The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Declaring Triumph in Christ
Proclaim this among the nations: "Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’" Assemble and come, all you nations, And gather together all around. Cause Your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord. "Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. (Joel 3:9-12 NKJV).
All nations and their posterity will become part of Israel if they don't fight the Lord. The Gentiles that are to prepare for war are the righteous Gentiles who have the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are to come forth to convert the heathen, or non-believers. They are to have confidence in their mission because the Lord is to help them. This is a continuation of the war in heaven, deciding who will follow God. The heathen are to come forth to be taught. The Lord's mighty ones will do the teaching. When a prophecy about spiritual Israel includes the Jews too, it includes secular Israel as well. Secular Israel, spiritual Israel, the Jews, and the Lost Tribes sometimes mean the same thing and sometimes entirely different things. Today's Jews can mean secular and/or spiritual Israel: literal or allegorical.
God's army is bringing about changes that will cause Israel to return to Jehovah in righteousness. There will be gladness and repentance, restoration and deliverance, not more punishment and death. They are asked to respond with repentance to the great light spreading over all the land. The power of God's army will result in Israel coming to a knowledge of God. They only destroy the wicked; and not by death and slavery but through their sharing of the Gospel truths. They are missionaries bringing the truth about Jesus Christ and His saving Gospel. They destroy the wicked by conversion to the truth. God will judge the heathen by how much they hear and respond to the truth. There'll be a great harvesting of souls. The great harvest will occur because of the great light - truth about Christ. The world is to be filled with truth about Jesus Christ from new sources that will be unchallengeable.
God is proclaiming that the nations themselves will be the instruments of His judgment. The destructive nations themselves will be destroyed. This decree of God also concerns the deliverance of His Church and God's people, encouraging them to the battle, since they might be sure of victory. The people of God themselves are told to prepare war. Either the Christian powers with their armies will defend Jerusalem against the Turks, and deliver it out of their hands. Or the enemies of Christ's Church and people will come up against them, even the most powerful of them. Rather than being a command that the nations of the Earth should arm for war, it would appear to be a prophecy of what they will actually do, through their wickedness, converting total economy to the making of instruments of destruction, even the humblest implements of agriculture being also involved in the perversion.
The time of the Final Judgment has almost arrived; and there is no need whatever for nations of the Earth, which have hardly ever done anything else except prepare for war, to make any significant change; it is too late for that. Denying the benign teachings of Christ's Kingdom, nations beat plowshares into swords. Soldiers and non-soldiers will appear in the field for war. The non-soldiers will turn their instruments into weapons of war. On the contrary, when this battle will be over, swords shall be beaten into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks. Let the weak say, I am strong. Let them not plead their weakness to excuse them from engaging in this war. Let them make the best of themselves, and say they are strong and healthy, and fit for it. And they will enter in it with all courage and bravery, since they are sure of victory beforehand. This applies to spiritual weakness and strength too.
And indeed in faith and knowledge, let the weakest Believer say he is strong, in comparison of what he once was. And others are strong, not in themselves, but in Christ, and the power of His might, and in the grace that is in Him. Nor should he excuse himself from fighting the Lord's battles, against sin and Satan, or the World and false teachers. Let the poor say they are rich. The gathering of nations in their opposition to God, will come at the general hardening of mankind preceding the Final Judgment; a spiritual assembly. The spiritual assembly, human nations opposing God, will be as the occasion when God will execute his judgment upon them! These are all heathen nations who have come in contact with the Kingdom of God. Before the last Judgment, the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world for a testimony to all nations.
That is, let the enemies of Christ and His Church and His people be aroused from that state of security in which they are, and prepare for their own defence. For in such a state the anti-Christian powers will be before their destruction. Let them bestir themselves, and exert all the rigor and strength they have. Let them come in high spirits against the people of God. Let them invade the holy land, and come even to the valley of Jehoshaphat, or the valley of Armaggedon. And when they arrive there, let them descend into the place appointed for their ruin. You cannot afford to be neutral today, the day of the Second Coming of Christ Jesus is really close. You are either for God or against God. Whether literal or allegorical, endeavor to fit into your purpose with spiritual Israel, secular Israel, Jews or the Lost Tribes, Believer or Heathen. Whatever you stand for, there will be Judgment!