The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Experience Christ's Glory
The Lord and the Spirit are one and the same, and the Lord’s Spirit sets us free.So our faces are not covered. They show the bright glory of the Lord, as the Lord’s Spirit makes us more and more like our glorious Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:17-18 CEV). And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:3-6 NIV).
When you walk in the power of the Kingdom and the resurrection you will see all kinds of miracles. You may go into the Cross of Jesus at Calvary. The cross is where we receive forgiveness of sin.You then need to make the transition from the cross to the resurrection. The resurrection is where you enter into power. The cross is the demonstration of love. The resurrection is the demonstration of His power. So we must go into demonstration of God’s power. If you want to get into demonstration of the power of the resurrection, everything will come alive. Your dreams and vision,marriage and business will come alive. Everything you do. In other words, the power of the resurrection is much more than healing the physical body. Even though we see miracles, creative miracles where God creates brand new body organs, but it's beyond that. It can be your marriage. It can be your business.Something will come alive when you get into that revelation of the resurrection of Jesus. All you need is to be hungry and thirsty, for God's power to be demonstrated for any believer that believes. You have the legal right to ascend into Heaven and get everything you need to cause your promises to come to pass in an accelerated manner. Command everything that will hinder you from ascending into the heavenly realms to be gone, right now in the name of Jesus, and for you to by faith be able to go into the heavenly realms and bring back everything you need to live life and life abundant. Decree an open heaven for you that you'll become knowledgeable about the glory, how to open the heavens, and have a tangible manifestation of the glory cloud coming into your home.
When Jesus taught about the Our Father prayer, at the end of that prayer He said, "Yours is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory." These 3 realms of God represent the government, ability, and atmosphere of Heaven. The Kingdom is the government of Heaven; the power is the ability of Heaven; and the Glory is the atmosphere of Heaven. When we preach the government, God has to confirm it with power and the atmosphere. When we pray, we declare, "Let Your Kingdom come and let Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." In Heaven, there's no recession or sickness. Any believer can bring Heaven on Earth now. So Kingdom is the government of God that we have delegated by Jesus. When Jesus came, He brought the Kingdom. He said, the Kingdom is within you, is in you. Any believer can bring the Kingdom here on Earth. If you go to pray for a person with cancer,you go in Jesus' name. There's no cancer in Heaven. That is our pattern. We will bring Heaven on Earth anytime! If you believe it, it will happen. To have an open Heaven encounter, have some worship song playing. Lay on the ground or sit comfortably. And as you worship and praise God, you’ll be taken to Heaven. The Glory or the manifest presence of God, is when God invades a place. When the manifest presence of God invades a place, things actually speed up. Time can literally be compressed. And you will realize that God bends time. When you travel in a car, suddenly you start feeling lighter and lighter. It's like you got from point A to point B, but in the Glory, no time. And what happens is the Glory begins to invade the time realm and bends the time continuum where point A and point B become the same location.
You can bring Heaven on Earth, if you have an impossibility. A miracle is a supernatural intervention of God in your impossibilities now. Well God wants to impart supernatural power to you now. God is the God of the now, not a god of the past or god of the future. His name is the great I AM, and the great I AM wants to be manifested and demonstrated right now. Do not wait tomorrow. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you and we give you praise. Be hungry and thirsty for the supernatural if you want to bring the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Kingdom of God is the government of God.It is supernatural and unshakable, powerful and real. The Kingdom of God is above and beyond your circumstances, beyond demons and any natural impossibility that you have. It is an unshakable: if we're in it, nothing can shake your life. It also is a kingdom in power. We must demonstrate that kingdom. It is a kingdom that holds reality we can experience here and now. The supernatural is important because there are impossible things that will come into our life. There are impossible circumstances that you’ll never overcome by natural means. You need supernatural means. Second, when you bring the Kingdom,every miracle will be possible for you. It takes miracles to stay in the faith. If you want to advance the Kingdom of God, if you want to do something for God,we need to establish it by supernatural means. The tendency for most Christians is to substitute entertainment for worship and charisma for anointing,reasoning for faith and feelings for hearing God. If you can’t hear God's voice, you won't do what God wants. Become born again: declare, “Jesus is my Messiah and Lord. Live inside of me. Take over my life. I love you, Lord Jesus.” When you say this, you become born again, born in the Spirit by faith.You’re ready to bring the Kingdom of God on Earth!
This generation is being taught and equipped to move in the supernatural and to cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on the Earth. Their restoration enables them experience physical and emotional, financial and relational, and spiritual healing and to become equipped to fulfill their God-given destinies. When people get involved in God, they start having fellowship and Bible study, worship and praying,fasting and interceding for people. Then baptisms with water and the Holy Spirit follow. Then they move to higher levels and dimensions of anointing and hearing God’s voice clearly. Then God begins to show you principles that are keys that speed prayers up supernaturally. There is a supernatural way to speed up prayers for things that you have been battling with. This is a tool called ascending into and descending from Heaven. It’s a powerful tool and it can cause acceleration, because when you can ascend up into Heaven, you can get whatever is in Heaven and bring it back down to Earth. We have the legal right to do so. This causes the promises that God is speaking in your life to happen in an increased and accelerated manner. But in order to ascend you have to be a spirit being. Your spirit has to have control over everything in your life.First you need the life of God in your spirit. It’s time for you to give up and make Jesus your Messiah and Lord. Not talking about religion. It is talking about intimacy with the living God because He loves you. We’re seated in the holy realms of Christ. Christ already won the right for us to be there. And men in the Bible ascended into Heaven. They went up, they ate and they drank, which tells us they went up in their bodies. So you can see that they went up and they got these encounters with God, and they also got revelation and empowerment, and brought them back down here to Earth.
You can also increase your finances in the glory. You have found a supernatural key. Now the Bible talks about the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous; there will be a wealth transfer. Yes, once you learn how to cultivate the glory and speak into the cloud then you can use this all the time for any situation, to break debt, to cause an increase of financial income. You can use the tool over and over again. We can have so many financial miracles. On how we can ascend up into Heaven and get the answers to our prayers and bring them back to Earth just like the angels did for Jacob, use your faith. It says that by faith Enoch was transferred into Heaven. There’s creative power in the glory. In your worship time with God, and in your worship God’s presence or His glory will become manifest and become tangible, because that’s what the Scripture says. So as you’re worshiping the glory can explode. It could explode so much that your arms feel very heavy. And you have a burning tangible glory in your face. In the glory of God, in the presence of the glory which has light and sound in it too, you begin to command things to manifest in Jesus’ name. There will be healing. There is supernatural banking in the glory. In times of Heaven praised God and gave thanks. We need the power, the creative power of the glory cloud. So that’s why Jesus first “looked up to Heaven”. He’s looking for the open heaven to get the cloud to drop. And the next thing it says is,“Then praising God, he gave thanks.” He said, “Let there be light. And there was light.” Jesus gets the presence of the glory. He lifts the bread up, and he speaks a blessing over the bread, literally commanding it to prosper, to multiply, and it does in the creative power of the cloud.