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The Rainbow Pen!


Cultivating Habits that Attract Success


A good tree produces only good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. You can tell what a tree is like by the fruit it produces.....  Your words show what is in your hearts. Good people bring good things out of their hearts, but evil people bring evil things out of their hearts..... On the day of judgment, everyone will have to account for every careless word they have spoken. On that day they will be told that they are either innocent or guilty because of the things they have said. (Matthew 12:33-37 CEV).

There is no overnight or microwave success. There is no quick fix to creating the lifestyle you desire. What it really takes to be successful is doing a few things really well, not doing too many things. Knowledge isn't power, but its potential. The lack of study and implementation is a common problem for no success. New or more information isn't what you need to succeed, but a new plan of action and new habits, discipline and character. Value hard and consistent work. Work hard, work smart. Let the principles and knowledge learned be transferred into action. Talk about things that matter to people who care. You'll always reap huge results from small smart choices, consistent over time. The Scriptures explain why some doctors are overweight, why some Believers are wicked, why some lawyers are involved in crime, why some financial coaches are broke, and why some preachers need deliverance. They all have faith without works; knowledge and information they don't practice. When you've knowledge and belief but you don't act on it, you aren't different from the ignorant. What good is it to know something but fail to do it? Can that knowledge save you? Knowledge isn't power until you use it. Knowledge without action is dead. The successful and the failures both believe in hard work, but one works hard and the other doesn't. Both the wicked and the righteous both believe in one God almighty, but the righteous do things the right way to please their God.

Jesus Christ declared that every kingdom, city or family working in disunity, disrespect or disorder will be ruined and it will not stand. Therefore we need to acknowledge the guidance of the Holy Spirit as children of the Most High God in every area of our life and lifestyle. Jesus Christ again declared that anyone who speaks against Him - the Son of Man - will be forgiven, but that anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. We can't rely on our body or soul, heart or mind to understand the spiritual aspects of life. They greatly differ in energy levels and can't be synchronized with the spirit man easily. We've to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us through our spirit man. We reap what we sow. Sucess comes as the result of the compound effect, the operating system of success. This is reaping huge results from small smart choices completed consistently over time. Our habits and behavior will enable us realize radical differences due to small smart choices plus time plus consistency. Harness the power of this compound effect, the operating system that has been running your life. Success comes as a result of this operating system. To become an overachiever, you can make up in hard smart work what you lack in experience and skills. Remember that the changes are always subtle and insignificant.

A person is justified and gets the right results by a plan and action, and not by faith or knowledge alone. Also, action without conviction and enthusiasm will not give you the right results. Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith or knowledge or information without works or action is dead. Some success coach says you can multiply your success, one step at a time, by habits, discipline, character, hard work, smart work and fortitude. This is like recruiting your heart, soul, and gut to fight for your destiny. You can use your why-power rather than will-power. Let the reason why you want success lead to some key disciplines for your burning desire to be realized. You can develop the habits and character that will attract success into your life. That is taking responsibility for your lifestyle. This implies that you develop the habits and character traits that will attract your goals for success in your life and lifestyle. When you're able to drive out demons or overcome your obstacles by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you. The detail plan of action for your success will be like making a tree good for its fruit to be good. Develop your heart with good habits and disciplines, power of consistency, and a synchronized rhythm of life as it is in Heaven. You've to develop yourself by changing your views, taking 100% responsibility for your own life, and eliminating negative influences around you. Choose your reference group associates as engines, not anchors.


Do the unexpected each day to expand your mind. Set the standards to allow as you interact with various people. You get what you tolerate in life from other people. What's popular is common and ordinary. Go for the extraordinary actions and plans. Do more than expected, go the extra mile. Add a little audacity to your repertoire. Entice big momentum to visit you. Learning is not what we lack to create the lifestyle we want for ourself. We are swimming in infinite information. If knowledge and information were what we need to succeed, everyone with a computer and internet will be successful. The key to your success is to read more, study more, digest what you study then contemplate plans of action. Then act on and practice what you learn. Then continue to make improvements and act again. This way, success is waiting for you rather than you waiting for success. One success coach put it this way: "When I had listed the qualities of the spouse I desired, I didn't go looking for her. I simply took 100% responsibility to attract her from wherever she was. I listed the qualities that would attract such a spouse to me. Then I got to work on myself and my environment. That spouse came to me with my desired qualities!" If you cannot attract what you desire, work even harder on you; and blame you for any delays. You have the power through Christ, to have or to do or to become everything you desire! 

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