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The Rainbow Pen!


Completing Your Assignment on Earth



God has a predetermined and pre-designed spiritual journey for you. That path was set before  you were ever born into this Earth. God knew you before the foundation of the world, and He set a unique path for you to follow. Now it is up to you to discover God's path for you and to follow that path so that you may give spiritual birth to the dream and vision He has had in mind for you from before the creation of the world. The Apostle Paul fought to stay on course, and he made it. He finished the course laid out for him by God. Discover what your course is, and then stay in it and never give up until you have reached your God-ordained destination and goal. If you'll allow the character of Christ to develop within you and serve others, you'll come into the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect person, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Another  important step you need to take is to learn and understand your God-given assignment. The fulfillment of that assignment is dependent upon the proper use of the divine gifts which have been bestowed upon you.  Choose to like the spiritual gift which God has bestowed upon you. You must know in your heart that you had absolutely nothing to do with choosing the gift that God has placed inside of you. He bestows gifts according to His will, and it is up to you to receive the gift and allow the Lord to add you more gifts as He wills. Avoid gift swapping! As you are faithful in the small things, God will make you ruler over many. As you stay with the assignment and the gifts God has given you, He will bring your gift before great people. Stay with your individual assignment, and in due time the Lord will exalt you. What did David do after he was anointed king of Israel?

He went back to tending his father's sheep in the field. Had David gone out looking for a giant to kill at this time, the lion and the bear would have eaten his flock. David's flock was his assignment from God, and he knew that, although he had been anointed king, his first priority right at the moment was to continue to tend to his first assignment.  You see, the giants will come. But, if you stay with your assignment, when the time comes you'll meet and conquer your giant just as David met and overcame his. Like David, you'll be exalted, after you have first proven yourself faithful. You'll find God to be faithful to you as you determine to walk in your anointing, to stay in submission to His divine authority, and to fulfill your God-ordained assignment. Re-evaluate your life, to make sure that you're where you need to be and doing what you need to be doing.

When you set out to build the Kingdom of God, you must be sure that God is in and behind all what you're doing. With God, there is no failure! You have something to offer that is unique. You've a call on your life which will become apparent once you're involved in a Church and a Ministry. Think what could happen in the world if you would get on fire for God and begin to release your gifts and talents in the Body of Christ! You'd see the world reached with the Gospel of Christ Jesus. The local Church is called to touch the Believer then the family then the community then the city and the nation and the world for God. You have a talent that your Pastor and the local Church need to help reach your city. Your Church has a vision that was given the Pastor by he Holy Spirit, and which the Pastor has shared with the Church members. Opportunities for you to get involved are unlimited.

Then the members of the congregation should seek the Lord Jesus Christ to discover where each of them fits into that vision. Join a department or ministry that requires you to release your talents. That will help the Pastors and Church leaders break through, not burn out! Spiritual and natural breakthroughs will happen as the Body of Christ decides to do its full part. The Church is the bride being prepared for Christ when He returns. The Church is the heartbeat of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Church empowers her members as God's family members, Spirit ministers, business and news media people, school teachers and educators, entertainers and cultural celebrities, politicians and administrators. When you carry the authority and influence of heaven, you can influence the election of your city mayor, congress people, governor, and even the highest office in the nation.

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