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The Rainbow Pen!


Clarifying Visions And Dreams


These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. (Revelation 3:7 NIV). Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7 NIV). And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. (Joel 2:28 NIV). Then the Lord told me: I will give you my message in the form of a vision. Write it clearly enough to be read at a glance. (Habakkuk 2:2 CEV).


In Our Visions And Dreams at the start of each year, we declare new and better lifestyles. What did we accomplish in 2013? What makes us think 2014 will be better? At the start of 2013, the Lord asked us what new INSIGHTS made us sure of victory. He reminded us that He is the same every year, He does not change. We write now in hindsight for we did not take Him up on this for a final resolution to make 2013 outstandingly successful to God's glory and honor. Let us therefore clarify our visions and dreams with God Almighty. We need to be practical as well as spiritual in our daily interactions. As kings we supply material needs, and as priests we supply spiritual needs. The Lord Jesus Christ returned to Heaven as the High Priest and He is returning soon as the King of kings. How cool is that to model after?


By Clarifying Our Visions And Dreams, we are taking a major step for victory this season. Clarity and clearness produce precision and focus in the pursuit of our visions and dreams. We need to know what our visions and dreams are, why we have them, and then get busy pursuing them. Realize that when God Almighty shows us the promise of our visions and dreams, He will require us to live out the tedious process of fulfillment of the visions and dreams. The process eventually transforms us and our circumstances. The process changes us without changing the visions or dreams. Let us avoid the lifestyle of strife by resting in the Lord Jesus Christ and believing Him for visions and dreams that will bring rest and peace, harmony and cooperation to us, to our family, and to those around us.

When God speaks through Our Visions And Dreams, we're all ears. It is said that dreams are the perfect way to hear from God. When we're dreaming, we're quiet, so we can't ignore God. And we're not easily distracted. When God communicates us through visions, we see something. Dreams are more difficult to interpret than visions. Therefore the experienced will dream and the less experienced will see visions. Wonder why the youth are the movers and shakers of society today?When God speaks through the Holy Bible, He gives us how we can expect Him to react. The Scriptures explain how God expects us to treat others. When God speaks through other ways in His sovereignty, learn to shut up, listen and obey. God uses lots of things to talk to us. Part of discerning God's will is to ask Him to help us see all sides of an issue. Emotion and intellect aren't enough.

God gives us Visions And Dreams for those who cannot envision and dream for themselves. The greatest dreams are the ones that include and influence, bless and encourage other people. Sometimes we may not see how God-inspired visions and dreams will manifest and materialize. Expect God-given visions and dreams to come to pass fully in due season. Just write them down and study them daily. The journey or process will surely change you, but not the visions or dreams. Know that God-inspired visions and dreams will translate us powerfully into the marvelous and magnificent world, out of the mediocre and mundane world. Our heavenly Father has provided each one of us with a multi-colored coat of His precious anointing and His mighty presence. We can each have visions and dreams. Let us dare to visualize and dream big.

Our Visions And Dreams reveal our desire to be spiritually and financially free. It is a divine desire that has been implanted in our nature to help us to progress, to achieve, and to build a worthwhile lifestyle for ourselves. When this desire is expressed constructively, we're then able to experience the satisfaction and fulfillment that God wants us to have. Dissatisfaction with our present financial and spiritual conditions is the first step toward attaining freedom. If we can't settle for things as they are, that's a wake up call for our breakthrough. We have the power to change these conditions. This is our key to freedom, if we dare to use it. By boldly following through on our divine dissatisfaction, we can go from unpleasant circumstances in our body and soul, affairs and relationships into lavish abundance.

Whatever Our Visions And Dreams may be, there is always a way out for every problem. There is always a divine solution. Let's hold on to our highest visions and dreams of good until they manifest later. This is a rich universe with countless ways to shower blessings upon us when we keep our high expectancy. There is always something we can do about our present conditions. Let's stop thinking or talking about present dissatisfaction. Then let's begin bringing about order, harmony and beauty into our present situation. We're a mental part of any situation in which we now find ourselves. As we give that situation the benefit of our highest thoughts and actions, we help to establish order, harmony and satisfaction for all concerned. God multiplies our good as an expression of affection. Such blessings are ours by divine right.

Let Our Visions And Dreams become beacons of light and hope during stormy times. Every human being is a dynamo of creative energy seeking new avenues for expression. Our present circumstances are to redeem certain character traits and mind attitudes. Dissatisfaction can be good because it often prods one to aim higher, and to do whatever it takes to get there. Our immediate need is to discipline our attitudes and reactions, so as to glean the good from our experiences, and to pass beyond them to higher phases of self-expression in satisfying work. The desire for victory is but part of the creative energy trying to express in our lives. When the right avenues are found and the right attitudes are established, we're happy and consider our work divine. 

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