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The Rainbow Pen!


Coming Out of Bondage



And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. (John 3:14-19 NLT). But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts. (I John 1:7-10).


To desire Coming out of Bondage, you will feel a distance in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You will have difficulty praying. You may want to take a careful and prayerful look at your life and lifestyle. If you're in this condition, chances are you have sin in your life that you need to confess. Learn to keep accounts with God and don't allow unconfessed sin to build up in your life. Nothing destroys your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ faster than unconfessed sin. As we allow unconfessed sin to build up in our lives, our hearts become hardened toward the Lord. There are sins that are common to all mankind that you need to watch out for. Examine thoroughly the state of your heart. See where you are spiritually - gaining ground or going back, fruitful or laying waste. Self-examination consists in looking at your life and lifestyle, considering your actions, remembering the past and learning its true character. Since your sins are committed one by one, revive and repent of one at a time. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring your sins to your mind. There are sins of commission or omission. Both represent disobedience. Sins of commission are overt sinful acts of outright disobedience to clear and direct commands to abstain from something. Sins of omission demonstrate disobedience to a clear instruction to do something.


Your sins of commission include attachment to material possessions, pride, criticalness, slander, lying, cheating, hypocrisy, robbing God, lack of seriousness, envy, bad temper, rebellion, and keeping others from being useful. Your sins of omission include ingratitude, lack of love for God, lack of love for people, unbelief, neglect of the Bible, neglect of prayer, neglect of fellowship, and the way you perform your duties. Start interceding for people and the World. There are satanic high days on which the Satanists perform special rituals and sacrifices. Satanic holidays occur on different days around the World in order to set up a network of sacrifices 365 days a year. Some are every full moon, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, New Year, Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall or Autumn. Begin, as a follower of Jesus Christ, to go before God's throne and counter-petition Satan for the sacrifices he does. Your prayers are effective in Jesus' name! Those coming out of the occult or Satanism need to gain a good understanding of the operation of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are used to having one or more demon spirit guides. Once they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they are given the Holy Spirit to help and guide them. However, the Holy Spirit functions very differently from a demon spirit guide.


We need good understanding of the Holy Spirit in our lives. There are critical differences between the Holy Spirit and demon spirit guides. One, the Holy Spirit has all the attributes of the Godhead with unlimited power and knowledge; demon spirit guides are limited created beings. Two, the Holy Spirit values your individuality and wants you to be in control and responsible for your actions; demons usurp personality and want total control. Three, the Holy Spirit is gentle, holy and pure - brings purity and gives power to overcome sin; demons are harsh and lead deeper into sin. Four, the Holy Spirit always glorifies Jesus and never contradicts God's Word, bringing humility; demons hate Jesus and twist God's Word, bringing pride. Five, the Holy Spirit never blanks out your mind, demands faith and convicts you of sin; demons blank out minds, manipulate human emotions and justify sin or bring crushing guilt. Six, the Holy Spirit loves you and brings you into eternal life, but withdraws when you disobey Him; demons bring eternal destruction, quick punishment when you disobey and usurp your free will. Seven, the Holy Spirit gives desire to read the Bible and helps you understand Scriptures, draws you to pray without showing off; demons keep you from reading the Bible, block understanding Scriptures, love to make show and hinder all true prayer. Eight, the Holy Spirit is a spirit of truth and is not a fortune teller; demons are liars, and give false prophecies and words of knowledge.


Everyone who lives by the truth, does right, and comes into light doing what God wants. They lay down their lives in love for their friends. Sometimes, you may be confused because Satanists refer to Satan as Lord and Master. For Coming Out of Bondage, here is a list of differences between serving God and serving Satan. First, Jesus is stronger than Satan. Satan demands that you shed blood and perform sacrifices for him. But Jesus sacrificed Himself to get us out of bondage. Second, Satan is a harsh master. He kills his servants because they fail or make mistakes. Jesus can wipe away everything you have done wrong. Jesus forgives when you make Him your Lord, Savior and Master. Third, Satan's demons punish and torment Satan's servants so many times because his nature is to do evil. They often suffer some sort of demonic illness. But Jesus Christ says, "Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus heals all diseases. Satan cannot heal any disease, rather, he gives diseases! Fourth, Satan and the demons hate all human beings. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus is alive and well, giving love and forgiveness for sins and offering eternal life to those who receive and believe on Him.


 Fifth, Satan is a liar by nature. His promises to you are lies. Has he promised you power, money and fame? You may gain wealth but not peace and eternal life from Satan. The only way to have love, peace and eternal life is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is asking you, "For what will it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole World, and lose his on soul?" Sixth, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life for no one goes to Father God except through Jesus. Get down on your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you and cleanse you from all your sins now. Satan cannot and does not forgive sins! Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior and Master. Open the door of your heart and let Him in. Jesus stands at the door and knocks to be let in. But Satan the Deceiver will force his way into people's hearts uninvited! Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to place His precious Holy Spirit within you. If you have made Jesus your Lord, tell Satan and his demons that you'll never serve them again. Command them to get out of your life and lifestyle forever in the name of Jesus. Know that there are people who care, people who are true servants of Jesus Christ who will help you in Coming Out of Bondage. Pray and ask the Lord to bring you to them when in need.

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   Food For Thought                        

We have been deceived that if we prayed and fasted long enough, anything we say or ask for will either appear or disappear. Whatever happened to un-forgiveness in the heart, pride, envy, or in short, sinful lifestyle? God is merciful but He is also a God of justice. The wages of sin is dead and hearing and obeying God commands blessings. If we are to benefit from the Kingdom lifestyle, we need to understand how the Kingdom of God operates. Seek the Kingdom and its righteousness and all these things will be added on to us! This does not imply we leave everything else and seek the Kingdom of God. It simply means that the Kingdom of God has principles we must understand how they operate in order to benefit from it! If we don’t, we will be reading the Word of God and celebrating information but it will not impact our lives and nothing will change.

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