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The Rainbow Pen!


Creating Spiritual Climates



And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. (Luke 2:49-50 NKJV). Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. (Mark 11:23 IV).


In Creating Spiritual Climates, the supernatural should be natural. We need to learn to create an environment for miracles for people. We can keep our relational time with the Lord by simply putting God as a priority every day. Call it our sacred time and our sacred place, our prayer closet and isolated place with God. That is your time with God, and no one is more important than God. He's the greatest person in all the universe and for our life He has number one priority. No one should be allowed to interrupt you in that place. Go into that place non-stop and continuous. Be very intentional about recognizing the presence of God throughout the day in every opportunity. Make every moment of every day your sacred time and sacred place. But when we've our set apart devotional times, sometimes our minds initially are very distracted. So we actually have to, with intentionality say, God, you are more important to us than anything. And so we just engage with Him because our desire leads us there. And so whatever it takes, reading scriptures at first or worshiping, or making decrees of the Word in order to bring our focus. But once we break a point, we know, if we stay in deliberate focus within intentionality for a while, we'll eventually break into a realm, and sometimes when we get into that place we never want to leave. It's just like hours can go by.


Creating Spiritual Climates requires learning how to create atmospheres for God to show up. God has made us to be co-creators with Him, because He created us in His image and likeness, you know. And He's a creator, and He's a ruler, and so we have that anointing resident within us, especially in Jesus, who is our life, who is our creation. So we can learn the keys to create realms and atmospheres. When you feel an atmosphere was antagonistic or skeptical, there is unbelief in the room. You would just feel the atmosphere and observe people sitting there with their arms crossed. Ask the Lord how to break this atmosphere and create a different atmosphere. We can start prophesying, giving personal prophetic words over individuals. The Bible is full of keys on how we can create with God. God of course is going to give an accurate word. And so all of a sudden, the oppression will leave, the arms will start being unfolded, and people will start leaning forward. And the atmosphere will change. And as soon as it does, you can preach the Word, and then God will do more miracles. But we have to take care of the atmosphere first. We have the power to create atmospheres and also to create realms. Unless you feel a leading to get out of a toxic climate, don't quit. Work to change the the environment with heavenly influence!


Creating Spiritual Climates is answering the invitation by God to bring light into that darkness. You can partner with God. You could use the authority of the Word, the authority of God's presence and change an atmosphere with wrong values. Instead of being afraid of it, instead of being vexed by it, think about changing it. There are a few keys to work with that are out of the Scriptures. Learn these keys, give them a try and see what happens. It works! It works! Over time it will change. And it will become an atmosphere of peace and harmony because you step forward to do that in partnership with Christ Jesus. First you start making decrees and declarations. If we decree a thing it will be established. We take the Word of God; His Words are spirit and they are life. When we make a decree in the name of a king it shall not be revoked. We start decreeing holiness over our environment. Start decreeing God's righteousness, start decreeing purity. Secondly, another key is praise. Just praise God, not for the filth that's around you, but for what God is going to do in your environment. Start praising Jesus for coming in as a King of kings and the Lord of Glory and creating an atmosphere of the Glory of God. Thirdly, Use the the key of love. We're created to walk in the compassion of Jesus. That's when the miracles happen, to walk in the love of Jesus.


Creating Spiritual Climates is possible by your declaring a love war. You can receive an impartation directly from the Lord and He will show you how He loves. Everyone who comes against Him He loves. He never withdraws love no matter what. Love like Him. If we don't have love we are nothing, we do nothing, and we have nothing. And Make it your life's aim to learn to love. That's our secret weapon to create spiritual climates. When you declare a love war you can change an entire country. It is possible to change the atmosphere in your home or in your community or in an entire country. Carry the life message that God loves you with an everlasting love, for the moment. And that will change atmospheres. Ask God to show you some of the things God wants you to do. One of the issues that is fueling the sex trade is systemic poverty. People can't afford to feed their children. What are you going to do about the poverty issue? Declare the purity of God over whatever you do. God for the business anointing for Jesus declared that He was about His Father's business, not about His Father's ministry of temple. Every believer can achieve this. We will be empowered to starting businesses all over the world, rescuing people from systemic poverty, getting them saved, getting them discipled and putting them in business to be lights to their community. Understand that this is possible because all things in Christ are easy.


Creating Spiritual Climates is done by faith. Faith is released by speaking words. Jesus said we should speak to the mountain, or the problem. The Lord commands us to believe that what we say will come to pass. We are to believe in the power of our words. Failure to believe in the power of words won't keep this law of God from working. If we begin to speak words in faith that line up with God's Word, then we will have the positive results that follow. But if we refuse this lesson and continue to speak words of doubt, we will eventually believe them and have the negative things that these words produce. Your every word counts. Some experts even believe that your words are flesh building! There are no such things as "idle" words that will not work for us or against us. Death or life are in the power of every word we speak. Our words can be our most powerful weapon against the devil, or they can become a snare of the devil. Faith-filled words can move mountains, any high obstacles that might stand in our way. When a problem stands in our way, we must speak to the problem and command it to get out of our way in the name of Jesus. The born-again spirit of man is not the part that doubts. Doubts come to the mind. Therefore, this is another confirmation that the heart, as the Scriptures use it, refers to the whole inner man: spirit and soul.


In Creating Spiritual Climates, we decree that all things are possible in Christ. Most people speak to God about their problem. God has put certain things under our authority, and we must exercise it. We decree a shift in people's lives and lifestyles into an accelerated creativity where they can bring light into their darkness. There is nothing impossible for us. We will triumph in all things because that is what the Word of God promises us. The Lord says in His Word that we are going to partner with Him to transform the world for His glory. We are going to bring salvation to those who do not know Him. We are going to see shifts in our health and in our finances, in our strength and in our relationships, and in every dimension of our life, because that is what is we're called to. And we can see in the spirit, and prophesy to people or give them words of knowledge or wisdom to edify them. We create peace in our household. Learn how to take the authority and shift the atmosphere in your home or workplace, fellowship or marketplace, so that there's no more conflict, there's no more contention or strife, or rebellion, but there's peace because you have the power resident within you, in Christ Jesus within you to change the atmosphere in your home. Your can create a conducive spiritual climate any time!

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   Food For Thought                        

We have been deceived that if we prayed and fasted long enough, anything we say or ask for will either appear or disappear. Whatever happened to un-forgiveness in the heart, pride, envy, or in short, sinful lifestyle? God is merciful but He is also a God of justice. The wages of sin is dead and hearing and obeying God commands blessings. If we are to benefit from the Kingdom lifestyle, we need to understand how the Kingdom of God operates. Seek the Kingdom and its righteousness and all these things will be added on to us! This does not imply we leave everything else and seek the Kingdom of God. It simply means that the Kingdom of God has principles we must understand how they operate in order to benefit from it! If we don’t, we will be reading the Word of God and celebrating information but it will not impact our lives and nothing will change.

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