacles. When you love, you have obeyed all the laws! Love never fails. Love unconditionally.
Song: You Are Alpha & Omega By Israel & The New Breed
Reading 6: Romans 12:1-2
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12: 1-2)
COMMENT: When you willingly surrender to God, your life will be very easy. Let Him change your thinking, and you will know how to please Him. Allow your mind to be renewed by Jesus Christ.
Reading 7: Proverbs 3:9-10
"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."
COMMENT: All you own comes from God. When you offer Him part of what you earn, He will bless and protect the rest of your wealth. Always give God your first fruits!
Father God Almighty, I surrender to Your will. Teach me to always seek Your mind in every situation that I face. May I not waste precious time wandering when I can come directly to You and seek direction for my life. I receive grace from You to bring my will into total submission to Yours. I understand how my lack of surrender to Your will and purpose for my life can give the enemy an advantage over me. Holy Spirit, empower my prayer life from this day forward and make it a force that causes the devil to tremble. Father God, by faith I give myself to You and I’ll follow You for the rest of my life. Help me discover my passion and fulfill it so that it brings glory to Your Name and bless humanity. You have created me for communion with You. I open my mind and heart to honor and fear You. You are my All in All, I honor You, We reverence You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Opening Prayer:
Father God Almighty, Your Word says without faith it is impossible to please You. Your Word also says that lack or absence of faith in my life is sin! This is not my portion in the name of Jesus Christ. Today is day 4 of my special time with You Father. In faith, I believe that You heard me the very first day I started spending time with You. In faith, I believe that all my needs and prayers have been met and answered in Jesus’ name. Thank you Savior, thank you Master Jesus for Your Blood! Holy Spirit, I surrender this meeting into Your hands. Fill the atmosphere with Your glory in Jesus name, amen.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 1: Genesis 2: 9, 15-17
The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...... The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2: 9, 15-17)
COMMENT: Learn to obey God completely and unconditionally. Avoid judgments as right or wrong, and let God be the Judge.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 2: Genesis 3: 16-19
To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3: 16-19)
COMMENT: Even though the wife lured Adam into sin, God punished him and all his subsequent generations for not taking his responsibility as family head. God will hold you accountable for not playing your role in your home, church, ministry, and at work place.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 3: Exodus 20: 1-7, 12
And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. (Exodus 20: 1-7, 12)
COMMENT: God will punish for sinning by association. He punishes children for the sins of their parents. And in his justice, he will bless children and grandchildren because of their parents.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 4: Romans 5: 12-21
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned - To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5: 12-21)
COMMENT: One sin by the first Adam led to your condemnation. Through the obedience of Jesus Christ, God has made you righteous. Therefore honor Him for that.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 5: Deuteronomy 30: 11-20
Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Deuteronomy 30: 11-20)
COMMENT: The Word of God is very near you for the taking. All you need is declare the truth of God with your mouth and believe it in your heart. And blessings will overtake you.
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 6: Hebrews 4: 12-13
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4: 12-13)
COMMENT: The Word of God will overcome every challenge you may ever have, if you believe. God honors His Word more than His name. Use the Word of God in all circumstances. Apply it!
Song: Worthy Is The Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Bible Reading 7: Ephesians 6: 10-18
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6: 10-18)
COMMENT: You put on the full armor of God for battle by faith. Declare and believe that you are putting on each piece of the armor in Jesus’ name.
