The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Building God's Kingdom on Earth
“Some of them will be given eternal life, and others ..... eternal shame and disgrace. Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars. (Daniel 12: 1-3 CEV).
God created you to exercise dominion on Earth! When you set out to build the Kingdom of God, you must be sure that God is in and behind all what you're doing. God has a predetermined and pre-designed spiritual journey for you. With God, there is no failure! You have something to offer that is unique. You've a call on your life which will become apparent once you're involved in consciously building the Kingdom of God. Opportunities for you to get involved are unlimited. No matter what name they bear, Religion limits the kingdom of God. Remember, all your life and lifestyle isn't about Church or in the Church, all your life and lifestyle is about the Kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of Heaven and the Earth. There is no disorder in Heaven, all respond to God Almighty. Your role is to have God's Will done on Earth as it is in Heaven! The battle is for Earth, which the Enemy wants to include as part of the kingdom of hell. Satan the master deceiver mixes various ideas of good and evil to deceive the entire world. The Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray for the kingdom of God to extend to the Earth as it is in heaven! He wants you to work to bring Heaven to Earth. With the authority, dominion and influence of Heaven inside you, you'll make it happen through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.
You're in a spiritual war, fighting against the unseen forces of Satan the Devil. Learn to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the evil day. Satan the Devil is in charge of this present human society. God Almighty can overrule him at any time. Since the true Saints of God are to replace Satan the Devil and his demons in ruling the world, Satan hates this and he is filling the world with all kinds of ideas regarding family and pleasure. Satan the Devil is now in control of this World's atmosphere. Satan broadcasts wrong attitudes and perverted ideas throughout the Earth, through TV, Internet, Radio, conversations, newspapers, and sometimes through other means. As a result, we've had constant wars, fights, starvation, disease, and breakdown of families everywhere. If you're not careful, Satan the Devil will directly place evil thoughts in your mind. Most violence is caused by demons influencing the minds of perverted people. As Satan continually broadcasts wrong attitudes and ideas in the air, he'll put negative and disillusioning thoughts and ideas in people's minds. Satan tries to influence you to act contrary to the ways and laws of God Almighty our Creator! Continue to resist Satan the Devil powerfully so he'll not be able to destroy you and your family in battles ahead.
God intended for you to work for a calling. God has put you on Earth with something He wanted you to do with your life. But many people want to make the most money. And they structure their career and education based on that. Many years later they are locked into something that they were never called to do, that they don't even like. They spend many years chasing money, miserable and sometimes broke. Ask God how you can transition to doing what He actually called you to do. Spiritual and natural breakthroughs will happen as you decide to do your full part. Begin to put God first, seeking to do what He wants. Give your entire attention to what God is doing on Earth right now. For He is shaking the Earth to prepare for the reign of Christ. Don't let the cares and concerns of the world, disapointments or disilusions, distract you. As a citizen of Heaven, think like God, speak like God and act like God, by faith. Don't feel that you've to try and help or bless people. Just love them, welcome them, shower little courtesies and love-signs on them, and they'll be helped. Love is God and God is love. Give them Love, and you give them God. Then leave God to do His work of helping and blessing. Love all. Send no one away without a cheer, a feeling that you care. Keep on loving and showing love; for love never fails!
Christians are Kingdom and global citizens! God wants you to run economies and to disciple nations, not just plant Churches. So you've to gain understanding of how to have the finances you need to help out with social justice in the world. You need the ability to mobilize people to take cities and nations for God. God is pouring out His Spirit on everyone. People start getting witty ideas for new inventions and other advances. They have visions. Something stirs up inside of them that gives the confidence to believe they can change the world. Nothing happens without God. Ask God for understanding and deliverance. Recognize that God is in charge over the major events of this world and of your life. You need genuine understanding of these basic issues in order to survive perilous times. Don't let Satan the Devil mess with you mind. Have your eyes on Christ. There is a battle over the heart. Your heart will pursue Mammon or God. If Mammon is your god then you will focus on money and beg God to get you money. God becomes your servant to get you money. Mammon becomes your god that directs your life. God is the master and you serve Him according to calling, and money becomes a tool that we press into service to accomplish Kingdom purpose. Be willing to act the Truth as God reveals it to you.