The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Creating Cultures of Love
How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had surrendered them? (Deut. 32:30 NKJV). Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight. (Lev. 26:8 NKJV). God made great and marvelous promises, so that His nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world. Do your best to improve your faith. You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love. (2 Peter 1:4-7 CEV).
You can decide and win a soul for Jesus this month. With the baptism of God's fire, both of you can win a soul each next month. And when you continue in the Spirit of God, you'll have 8 souls on fire in your 3rd month! In your 13th month, in a year, there'll be 8,000 souls on fire. And by your 25th month, in just 2 years, there'll be 33 million souls on fire for Jesus! You're a potential world changer. The Lord has lined up souls waiting for you to touch, in the east and south, west and north, and all the corners of the world. Remember, it's not by your might nor power, but by the Spirit of the living God. However, understand that if you've not been empowered to change a system, don't attempt to do it on your own; it may burn you up. Be aware and be prepared for the supernatural dimension! Some Bible scholars have marked this decade as the date when the false prophet and the Antichrist would appear. Bible prophecy links this to a one world Government and a one world Religion. We're thus living in a time with the greatest help to preach the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. People are curious about the supernatural dimension. They yearn for life and consciousness beyond time and space - the visible or material. Exploring and understanding the supernatural experiences safely requires knowledge and wisdom founded on Truth, for the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Remember that Truth is what God Almighty says; it is beyond reality and facts!
The supernatural becomes natural as you develop intimacy with God the Father! You're at the very forefront of proclaiming the reality of supernatural encounters with God. When God's Spirit falls - on both the righteous and the unrighteous - people start getting witty ideas for new inventions and other advances. They've visions and something stirs up inside of them that gives them the confidence to believe they can change the world. God can begin to show you where lives of people and organizations are and where they need to be, and practical steps of how to get there. He'll put a plan and a strategy in place. So it will feel a lot more like consultation, and you'll do that whether you're dealing with a person or a business, a government or an organization, a ministry or a Church. Your goal is to help people and organizations to deal with issues and actually see improvement take place. The Lord wants to disciple people as well as the nations. He loves every nation and wants to see them come into the fulfillment and the fullness and the potential of what He has available for them. Evangelizing is about planting Churches and also about discipling people and nations. You'll need finances and ability to mobilize people. The Gospel is free but Evangelizing is costly! Understand where to position yourself and where to put your funds in order to have the finances you need to help out with a lot of social justice concerns that are taking place in the world today. Desire to proclaim the Gospel to this generation and to subsequent ones!
When you see how divided the world still is, you've to think that something unprecedented is going to unite the world, especially in Politics and Religion. These two greatly influence culture, the economy, and technology. Perhaps we can imagine how quickly our differences would be resolved if we were faced with an alien threat from outside this world. The groundwork is already being laid to that effect. The principalities are making it intellectually virtuous to believe in exoplanets and extraterrestrials. The writings of some highly placed theologians have made the argument that we ought to believe in exoplanets and extraterrestrials. These theologians have written that they think these entities will be evangelizing us. The theologians think the chances are that the extaterrestrials are not fallen and we are, so that we would have to modify our beliefs according to their revelation. There is an emphasis on God being benevolent to the extent that many deny His holiness. We see this in this idea of pluralism, which is so popular in our culture where all Religions point to the same God. Talk about Hell or eternal punishment, or the exclusivity of Jesus, is the thing that most people don’t tolerate. All these things have got to be watered down for there to be a one world Religion, for people to welcome in an Antichrist. Today, there is a lack of holiness, a lack in belief that there is a Hell, a lack in the belief that there is even a Devil.
You can walk regularly in the high place of the supernatural. God wants us to go out and create cultures of love and understanding. He is with us always. The most important thing of all is whether there is more love in a place after we leave than there was before we came and performed all the signs, wonders and miracles. We're grateful for all the healings and lives touched and restored. However, there are key questions and the true standard for measuring success in ministry. For example, are the people more in love with God, more intimate with Him, and more open with Him than they were before? Do people walk in deeper grace and compassion? Are they more in love with one another? Is their love relationship with God stronger? For God is love, and if we don't have love we're completely missing the point. To be normal, we must walk with the Lord in love, allowing Him to make us lovely and enable us to love those around us. If we don't love, it doesn't matter how gifted or talented we're or how much we walk in the supernatural realm. Apart from love, these things are meaningless. Faith is important, but faith works through love. Walking in the supernatural is becoming normal. The way of love is a Believer's ministry because we're all special to God and He loves us. Believers walk in an intimate and personal relationship with God when reformation comes. And we both hear and see what the Father is doing. For God's Word has both the sound and sight components Keep walking in love, for love never fails and it conquers all things!