The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24 NIV). If you are guided by the Spirit, you won’t obey your selfish desires. The Spirit and your desires are enemies of each other. They are always fighting each other and keeping you from doing what you feel you should. (Galatians 5:16-17 NIV).
We need to Worship in Spirit and in Truth, for the Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, not to forgive the works of the devil. From the beginning of the World God has shown people what is good in His sight. It is that we practice righteous behavior, that we are merciful and that we walk humbly with God. The Christian salvation is delivering us from the person and works of Satan the Devil. The role of forgiveness is to qualify us to embark on the program of salvation, the work of ridding us of worldliness, lust, and self-will, and filling us for eternity with the Persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forgiveness is the means to the end. The end is the image of Christ and untroubled rest. We need to be in constant prayer and worship to realize this! Worship and prayer must now take place in Spirit and in Truth. They must now be in the spirit realm - God is a spirit.
When we Worship in Spirit and in Truth, we mature through the program of salvation by constantly adding faith to our salvation. And with diligence, we keep adding to our faith, certitude and excellence, wisdom and self-discipline, endurance and godliness, and kindness and love. This will help us experience the Kingdom of God here on Earth. Only a mature heir can inherit what has been handed down for them. If the Kingdom of God is within each of us, we can only be given the power to manifest it responsibly through our own maturity. Otherwise we pose a danger both to ourselves and to those around us. For the children of God, the maturing process involves Bible study, charity giving, fasting, fellowship, hearing God, helping non-Christians, praying, providing for family, serving Christians, showing Christ-like character, soul winning, tithing, worship, and much more.
Where is the proper place To Worship in Spirit and in Truth? God inhabits proper praise and worship. Strong worship is a major key in the manifest presence of God, especially when there is a high level of breakthrough in the realm of worship. There is more in modern day worship than much of the hurch has realized. Jesus Christ brought an incredible shift in worship. Location is the key to worship. There is a whole new location of proper worship and prayer. The previous locations of worship and prayer are no longer going to be used. You can now reach God Almighty beyond the Church or the home, secluded places or the streets. Take a moment and look closely to find out how to properly worship God as a spirit. Remember you're a spirit with a soul in a body. The key to proper worship of God Almighty thus lies right under your nose. You're to Worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.
To Worship in Spirit and in Truth, we need to understand the key words, spirit and truth. The word spirit, pneuma in Greek, has three meanings. It could refer to the human spirit or the Holy Spirit or the spirit realm. Therefore only the context in which it is used can give us the meaning of spirit in regard to true worship. The meaning of truth would helps determine the meaning of spirit in worship. To be effective, we must understand that God is spirit, and that those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truthfulness or in reality. The Spirit of truth is the Spirit of reality. Hence, spiritual reality must be in the Holy Spirit. Spiritual reality transcends people and things. Only that which is in the Holy Spirit is spiritual reality. All spiritual things are sustained in the Holy Spirit. Once a spiritual thing moves away from the Holy Spirit, it becomes letter and form, and it is dead.
Even outside Worship in Spirit and in Truth, all spiritual things must be in the Holy Spirit before they can be real, living, and organic. The Holy Spirit leads us into all reality. Any experience we acquire without guidance of the Holy Spirit is surely not spiritual reality. Anything that we acquire through our ears, our mind, or our emotion alone is not spiritual reality. Only the things that the Holy Spirit guides us into are spiritual reality. We don't worship God merely in the physical realm; we touch and tap into the spiritual reality. It is the spiritual reality of Christ Jesus that brings life. Everything in God's Kingdom is about entering into spiritual reality. It is the Spirit that brings life, and we're ministers of the Spirit. We can enter into the spirit realm and worship anytime and anyplace. God has set up a worship place accessible by all people at all times. He desires to restore constant interactive worship, where worship leaders write songs from Heaven, angels worship along with humans, being directed by the Lord's presence. The restoration is on the move.