Father God Almighty, I know without faith it is impossible to please You. You called Abraham a friend because of his faith. I am Your friend today. Help me to keep my faith alive and active. Holy Spirit, empower me to pray daily in the Spirit so that my faith can grow a little stronger each time. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father God Almighty, You are worthy of my time, of my life, and of my everything. Today is day 5 of my meeting time with you dear Father. Your Joy is my strength and Your strength is my joy. With You in me, everything is okay – nothing missing, nothing needed, nothing wanted. Your grace and mercy have brought me this far. You have forgiven me of my sins through the Precious Blood of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ. You loved me so much that You sent Your Son to come and die for me. Thank you Jesus Christ. You are the essence of my being Jesus. Holy Spirit, I love you, I need you, please come and conduct this meeting for me. You are the best. I cannot do anything without You Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 1: Colossians 2: 6-15
You have accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord. Now keep on following him. Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful. Don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ. God lives fully in Christ. And you are fully grown because you belong to Christ, who is over every power and authority. Christ has also taken away your selfish desires, just as circumcision removes flesh from the body. And when you were baptized, it was the same as being buried with Christ. Then you were raised to life because you had faith in the power of God, who raised Christ from death. You were dead, because you were sinful and were not God's people. But God let Christ make you alive, when he forgave all our sins. God wiped out the charges that were against us
for disobeying the Law of Moses. He took them away and nailed them to the cross. And Christ defeated all powers and forces. He let the whole world see them being led away as prisoners when he celebrated his victory. (Colossians 2: 6-15)
COMMENT: Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that's not the way of Christ. Everything of God gets expressed in Him, so you can see and hear Him clearly. You don't need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without Him. When you come to Him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 2: Luke 19: 1-10
Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19: 1-10)
COMMENT: This is a lesson on restitution. Examine yourself today and speak for Jesus as Zacchaeus did. List your pending restitutions and prayerfully take steps to right the wrongs. Are you holding back what belongs to others? Restitute today for God knows all you do to His servants. The deliverance you are seeking may be restitution. Until this is done, you may go round in circles as long as you continue to seek wealth, you cannot find Jesus. But if you seek Jesus, you will have more than wealth. When the wealth Zacchaeus craved could not give him fulfillment, he received Jesus and restitution followed. He first gave out 50% of his wealth. Thereafter, he offered to restore 4-fold anything he took by hook or crook in accordance with the law. And he hot divine approval. Restitution is an indispensable building block for your progress, prosperity, health and Heaven.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 3: 2 Kings 5: 20-27
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said to himself, “My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting from him what he brought. As surely as the LORD lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” So Gehazi hurried after Naaman. When Naaman saw him running toward him, he got down from the chariot to meet him. “Is everything all right?” he asked. “Everything is all right,” Gehazi answered. “My master sent me to say, ‘Two young men from the company of the prophets have just come to me from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two sets of clothing.’” “By all means, take two talents,” said Naaman. He urged Gehazi to accept them, and then tied up the two talents of silver in two bags, with two sets of clothing. He gave them to two of his servants, and they carried them ahead of Gehazi. When Gehazi came to the hill, he took the things from the servants and put them away in the house. He sent the men away and they left. When he went in and stood before his master, Elisha asked him, “Where have you been, Gehazi?” “Your servant didn’t go anywhere,” Gehazi answered. But Elisha said to him, “Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to take money or to accept clothes - or olive groves and vineyards, or flocks and herds, or male and female slaves? Naaman’s leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants forever.” Then Gehazi went from Elisha’s presence and his skin was leprous - it had become as white as snow. (2 Kings 5: 20-27)
COMMENT: Ask God's mercy to prevail over judgment concerning every area you and your family have offended God. Father, take away from my life today whatever will make me an example of Your severity, in Jesus' mighty name. Holiness is central to godliness. If God reveals His love or power or faith or wisdom or any other attribute, through your life but you lack holiness, you'll be unable to see Him in the end. Let holiness be your main hunger and desire. Always remember that we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 4: Matthew 5: 43-48
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5: 43-48)
