The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Communicating Divine Love
And to know this love that surpasses knowledge -
that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19)
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Jesus. (Colossians 1:19)
Every spiritual gift has to be used in love. The gifts have to operate through love. Discerning of spirits is looking at anything in life through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus looks at everything through a lens of perfect love. Love is not simply a feeling but love is a choice. God so loved the world that He made the choice to do something. You need to choose to walk in the lifestyle of love. Love is not only a choice that is made once. But it is a choice that we make daily. You should be known for having your whole lifestyle revolve around love. It is the filter that all of your words, attitudes, and actions have to go through before you speak or act. Love has a certain way that it treats others. It is kind, patient, gentle, keeps no record of wrongs, rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, and never fails. Love also has a unique quality about it, in that it can cover sin.
We are called to love each other deeply, and many have been hindered from doing that because sin has been left exposed. Sin needs to be repented of, forgiven, and the record destroyed. Without love, we will still see each other through the lens of that past violation. Love literally gives us back the eyes to see each other without the sin. The truth must be spoken in love. This pertains to your motivations. You are not to speak the truth just to validate yourself; you speak the truth out of a heart of love - a heart that desires healing and restoration. Love is the number one priority and is the glue that holds all the other virtues in perfect balance. Love is as powerful as two evil forces in the world, fear and death. Love is literally a force in the spirit realm. It is as strong as death, and perfect love casts out fear. Many have pursued greater faith, but even faith does not function correctly without love. Love is how you treat others, attitude.
Faith has a power or force great enough to move a mountain. Consider the biblical truth that love is the greatest compared to hope and faith. Love is a greater force than hope or even faith. This is amazing, considering the incredible power of faith. The even greater power of love has not received as much focus as thousands of sermons and books on the power of faith. If a mustard seed of faith, according to Jesus Christ, can move a mountain or uproot and cast a tree into the sea, then what kind of magnificent power dwells in love? What if you lived your life with even a mustard seed of love? It would be way beyond moving mountains. This is the realm that it can be believed God is calling you to step into. With love being greater than faith, only by grasping and being firmly rooted in love can you be filled with all the fullness of God. It would be the purest form of being like Jesus, because God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Jesus.
Jesus is the only person who ever perfectly demonstrated unconditional love. We humans typically set parameters for our relationships. Jesus broke the transactional nature of relationships by requiring nothing of us. He did not ask anything from us when we were lost in sin. Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. God did not ask you to do anything before He would love you. Without conditions, He chose to love us and act in love toward us. Unconditional love is a kind of love that is hard to grasp as a human. Many people spend their life trying to live and act in such a way that they will be acceptable to others. Yet Jesus loves us without condition. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. You have the love of God in your heart because the Holy Spirit has shed the love of God abroad in our hearts. You only need to grow in love once you have been saved. God has already given every believer a measure of love, just like faith. Stir it up and use what's already on the inside.
The love of God you have will never be increased until you feed it on God's Word and exercise it so it can develop. If you develop it, then it will be increased. Feeding it on the Word and exercising it is the way you increase love. Love has to be exercised before it will produce results. But if you will be faithful to exercise love, it will produce great fruit. When you keep your focus on the love God has for you, then you overflow with that love toward others. The trait that Jesus established to discern one of His disciples is love. Operating in spiritual gifts is made easier when you are walking in love. To activate love inside you, close your eyes and engage your imagination. Recall to your mind that you rely on God's love. Acknowledge the love that is within you. Picture it welling up, healing every wound, bringing freedom, healing your memories. The truth of God's love for you, and in you, will set you free. This love gives your eyes the ability to see the world through the eyes of Jesus.
Picture the people in your life who you need to forgive - the ones who have hurt you - and see them through the eyes of love and wisdom and forgive them. Take a few minutes right now and give it to the Lord. Focus on the love of Jesus and meditate on these truths.