The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD

The Rainbow Pen!
God is Shaking Up the World for Jesus
Jesus told them: If the sky is red in the evening, you say the weather will be good. But if the sky is red and gloomy in the morning, you say it is going to rain. You can tell what the weather will be like by looking at the sky. But you don’t understand what is happening now. (You cannot interpret the signs of the times.) (Matthew 16: 1-3 CEV).
Your focus has to be the Kingdom of God in fulfilling God's vision. Prepare and prosper in the face of a world economy collapsing. The poverty levels are changing for better or for worst. Learn how to manage God's money. First you tithe, you give, you save, you invest in something that will multiply, and you spend the rest. While others incur credit card debt, you focus on one master, Jesus Christ. Whenever credit is made available in a free market economy, people and nations tend to borrow more money than it is possible to pay back. So over a period of about half a century an economy will take on an unsustainable amount of debt. God commanded a voluntary national debt forgiveness or Jubilee every 50 years in Israel. So all debt was eliminated. If an economy doesn't have a voluntary mechanism of eliminating its debt - then it gets to a forced Jubilee, like the Great Depression.
This is the Jubilee season. It is going to be the worst of times for most people. We will discover that those who have borrowed and cannot repay, their wealth has been stored up for those who show mercy and give: the biblical wicked or the righteous! There is going to be huge wealth transfer. It happened in the Great Depression in the 1930s. You need to get out of debt now to prepare for this unique time in the next couple of years. There may be massive deflation, not inflation, to enable you take advantage of the next forced Jubilee. The Lord doesn't want you to be a slave to anybody, but to have one master, the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone. Have no other creditor ahead of Him that you have to serve. To eliminate all your debt, begin to do simple things. If you’ll do the natural things, God will do the supernatural things. There is nothing impossible with our God. Make the decision!
Define your purpose for working. Especially when you do not like what you do, it is clear you have to because you make money. If you are just working to make money, you are really working for the mammon spirit. God intended for you to work for a calling. God has put everyone of us on the planet Earth with a purpose, with an intent, something He wanted us to do with our lives. But many people want to make the most money. And they structure their career and education based on that. Many years later they are locked into something that they were never called to do, that they don't even like. They spend many years chasing money, miserable and sometimes broke. Ask God how you can transition to doing what He actually called you to do. "You can’t serve God and mammon." Mammon is not money or greed, but a god.
There is a battle over the heart. Jesus said there are two spiritual entities that have power: spirit of mammon and spirit of God. Your heart will pursue one of them. If mammon is your god then you will focus on money and beg God to get you money. God becomes your servant to get you money. Mammon becomes your god that directs your life. That mammon spirit creates fear in people's hearts, the fear of lack. That's the opposite of what God had in mind. God is the master and we serve Him according to vision, purpose and calling, and money becomes a tool that we press into service to accomplish kingdom purpose. “Some of them will be given eternal life, and others ... eternal shame and disgrace. Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars. (Daniel 12: 1-3 CEV)
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