COMMENT: God asks you to follow peace with your enemy because He wants to make a helper out of him. It is not because God cannot destroy your enemies! Sometimes the person you wouldn't want to see may really be the one you're waiting for. This season, the Lord will give you pleasant surprises from your enemy camp in Jesus name. You can find favor from your enemies according to God's strategy. What you need to draw empathy and compassion from your enemies, the Lord will help you to do it at the right time. There is no fixed way for God to do this. God has the strategy over all unfriendly situations. Just ensure you hear from God, and adhere to His strategy for turning around your particular situation. God can direct you to find favor from your enemies by asking you to sow acts of kindness, good thoughts and mercy into the life of your enemies. God can ask you to go beg your enemy for mercy. He can ask you to pray earnestly for your enemy's eyes to be opened to know the Lord. Endeavor to lead your enemy to Christ. Do not follow the path of vengeance. As you love your enemies, also ensure that your ways are right with God Almighty.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 5: Daniel 4: 28-37
All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.” Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble. (Daniel 4: 28-37)
COMMENT: God will never share his glory with anyone. Always give thanks to the Father for every achievement you get. Everything God does is right, and He does it the right way. He knows how to turn a proud person into a humble man or woman. Learn the lesson from king Nebuchadnezzar and stop holding any one or group hostage! Never dream to reign over any person or group like a king for God wants to take all the glory for the success of anything He has created.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 6: Matthew 18: 21-35
Peter came up to the Lord and asked, "How many times should I forgive someone who does something wrong to me? Is seven times enough?" Jesus answered: Not just seven times, but seventy-seven times! This story will show you what the kingdom of heaven is like: One day a king decided to call in his officials and ask them to give an account of what they owed him. As he was doing this, one official was brought in who owed him fifty million silver coins. But he didn't have any money to pay what he owed. The king ordered him to be sold, along with his wife and children and all he owned, in order to pay the debt. The official got down on his knees and began begging, "Have pity on me, and I will pay you every cent I owe!" The king felt sorry for him and let him go free. He even told the official that he did not have to pay back the money. As the official was leaving, he happened to meet another official, who owed him a hundred silver coins. So he grabbed the man by the throat. He started choking him and said, "Pay me what you owe!"
The man got down on his knees and began begging, "Have pity on me, and I will pay you back." But the first official refused to have pity. Instead, he went and had the other official put in jail until he could pay what he owed. When some other officials found out what had happened, they felt sorry for the man who had been put in jail. Then they told the king what had happened. The king called the first official back in and said, "You're an evil man! When you begged for mercy, I said you did not have to pay back a cent. Don't you think you should show pity to someone else, as I did to you?" The king was so angry that he ordered the official to be tortured until he could pay back everything he owed. That is how my Father in heaven will treat you, if you don't forgive each of my followers with all your heart. (Matthew 18: 21-35 )
COMMENT: Never be tired of forgiving others just as our Father forgives you continually. If you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive you also.
Song: Mercy Seat by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 7: James 5: 13-20
If you are having trouble, you should pray. And if you are feeling good, you should sing praises. If you are sick, ask the church leaders to come and pray for you. Ask them to put olive oil on you in the name of the Lord. If you have faith when you pray for sick people, they will get well. The Lord will heal them, and if they have sinned, he will forgive them. If you have sinned, you should tell each other what you have done. Then you can pray for one another and be healed. The prayer of an innocent person is powerful, and it can help a lot. Elijah was just as human as we are, and for three and a half years his prayers kept the rain from falling. But when he did pray for rain, it fell from the skies and made the crops grow. My friends, if any followers have wandered away from the truth, you should try to lead them back. If you turn sinners from the wrong way, you will save them from death, and many of their sins will be forgiven. (James 5: 13-20)
COMMENT: Forgiveness will win souls for Jesus Christ. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Many Believers are still having skeletons in their cupboards. According to the above Scripture, retaining unconfessed issues can negate your righteous stand, hinder your prayers and keep you from healing and financial breakthrough. You may say your case is very bad. But there is nothing too bad that the Blood of Jesus and grace cannot deal with if submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ. Retaining such issues makes you live in falsehood instead of truth. If you don't confess them, they will be revealed before everyone that ever lived! Let sin not stand against your heavenly entry on the last day!
