The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD

The Rainbow Pen!
Confessing God's Word
Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law... Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:7-9 AMP). Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, impenetrable] Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 AMP).
The power of God to heal, to deliver, to set people free from anxiety, and to bring divine provision is promised in the Word of God. These are God's supernatural prescriptions for healing and deliverance, for provision and miracles, for salvation and well-being. It's all found in the Word of God. His prescription is to get the Word of God into our hearts, into our spirits, release it through confession and it becomes a reality in the natural realm. That's God's prescription. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Faith is absolutely critical in the last days. We're in the last days. And the only people that are going to make it and in fact prosper during this time are the people that have the Word of God hidden in their hearts, that hear the voice of God, that know how to walk in faith and receive in faith. And they think, dream and speak like God. And that comes through fasting and praying in supernatural languages, building up your spirit. And that also comes through Confessing God's Word. You're releasing life and power, provision and miracles through your confession of the Word of God. Study God's Word diligently, extract and declare God's promises for your situation.
So when people are overwhelmed with the issues of life - depression and sickness, bondage and loneliness, scarcity and lack - have them confess the Word of God. For example, "Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the World. I am more than a conqueror through Him that loves me and gave Himself for me. I can do all things - have all things and become anything - through Christ who strengthens me." Confess this several times a day in front if the mirror. And you can overcome every obstacle. Because instead of operating with your mind, the Word of God goes into your spirit and releases life. You are an overcomer because Christ has overcome the World! Your faith comes by your hearing and your hearing comes by the Word of God. There is two ears that all of us have. We've the ear, the natural ear, but we also have an ear to our spirit, the spiritual ear. And the way that faith is released is by Confessing God's Word. We hear with our natural ear to the point that it finally drops into our spirit, makes it through that second hearing. And when that happens faith is built in our heart. And then when we speak forth from our spirit it's released into the atmosphere and it has creative force.
Could things be the way they're because you're the way you're? And it starts by looking at God's Word. It is our measuring rod for how we should live. It mirrors who you're because God knows you. Words are very important. Your own words affect you more when you speak with your own mouth. Your body believes it and also words that people speak about you. You can do something about what you say. But what do you do about what people say about you? You renounce it. You renounce it and then you superimpose God's Word. If you don't want to see it, don't say it. But if you've said it, you can superimpose an alternative word. You can renounce it and then you can speak God's Word over that situation, or personality. And if you've said things that hurt people, you can always say, I'm sorry. You can superimpose words over things that have hurt you, words that hurt you in your past. By faith we understand the world was framed by God's Word. So we give our lives value or we devalue our lives by the words that we speak. Words don't disappear. In the invisible world they're still there. So it's affecting something in your life and something in the World. You change things in your life and in the World by Confessing God's Word.
Life and death is in the power of your tongue. You better watch what you say. With the power of the spoken word, begin Confessing God,s Word. Decide and take time to decree and declare over your life and lifestyle. And watch what happens! You'll begin living whole, living with faith and hope again. And the things that sabotaged you in the past, many things that you didn't know about, will not sabotage you any longer. And you'll no longer be a product of your environment. And when you walk into communities and environments, you don't have to adjust to accommodate the environment. But the environment will adjust to accommodate you. You're not a product of your environment anymore. You'll become everything God wants you to be. And you'll be living a life, one of purpose, with dignity, meaning and hope. And that's what we pray for every individual in this Earth. Receive hope today, because hope is an anchor for your soul. And so for everyone that has been abandoned or betrayed, rejected or hurt, there lonely with tears coming down their eyes or that have given up, we declare that God will touch them by their spirit. Father God, cause Your Spirit to come upon them to let them know that they're Your children. That they're loved and lovable.
In addition to praying, fasting, and speaking in supernatural language, begin Confessing God's Wordregularly and meditating on God's Word. When you speak God's promises, it's a frequency that gets right through to Heaven. Begin listening to and confessing scriptures that speak to your situation, that promise healing your body and soul, your finances and relationships. That's one of the natures of God, that God is our healer and restorer. He's our health and wealth. When you begin to hear these scriptures, they'll eventually get into your spirit, and completely restore you. Because God's Word works. When you meditate on God's Word, when you confess God's Word, you're speaking out loud. And sounds are like carriers of God's presence. Meditation is not to reflect with the mind, but to mutter, telling, reciting. So meditation is to confess the Word of God. If you want to succeed, meditate on God's Word. Keep it in your mouth, not just in your heart or mind. Mutter it. Speak it forth and you'll prosper in all that you do. And that's because the power of God's Word comes alive when it is vocalized, when it's confessed, because there's creative force in speaking, in speech.
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