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The Rainbow Pen!


Experience Genetic Salvation



As Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:14-17). When I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law - I stopped trying to meet all its requirements - so that I might live for God. My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die. (Galatians 2:19-21 NLT).


Our life is considered as basically heart beats, averagely 70 per minute. When a heart stops beating, the body is considered dead until the heart is revived! Every time your heart beats, two key things take place. It sends oxygenated blood to your body cells. It also sends an encoded signal to every body cell that basically updates that cell to what you currently believe about yourself. Every cell is therefore reprogrammed every time your heart beats. Thus your life is in your blood. Your heart and any organ of your body vibrates at a natural and perfect frequency that God spoke into existence. If any of your organs does not stay at that sound or frequency, it is not healthy, it is not at ease, it’s dis-eased! Your heart is not at ease, it is diseased, with beats too far away from 70 beats per minute! There are trapped feelings and emotions in you, sometimes generational. The experiences, like say poverty in a family for generations, can become cellular memories where the offenses go into the cells. They may not be curses but are simply experiences from generation to generation in the family. But when you can get rid of them you can begin to believe God with all your heart and mind!


Adam and Eve were created with God’s DNA in the Garden of Eden. They acquired a flawless bloodline. And when they fell they lost that DNA. They had their genetics compromised. The word generation comes from the words “gene” and “aration” or “aeration”. A generational curse is a curse attached to generational genes you receive from your ancestors. How these patterns affect families. In fact, from Adam on-wards, since the fall of Adam, every bloodline on the planet Earth, no matter how famous it is, is compromised genetics. And because the enemy has demonic pathways in the genetics, he can still afflict God's people even when they are believers because of what the Lord called liens, demonic liens against the DNA. And for some people demonic liens is single-hood. So no matter how beautiful the men and women of that family are they never get married. Some people, it is financial calamity or untimely death, some health problem or servitude. Whatever lien is in the bloodline, connected generational genes they receive from their ancestors, can affect their life tremendously.


God has shown some people how to supernaturally change your DNA, genetic salvation, going beyond four generations of genetic curses - all the way to where the flaw started. Back to Adam and Eve. Know that when doctors give you bad health reports and they say that your parents and relatives died of cancer or heart trouble, it's your DNA. In the Scriptures, God told Cain that Abel’s blood was crying out to Him. Science has done some work in this direction. In the Spirit realm, seers hear the sound of flawed bloodlines, a lot of sound, almost like a broken radio. The sound they hear in the blood is a sound of iniquities from the forefathers that are fighting against God’s people coming into their destiny. Recently we watched a young Pastor being persecuted by his ancestors in the spirit realm. The young man traveled to attend a deliverance service in a foreign country. He was followed by a demonic spy into the meeting. When the Holy Spirit exposed this spy, he said the family did not want the young man to become Pastor and abandon the gods of his ancestors! The family through witchcraft had therefore tried to frustrate the young Pastor each step of the way. That is an example of a flawed bloodline worshiping false gods.


God Almighty wants to silence those protesting voices by His people receiving His genetic inheritance. When the Lord Jesus Christ came to the Earth, His Blood was shed not only to forgive our sins, but to create our own bloodline. Because Abraham missed the cursed bloodline. When someone becomes born again, they are leaving the heritage of the compromised genetics of their ancestors and jumping to the Messiah's flawless bloodline. God says it is now time for His people to experience genetic salvation. Genetic salvation is when the finished work of the cross is applied to the healing of God’s people's genetics and giving them a new genetic inheritance. So the enemy has no voice in their genetics to come against their prophetic destinies. You can do a prophetic act of renouncing your attachment and allegiance to natural lineage, corrupted lineage, and embrace the Messiah's lineage and jump over the bloodline of your ancestors. When you do, amazing things will begin to take place in your life. God can heal someone of flawed lineage, He can change the DNA of any problem that you have, including sickness and finances, family and relationships.


Some people appear to understand the supernatural better than others because of their upbringing and belief system. That's because some people grow up in the environment where it's already charged for the supernatural. The only problem is it is charged the other way where it's more the demonic supernatural. But they are raised to see people literally perform what would be miraculous signs and wonders if they did not know Jesus, astounding things. And they grow up around it so they are aware that we are not alone in this world. There is another world out there, the spirit world. So when they go to the church, they will have a genuine encounter with the Living God. They will begin experiencing that the authority of the Word of God can be shockingly amazing us. Everything can shake and tremble at the sound of God’s Word. There's a seed of Christ inside of everyone that has yet to be nurtured. This will only happen if we pray and believe we are going to see more miracles. You need to understand fully what it means to function as a king and a priest who is representing the Messiah on Earth. For there is no king who is without power. Whoever the king is, he has power. So as God’s people begin to function as kings and priests when our genetic salvation is fully restored, we are going to see more miraculous signs and wonders.

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