Father God Almighty, I confess anything that stands between me and You and between me and anyone else. I long to be in a right relationship with You again. I know the love, joy, and peace that flood my being when I’m reconciled with You. I become a riverbed for the flow of Your Supernatural gifts. Forgive our cutting words and hurting attitudes toward others. Help me to express to others the grace I’ve received in being reconciled to You. May my efforts to reach out to others be a way of telling You how much I love You. Father, I acknowledge that there may be some inherited curses from my bloodlines that may have blocked fulfillment of Your plans for my life. Today I repent of the sins of my ancestors hay may have opened the door for this reproach in my life. Have mercy Father. let the Blood of Jesus go to the foundation of my natural background and correct the situation. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father God Almighty, I thank You for this is the day You have made and I’ll rejoice and be glad in it. Father God, today is day 6 of my special time with You and I say thank You that You have brought me this far. Your Word says I should love You and live at peace with everyone else. You are Righteous dear Father, You are omnipotent, You are Omniscient, You are Omnipresent, You are Great! I adore You dear Father. Jesus Christ, I adore you. You died for my sins. By your stripes I was healed. You bore my diseases and pain. You took everything on the cross of Calvary. I thank you Lord! Holy Spirit, I’ve no wisdom of own, I’ve no knowledge of my own, please come and pour out your wisdom and knowledge in this meeting today. May my life never be the same again today in Jesus’ name, amen.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 1: Proverbs 3: 13-26
Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed. By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the watery depths were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew. My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared. (Proverbs 3: 13-26)
COMMENT: Knowledge helps you make a living; wisdom helps you make a life. An enterprise is built by wise planning. It becomes strong through understanding or common sense. And it becomes profitable through knowledge by keeping abreast of the facts. Focus and prepare for your future. Relish your good memories and use any bad ones as lessons in life. Those who win in life are those who think they can. The obstacles in your life are less important than your attitude to them. Every day you face a new set of circumstances and new obstacles. Handle them with wisdom. Begin immediately to think and feel yourself as successful. Project your end result to achieve your goal in life.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 2: Genesis 30: 31-43
“What shall I give you?” he asked. “Don’t give me anything,” Jacob replied. “But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them: Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and every spotted or speckled goat. They will be my wages. And my honesty will testify for me in the future, whenever you check on the wages you have paid me. Any goat in my possession that is not speckled or spotted, or any lamb that is not dark-colored, will be considered stolen.” “Agreed,” said Laban. “Let it be as you have said. ”That same day he removed all the male goats that were streaked or spotted, and all the speckled or spotted female goats (all that had white on them) and all the dark-colored lambs, and he placed them in the care of his sons. Then he put a three-day journey between himself and Jacob, while Jacob continued to tend the rest of Laban’s flocks. Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches. Then he placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks were in heat and came to drink, they mated in front of the branches. And they bore young that were streaked or speckled or spotted. Jacob set apart the young of the flock by themselves, but made the rest face the streaked and dark-colored animals that belonged to Laban. Thus he made separate flocks for himself and did not put them with Laban’s animals. Whenever the stronger females were in heat, Jacob would place the branches in the troughs in front of the animals so they would mate near the branches, but if the animals were weak, he would not place them there. So the weak animals went to Laban and the strong ones to Jacob. In this way the man grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and female and male servants, and camels and donkeys. (Genesis 30: 31-43)
COMMENT: Jacob had to rely on dreams and visions from God to manage his relationship with his uncle and father-in-law. Trust the Lord with your burdens and He will see you through. God will give you the strategy this season, to overcome every difficult relationship in Jesus name.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 3: Hosea 4: 4-10
Now let no man contend, or rebuke another; For your people are like those who contend with the priest. Therefore you shall stumble in the day; The prophet also shall stumble with you in the night; And I will destroy your mother. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. The more they increased, The more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame. They eat up the sin of My people; They set their heart on their iniquity. And it shall be: like people, like priest. So I will punish them for their ways, And reward them for their deeds. For they shall eat, but not have enough; They shall commit harlotry, but not increase; Because they have ceased obeying the LORD. (Hosea 4: 4-10)
COMMENT: The Word of God says you are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Do you know who you are in Jesus Christ? If you do, your thoughts and speech and deeds will be pure and your relationships will bring God glory. Jesus Christ has made you a queen, a priest, a prophet unto to God with His Blood. You are the light and salt of the world. and you are His minister. In fact, by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have become a citizen of heaven and therefore the ambassador of heaven on earth. Will you live up to those responsibilities? Let the world see heaven in you everywhere you go!
