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The Rainbow Pen!


Fulfilling Life's Purpose



Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but the widow out of her poverty put in all she had to live on. (Luke 21:3-4). Father, the time has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You. For You granted Him authority over all people that He might give eternal life to all those You have given Him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. I have brought You glory on Earth by completing the work you gave Me to do. And now, Father, glorify Me in Your Presence with the glory I had with You before the World began. (John 17:1-5). Then the king said to the men who were watching, ‘Take the bag of money away from this servant and give it to the servant who earned ten bags of money.’ â€œThe men said to the king, ‘But sir, that servant already has ten bags of money.’  â€œThe king said, ‘People who use what they have will get more. But those who do not use what they have will have everything taken away from them. (Luke 19:24-26).

We were shaped for serving God. What work has God given you to do on Earth? We were put here on planet Earth to make a contribution. God designed us to make a difference with our lives. God wants us to give something back. First we were created to serve God, for a special assignment. We have a purpose to fulfill in God's Kingdom on Earth. This gives our lives great value and significance. It cost Jesus Christ His own life on Calvary to purchase our salvation. Through our salvation our past and the results of the mistakes of the past have been forgiven, and our present and future secured. Our saved hearts want to spend their lives on Earth Fulfilling Life's Purpose. In God's family, serving is ministering. We're blessed to be a blessing. God has a ministry for each of us in His Church and a mission for each of us in the World. When we are saved, God does not immediately take us to Heaven. He leaves us here on Earth to fulfill His purpose for our lives and lifestyles. We fulfill our Christian calling by using our abilities and talents to help others. We have to define the center, character, contribution, communication, and community of our life and lifestyle to be effective.

While Fulfilling Life's Purpose, our problems can be quickly resolved by our willingness to make a corresponding change in our thinking and consciousness as citizens of the 21st Century, from the outdated concepts of the past. The World longs for peace. But none of its respective nations is prepared to relinquish nationalism to the extent which would be necessary in an effective World organization. World peace is the concern of every citizen. This is the point of exercising our free will to avoid the destruction that threatens us. The personal freedom and initiative of individuals will be definitely and completely safeguarded. It is proposed that the World will be organized in effective unity, fully functioning as a federated unit, and dedicated to the establishment of a universal civilization founded on justice and good will. The World in peace will express itself in glorious forms of prosperity, beauty, and happiness. We have an urgent role to play in bring about education and understanding in the World. Our problems define God's transforming encounter with our pride and ignorance, selfishness and unforgiveness, laziness and resistance to maturing growth.


Fulfilling Life's Purpose is the opposite of our natural inclination. Yet maturing spiritually is never an end in itself. We grow up in order to render service to man and to God. We need serving experiences in which we exercise our spiritual muscles. We must start looking for opportunities each day to meet somebody's needs. To have lasting significance we must give our lives by loving and serving others unselfishly. None of these - a career or hobby, fame or wealth - will have a real significance without touching people's lives. We must learn to make a difference in the World. God wants to work through each of us. God created us wonderfully complex to serve Him in a unique way. We can discover God's will and purpose for our life by identifying and understanding our abilities and talents, interests and gifts, personality and life experiences. God intended to use these for His glory. Your capabilities have been described by the acronym shape: spiritual gifting, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences. No one has your mix of shape. Your spiritual DNA is unique. Your assignment must be unique too. Now you understand why you need every aspect of your life as ingredients for your lifestyle and life to be wonderful and fulfilling.


In Fulfilling Life's Purpose, we focus on talents and abilities God has given us. We don't worry about or covet abilities and talents we don't have. God deserves our best. Therefore let us serve God with our personality and energy. Develop your shape to its fullest potential. There are three simple steps to discover your life purpose. First, just start serving and experimenting with different areas and opportunities of service. Second, make use of the feedback from those who know you best and by what you enjoy most. Third, examine your experiences and learn from them, for God intends every problem for our good. Every personal problem therefore has a positive redemptive purpose. God is at work in our various defining moments. Always appreciate your personality and energy; it was sovereignly determined by God for His purpose and glory. Recognize your limitations for no one is called to be everything. We all have defined roles. Be careful and watch, the enemy will try to steal the joy of service from you by tempting you to compare with others or conform to others' expectations. Both are distractions from serving God in the ways He intended. You'll always find people who seem to be doing a better job than you, or who don't seem as effective as you. Don't become discouraged or get full of pride, as the case may be. Just be yourself, for you can do all things; and you can become anything; and you can have everything, through Christ ho strengthens you!

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