The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Increasing in Finances Supernaturally
This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.(Joshua 1:8 AMP).
There are ancient secrets that have been passed on from the Bible generation after generation. When implemented on a practical basis, these mysteries will result in a supernatural increase in finances. For example, the purpose of the Jubilee is to eliminate debt. What happens is that whenever credit is made available in a free market economy, people will inevitably borrow more money than it’s possible to pay back, and often times people will lend to people who are credit worthy. So over a period of maybe 50 years or so an economy will take on an unsustainable amount of debt. God being real smart knew that, and that’s why He commanded Israel, every 50 years to have a voluntary national debt purge. So you eliminate all debt. Well we hear a lot about the wealth transfer. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. The wicked borrows and does not repay. The righteous shows mercy and gives. So those who have borrowed and cannot repay, their wealth has been stored up for those who show mercy and give. So there is going to be huge wealth transfer, but it’s going to go from those who borrowed and cannot repay to those who show mercy and give.
You can have a six-figure income by using Bible principles that Jewish people have taught for years from generation to generation. The consistent Word in Churches is that we get out of debt. The borrower is a slave to the lender. The Lord doesn't want you to be a slave to anybody, but to have one master, Jesus Christ and Him alone, and He wants you to eliminate that debt. You begin to do simple things. If you will do natural things God will do supernatural things. But you know most people aren’t willing to do the biblical natural things to trigger God’s supernatural. They want it all to happen instantly. You'll find many people hate what they do. They don’t like what they do. And they have to because they make money. If a person is just working to make money they’re really working for a mammon spirit. God intended for us to work for a calling. We believe God put every one of us on the planet Earth with a purpose, with an intent, something He wanted us to do with our lives. You could be called to be an architect or pilot, housewife or truck driver. And here’s what we believe the confusion is. Many people when they get out of high school, trade school or college, they ask the question, how can we make the most money? And they actually structure their careers and their education based on that.
Ask God, how we can transition to doing what He actually called us to do. Money is neither good nor evil. It’s amoral. Jesus wasn’t after people’s money. He was after their hearts. But you know, there’s a battle over the heart, because there’s a spirit that’s the opposite of the Spirit of God that comes to capture people’s hearts and cause them to focus on and love, and intensely pursue money. You cannot serve God and mammon. So Jesus was saying, there are two spiritual entities that have power: Spirit of God and spirit of mammon. Your heart will pursue one of them. If mammon is your god then you will focus on money and beg God to get you money. God becomes your servant to get you money. Mammon becomes your god that directs your life. That’s the opposite of what God had in mind, where God is meant to be the master and we serve Him according to vision and purpose, and calling. And money becomes a tool that we press into service to accomplish the Kingdom of God purpose.
Unwise people spend their money first, pay all their bills and then they try to tithe or give, or invest, and there’s nothing left. Wise people learn how to manage God's money. Another dollar for offering. Take another dollar for savings. Take two dollars for investments. Then take five dollars for spending. So first you tithe, you give, you save, invest and spend the rest. But if someone does the biblically practical things there could be a turnaround. They could actually participate in this forced Jubilee that's coming! Wealth is going to transfer. So what you do is position yourself on the side of having no debt, being generous in giving, and then the next thing is people that had a little bit of extra cash in the last Jubilee season in the 1930's bought houses and farms, businesses and cars for pennies on the dollar. It will happen again within the next few years. That very same thing is going to happen. Those that are out of debt and that are generous, are givers and have a little bit of extra cash will find that they can buy things for pennies on a dollar. And that is going to be just a wonderful opportunity. Cash is going to be king. That’s right. But what is more important is, who’s king of your life. Is Jesus king of your life? Is God, God in your life? That’s more important than money. That’s more important than vision. That’s more important than anything because all of it comes from Him. Make Jesus your Messiah and Lord right now. Do not wait.