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 4: Proverbs 24: 3-6
Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 24: 3-6)
COMMENT: It takes wise planning to build a house, and understanding or common sense to set it on a firm foundation. It takes knowledge of the quality and cost of the furnishings to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies. It's better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel. May God surround you with good counsel in Jesus’ name.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 5: Genesis 13: 7-18
And quarreling arose between Abram’s herders and Lot’s. The Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land at that time. So Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine, for we are close relatives. Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.” Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company: Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the people of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD. The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the LORD. (Genesis 13: 7-18)
COMMENT: The scarcity of grazing land brought quarreling among the herders. This made Abram part ways with Lot his nephew. But notice that God resumed talking to Abram after this incident, because God wanted a covenant with Abram. Examine your relationships to identify which may be unpleasing to God: preventing you from serving Him faithfully? Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. Pray that all the Lots in your life will go their separate ways.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 6: Acts 6: 1-7
In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large
number of priests became obedient to the faith. (Acts 6: 1-7)
COMMENT: Are you available for your spouse? Are you too busy for your family and friends? The Apostles were very busy with spreading the Word of God: feeding people spiritual food. But the people also needed material food. So the Apostles promptly resolved this misunderstanding by having deacons selected. When you live a balanced life, your loved ones and those you interact with will not misunderstand you. Look out for others' needs as you serve God.
Song: I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker
Bible Reading 7: Romans 8: 25-35
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him,
graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? (Romans 8: 25-35)
You are more than a conqueror, you're an overcomer. As an overcomer, you have to meet and overcome real obstacles. The Holy Spirit intercedes for you and gives you patience. And you understand that every situation is meant for your good because God loves you. Don't try to classify any circumstance as bad, but in every situation thank our Lord Jesus Christ. And He will turn everything around in your favor.
Father God Almighty, thank You for translating me from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. You have called me out of sin so that I can partake of Your glory. Help me to be an extension of Your glory to the needy in the world. May Your glory shine through me to dispel the darkness in the world around me. I commit myself to be sensitive to the needs of others around me. Holy Spirit, show me the people who particularly need encouragement or affirmation. Help me be the light of the world in and around me. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father God Almighty. From everlasting to everlasting You are God. Wonderfully God, Exceedingly God, Magnificently God. Father God, Heaven is indeed Your Throne and the Earth upon which I now stand is Your Footstool. May Your little toe touch me now. Oh God, that I may be comforted by Your awesome presence. Let my mouth speak blessings in Jesus’ name. Let the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing and acceptable to You dear Father. Jesus, I love you. Today is day 7 dear Lord and I say thank You. Holy Spirit, come and control the steering wheel. Let your presence be felt and made known in Jesus’ name, amen
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 1: Acts 16: 24-34
When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household.” Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God - he and his whole household. (Acts 16: 24-34)
COMMENT: Paul and Silas used their mouths and their hearts to liberate themselves, and win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. They went on to spell out in detail the story of the Master. The jailer made them feel at home, dressed their wounds, and then - he couldn't wait till morning! - was baptized, he and everyone in his family. It was a night to remember: He and his entire family had put their trust in God; everyone in the house was in on the celebration.
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 2: Luke 1: 46-55
And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, In remembrance of His mercy, As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever.” (Luke 1: 46-55)
COMMENT: Mary is bursting with God-news; dancing the song of her Savior God. God took one good look at her, and look what happened. She prophesies that generations will call her blessed. What are you prophesying to yourself? You have been made your prophet, your king, and your priest through the Blood of Jesus.
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 3: Acts 15: 5-11
Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question. After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” (Acts 15: 5-11)
COMMENT: Never put roadblocks of traditions on those hungry for the Lord. So why are you now trying to out-god God, loading these new believers down with crushing rules? saying no ear rings, no makeup? Don't we believe that we are saved because the Master Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us just as he did those from beyond our traditions? So what are we arguing about?
