The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD

The Rainbow Pen!
Confidence in God when in Problems
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psalm 50:15).
We share in Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end. (Hebrews 3:14).
It has been remarked that Religion is the greatest threat to world peace and that more wars have been fought in the name of Religion than any other influence. Considering the influences of society - Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, News Media, Religion – Religion is more powerful and controlling than politics, military arms, and scientific advancement. It is not a social, cultural, political, or ideological factor; it finds its power in the human soul – the will, the mind, and the emotions – of the individual. Within the soul are thus the private motivations that form perceptions and behavior. People are more willing to die for the sake of their Religion than for any political, social, or ideological reason. Every culture through various civilizations has developed some form of religious practice seeking for reason, purpose, and significance.They seek to find themselves and make sense of their world.
An observer of human history has concluded that humankind’s travels have produced more religious practices and ideologies that only serve to create more problems than they solve. And that we’re still no better than nor different from our ancestors, despite our technological advances. We’re smarter but not wiser; we live longer but not healthier; we’ve access to more information but know less about life; we protect and love animals but we kill our children; we’ve more Religion but less love; and we blame others for our choices as we look to ourselves for solutions to the problems we create. Humankind has invented and developed a variety of systems and social structures in its attempt to grapple with the realities of life. We have watched the creation of governmental systems including demigods, dictators, monarchs, tyrants. Over the centuries theories and practices had an opportunity to try to make life better.
However, wars have increased rather than decreased, weapons of mass destruction are more available than ever before, and fear for safety and security is greater than ever before in history. All governments, even democracy which is the best developed, have failed to realize the world we keep searching for. Why do our cultures keep clashing into each other? The two world wars were the greatest tragedies when millions perished. The world leaders joined together and made promises each time that it would never happen again. They created the League of Nations and yet later the United Nations dedicated to promoting world peace. Wars continue to ravage our planet Earth. Most of the current tensions and wars are strongly influenced by Religions. It is logical that humankind will next try to ensure world peace through a League of Religions or a United Religions. Others have called it CHRISLAM. Only few people will not be deceived with a World Religion.
When we need world peace to harness all the resources for a better life on Earth, the political and religious leaders will easily agree on a World Religion. They’ll go for the best ideas in each existing Religion. Keep watching the news and the attitudes. Whoever tries to point the leaders to the real Source of world peace will be demonized. Then persecution, more persecution, and more and more persecution will follow. But the solution of our dilemma is in the middle of our search. We need to rediscover the Kingdom of God within us. It has human-friendly solutions beyond our unspoken desires about life here on Earth. The Scriptures describe the Kingdom of Heaven like a treasure hidden in field or like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When a man found the hidden treasure, he hid it again. Then in his joy he went and sold all he had and bought that field. The merchant sold everything and bought the pearl of great value.
The human spirit is possessed by the desire to dominate, rule and control the personal private world and the environment. Humankind is in search of the ultimate governing power of dominion. The desire for power is inherent in the human spirit. Yet the ability to achieve dominion and power over life and death on Earth still eludes humankind, no matter how far we think we’ve progressed. This is also the source and motivation of religious and spiritual development and practice. In every Religion we discover the component that promises power to control circumstances and even death itself. This explains why the deep dark secret practices of witchcraft and spiritism are so attractive to millions; they promise power over people and circumstances. But humankind was created to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him. And God gave us dominion over creation, and not over other humans. Represent God by your service.
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