The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Changing the Dimension of Our Lifestyle
“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26). “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23). Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8). Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6).
Every human being is a dynamo of creative energy seeking new avenues for expression. The desire for victory is but part of the creative energy trying to express in our lives. When the right avenues are found and the right attitudes are established, we're happy and consider our work divine. Many people find themselves in 'unpleasant' work. Our present circumstances are for a purpose: to redeem certain character traits and mind attitudes. Dissatisfaction can be good because it often prods one to aim higher, and to do whatever to get there. Our immediate need is to discipline our attitudes and reactions, so as to glean the good from our experiences, and to pass beyond them to higher phases of self-expression in satisfying work. Thus, when the pressure of desiring more good is upon us, it's then that we're feeling the actual pressure of our talents and abilities. Indebtedness embarrasses fine people trying to live prosperously on limited income. They've rich desires because they've the equivalent talents and abilities that are seeking expression. Their desire for greater good is very strong, but their finances haven't been equally expanded.
We're constantly molding our outer world thought by thought. Everything in our world is filled with intelligence, even the so-called inanimate objects. We must treat them intelligently to obtain intelligent harmonious results. We can mentally affect our purse and bank account, clothes and investments. Everything around us reflects our attitude toward it. Every person around us also reflects our attitude toward them, and they react accordingly. We mentally and verbally influence everything in our world. We must never speak disparagingly of people or objects. When we entertain lofty beautiful thoughts and a high vision of good, our surroundings will always be aglow with beauty and elegance. Various environments will reflect harmony or unpleasantness to us. Those most active in the environment directly influence the physical objects therein with their thoughts and words of harmony or discord, and we can feel and see the result. Blessing a substance increases its flow. The more conscious we become of the presence of the living substance, the more it will manifest itself for us, and the richer will be the common good of all.
The desire to be spiritually and financially free is a divine desire that has been implanted in our nature to help us to progress, to achieve, and to build a worthwhile life and lifestyle for ourself. When this desire is expressed constructively, we're then able to experience the satisfaction and fulfillment that God wants us to have. Dissatisfaction with our present financial and spiritual conditions is the first step toward attaining freedom. If we can't settle for things as they're, that's a wake up call for our breakthrough. We've the power to change these conditions into something better and more satisfying. This is our key to financial and spiritual freedom, if we dare to use it. By boldly following through on our divine dissatisfaction, we can go from unpleasant circumstances in our body and soul, affairs and relationships into our own business and ministry. This, of course, representing financial and spiritual freedom to us and our loved ones. When disharmony and disorder arise in our work or family, after long and faithful service and relationship, let us seek divine guidance with expectation and openness.
Always, for every problem, there is a way out; there is a divine solution. Let's hold on to our highest visions of good until they manifest later. This is a rich universe with countless ways to shower blessings upon us when we keep our high expectancy. There is always something we can do about our present conditions. Let's stop thinking or talking about present dissatisfaction. Then let's begin bringing about order, harmony and beauty into our present situation. We're a mental part of any situation in which we now find ourself. As we give that situation the benefit of our highest thoughts and actions, we help to establish order, harmony and satisfaction for all concerned. God multiplies our good as an expression of affection. Such blessings are ours by divine right. Thus through our generous giving we attune our consciousness to that of universal abundance, and we put ourself in line to receive its rich gifts. Tithing - and offering - is an act of faith, and faith moves on universal substance to enhance and bless the tither. So it's only natural that the tither should prosper. Tithing releases a mystical power to prosper us.
Another secret of financial and spiritual freedom, after we decide we'll not settle for less than the rest in life, is conserving and focusing our thought, energy, and emotional drive. When prospering people's emotions, attitudes and ways of life become scattered, they become depleted of their previous fine ability to prosper. Most people prosper as long as their personal lives succeed. But when marital difficulties arise, they begin to have difficulties too. We're all creatures of emotion and deep feeling, our God-power and go-power. They can make us or break us financially and spiritually. Our emotions are in reality the richest gold we'll ever own. Scattered thinking, scattered emotions, scattered actions lead to a scattering of our mind power. This in turn depletes our brain energy that is needed for an intelligent course of action or plan for victory. It saps our emotional drive that is needed to put our victory plans to work. Remember, our soul is the mind, will, emotions. We think with our mind, decide with our will, and feel with our emotions. Miracles occur when our thoughts, feelings, and actions coincide - in harmony. When we're not double-minded!
Conservation of thought, energy and emotional drive are all necessary for financial and spiritual freedom. In other words, in order to become permanently free, we must dare to be different! The time for daring is the moment when the stakes are high. We must be willing to risk much in order to win much; we must be willing to put all to the test. This will lead to a joyous satisfying life free from nonessential activities. We immediately cease caring what people think and dare to focus on our goal of freedom. We begin thinking big, cultivating enduring satisfying friends who'll help us up the ladder of success and progress. We need to develop good business and ministry partnerships with like-minded people. It's possible for our dreams to come true, in cooperation or corporation. Some partners will furnish resources, some would furnish services, some personnel, and some would be willing to furnish finances and collateral until the project is completed. Let's dare to bring out our unfulfilled dreams and visions of greater financial and spiritual freedom tucked in a corner of our mind. We can do - have or become - all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Should fear try to discourage us, let's remind ourself of the rich Biblical promises that: all things are possible with God, and with those who dare to believe and trust God; those who ask God, receive; those who seek, find; doors are opened to those who knock; and that Jesus Christ is the way to answered prayers and searches. God can be our partner by our decision to have Him guide us daily to greater victory. It's practical to trust God in all financial and spiritual matters. He will open ways where, to human sense, there seems to be no way. Let's keep on believing in our victory in life despite whatever circumstances we face. We needn't undertake the fulfillment of any desire alone; let's ask the Father, according to His promise that, "Ask and it shall be given you." He may send us partners or helpers; let's just treat them well, when they come along. Let's also ask for discernment to recognize the helpers of our destiny. He has equipped us to master life in its every phase, without compromise. We must begin to discipline ourself more; conserve our time and energy; associating only with others of like mind. This one-track mindset is a transition!
As we pray for guidance daily, let's have the basic attitude of not accepting things as they're. Just because they've been that way doesn't mean they can't be changed! Thus, we declare loud and clear daily, that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Shepherd, and we've all that we need. We've and expect lavish abundance every day in every way in our lifestyle and affairs. The Lord makes us to rest in green pastures. He leads us to streams of peaceful waters. He renews our strength; refreshes and restores our soul. He guides us along right and upright paths, bringing honor to His name. And He empowers us to work for His Kingdom on Earth and for His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Yes, even when we walk through the darkest valley, we'll not be afraid of evil; for the Lord is with us, close beside us. His rod and staff comfort, protect and guide us. The Lord Jesus Christ prepares a feast for us in the presence of our enemies. He honors us by anointing our head with oil. Our cup overflows with blessings. Surely His kindness and love pursue us each day of our life, and we'll live in the Lord's presence forever.