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 4: Genesis 24: 12-19
The servant prayed: You, LORD, are the God my master Abraham worships. Please keep your promise to him and let me find a wife for Isaac today. The young women of the city will soon come to this well for water, and I'll ask one of them for a drink. If she gives me a drink and then offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen and that you have kept your promise to my master. While he was still praying, a beautiful unmarried young woman came by with a water jar on her shoulder. She was Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Abraham's brother Nahor and his wife Milcah. Rebekah walked past Abraham's servant, then went over to the well, and filled her water jar. When she started back, Abraham's servant ran to her and said, "Please let me have a drink of water." "I'll be glad to," she answered. Then she quickly took the jar from her shoulder and held it while he drank. After he had finished, she said, "Now I'll give your camels all the water they want." She quickly poured out water for them, and she kept going back for more, until his camels had drunk all they wanted. (Genesis 24: 12-19)
COMMENT: When you are very specific in your prayers and declarations to God, you will know when God answers you. The devil likes counterfeits! The man watched, silent. Was this God's answer? God made his trip a success.
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 5: Matthew 8: 25-32
The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. (Matthew 8: 25-32)
COMMENT: Jesus reprimanded His Disciples. "Why are you such cowards, such faint-hearts?" Then he stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: "Silence!" The sea became smooth as glass. He spoke to the situation and circumstances. The demons did not come out until Jesus ordered them out. Always speak life into dead situations. Declare what you want in any situation.
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 6: Acts 7: 45-50
Later it was given to our ancestors, and they took it with them when they went with Joshua. They carried the tent along as they took over the land from those people that God had chased out for them. Our ancestors used this tent until the time of King David. He pleased God and asked him if he could build a house of worship for the people of Israel. And it was finally King Solomon who built a house for God. But the Most High God doesn't live in houses made by humans. It is just as the prophet said, when he spoke for the Lord, "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? In what place will I rest? I have made everything." (Acts 7: 45-50)
COMMENT: You are the temple of the Most High God. Consecrate and sanctify yourself for His glory. Your life will never be the same again.
Song: Anoint Me Lord by Vicki Yohe
Bible Reading 7: John 16: 7-15
But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you. The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God's justice and the judgment. The Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin, because they didn't have faith in me. They are wrong about God's justice, because I am going to the Father, and you won't see me again. And they are wrong about the judgment, because God has already judged the ruler of this world. I have much more to say to you, but right now it would be more than you could understand. The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen. The Spirit will bring glory to me by taking my message and telling it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine. That is why I have said that the Spirit takes my message and tells it to you. (John 16: 7-15)
COMMENT: The Holy Spirit is your Helper. Listen to Him and obey Him completely. You cannot make it here on earth without the help of the Holy Spirit. Make him your best friend.
Father God Almighty, thank You for directing me to Jesus. I recognize today that as You sent Jesus into the world, even so Jesus has sent me into the world with the authority and dominion and influence of heaven. Holy Spirit, help me exercise this heavenly influence over prevailing circumstances here on Earth. Empower my lifestyle to be always in harmony with heavenly decrees so I can effectively demonstrate God's authority by spelling blessings on Earth. I realize that speaking blessings will release blessings in my own life. From this day, Your promises for our lives will never remain inactive again. I’ll no longer wait and watch for Your promises but will pray in faith for their fulfillment. In Jesus' name, amen.
Congratulations On Completing Week One!
One of the elements of fasting is "consecration." We are consecrating this time and our lives. It is different than our normal time of living. The definition of consecration is "setting apart." In the Roman Catholic Church, priests, nuns, and monks are "consecrated" for religious service. Church buildings are consecrated or dedicated or spiritual purposes, similar to the tabernacles in Jewish life.
We have been on a holy ride for the past seven (7) days; and literally tens of thousands of Christian men and women across the world are consecrating this time for prayer and fasting as they seek God and develop a more intimate relationship with Him.
Another word closely associated with consecration is sanctification, or to be set apart for spiritual or holy purposes.
When God led the captive Israelites out of Egypt, He said to them, "I will take you as My people, and I will be your God." He called the Jews to separate themselves from others in the world and to focus their lives on Him. He gave them innumerable promises for a good life if they would put Him first and follow His ways.
As you continue on your fast, be encouraged and think about ways the Lord is calling you to be a separate people as Lesa, as an individual. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas that could be realigned in order to be consistent with God's WORD.
Mercy, Peace & Love