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The Rainbow Pen!


Empowering God's People



David’s order to count the people made God angry, and he punished Israel. David prayed,“I am your servant. But what I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Please forgive me.” The Lord said to Gad, one of David’s prophets, “Tell David that I will punish him in one of three ways. But he will have to choose which one it will be.” Gad went to David and told him: You must choose how the Lord will punish you: Will there be three years when the land won’t grow enough food for its people? Or will your enemies constantly defeat you for three months? Or will the Lord send a horrible disease to strike your land for three days? Think about it and decide, because I have to give your answer to God who sent me.David was miserable and said, “It’s a terrible choice to make! But the Lord is kind, and I’d rather have him punish me than for anyone else to do it.” So the Lord sent a horrible disease on Israel, and seventy thousand Israelites died.Then he sent an angel to destroy the city of Jerusalem. But just as the angel was about to do that, the Lord felt sorry for all the suffering he had caused the people, and he told the angel, “Stop! They have suffered enough.” (1 Chronicles 21:7-15 NIV).



We can bring Heaven on Earth, if you have an impossibility. This generation is being taught and equipped to move in the supernatural and to cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on the Earth. Their restoration enables them experience physical and emotional, financial and relational, and spiritual healing and to become equipped to fulfill their God-given destinies. The Kingdom of God is the government of God. It is supernatural and unshakable, powerful and real. The Kingdom of God is above and beyond your circumstances, beyond demons and any natural impossibility that you have. It is an unshakable: if we're in it, nothing can shake your life. It also is a kingdom in power. We must demonstrate that kingdom. It is a kingdom that holds reality we can experience here and now. The supernatural is important because there are impossible things that will come into our life. There are impossible circumstances that you’ll never overcome by natural means. You need supernatural means. Any believer can bring Heaven on Earth. So the Kingdom is the government of God that we have, delegated by Jesus. When Jesus came, He brought the Kingdom. He said, the Kingdom is within you, is in you. Any believer can bring the Kingdom here on Earth.



When you walk in the power of the Kingdom and the resurrection you’ll see all kinds of miracles.The resurrection is the demonstration of power. Go into demonstration of God’s power. Something comes alive when you get into that revelation of Christ’s resurrection. You have the legal right to ascend into Heaven and get everything you need to cause your promises to come to pass in an accelerated manner.  The Lord loves every person and nation. He wants to see them come into the fulfillment, the fullness and the potential of what He has available for them. The fear of God is the beginning of revelation and wisdom! Supernatural experiences are real. The supernatural becomes natural as we develop intimacy with God. A supernatural experience with the loving God will change your lifestyle completely. A revelation of Christ’s resurrection will empower you to move in the supernatural. Every Believer who has intimacy with God can walk in the supernatural. You can belong to the new generation of people who know God and walk in a high level of the supernatural realm. They are both witnesses to and agents of miracles of God. They work miracles or God works miracles through them.  Let the most important result of the supernatural be more love, compassion and peace after the miracles.



The supernatural experiences help people's love relationships with God, and with one another, become stronger. Those who move in a high level of the supernatural realm help people walk in deeper grace and compassion. This is the true standard for measuring success in a life and lifestyle. There is more love for God and more love for people, and a deeper grace and compassion. If we don't have love, our walk in the supernatural realm or gifted-ness or talented-ness is meaningless. The way of love is a Believer's ministry. The defining characteristic of Followers of Jesus Christ will be that walking in the supernatural is natural and normal. Let God's Spirit make you normal just as God intended for you to be. If you want to enjoy greater intimacy with God and walk more deeply in the supernatural realm, learn to be yourself. Submit yourself to God.  Trust in God's Word and embrace His love for you. Let shallow faith not confine God's unlimited abilities in you. Learn not to place limits on what God will do through you. Cry out for Christ’s Kingdom to come soon. For that is the only genuine and permanent solution to current human struggles. Only this will give us the strength to resist Satan the devil’s lies. Decide and work for greater intimacy with God.



God gives power to the spiritually mature. And for Christians with the Holy Spirit, God’s direct power is available to help overcome every human weakness! Lasting success requires being loaded in the attitudes of God Almighty. God created us with a gift and everyone’s gift is so unique. Every one of us thinks in a unique way. We each have this unique way that we filter information through the world as we think. So our gift of thinking filters and it builds the thought, and it’s different for every single person. God Almighty has planted eternity in our minds and a divine sense of purpose. And we have got the mind of Christ. There’s something that you can do that no one else on this planet Earth can do. Everything that you can do is gifted because it’s a result of the way in which you think. So there’s something that each of us can do that no one else can do. Our gifts are so unique it’s like as unique as a fingerprint. When your gift is ignored you literally can’t even hear the Holy Spirit. It blocks completely because your thinking is like a triangle between your brain, heart and mind. Your thinking begins in your brain where your thinking is happening, and then down to your heart. God has built in a check mechanism to okay when you’re thinking clearly.You get a little checking station from heart. Listen to the heart.



When you have a great hunger for God and the supernatural, tell God about it. Talk to Him as your Employer. Make a commitment to God. Tell Him how much of your time you want to devote to His services each single day! Remember He gives everyone the same 24 hours for investment or consumption. Everything is possible when you believe. You just need to believe God's Word. God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him the name above every name in Heaven, Earth and Hell. This revelation of the power of Jesus' name is awesome to you. And it is the greatest name of things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth. So begin believing God's Word. And any believer,who will simply take the authority, can perform miracles. The authority of the name Jesus Christ is what brings the wonders and miracles. Know that this is possible for any person who will let the Lord give them that holy boldness and dare to speak the name of Jesus with authority. When you embrace truth, it burns in your spirit. And when you pray for boldness, the working of the Holy Spirit will explode in you. Remember the greatest miracle occurs when you proclaim that Jesus is your Lord, and you believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, and ask Him to forgive you of all of your sins. He'll wash them away and God, Jesus, and the Spirit of God will live inside of you!

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