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The Rainbow Pen!


Inspirations of the Still Small Voice Within You


To the pure-hearted, all things are pure; everything is clean to the clean-minded. You leave your clean fingerprints on every thought and act. In fact, both your mind and conscience are pure and clean. When you say you know God, by your actions you have to confirm Him. You've to be friendly, obedient and fit for doing good. (Titus 1: 15-16).

As a mental and spiritual being, you need more than the 5 physical senses for your success. Because your attention is regularly turned to the outer world of activities, you don't heed the guidance of your intuition. Intuition is your inner knowing of something without the conscious use of reasoning. It’s similar to a radio receiving set through which plans or thoughts flash into your conscious mind. These flashes are hunches or inspirations or promptings of the "still small voice" within you. This is the voice of God Himself as supreme guidance and wisdom. The still small voice is a genius power, for it is your God-power. True accomplishment comes from your daring to be different, through expressing your distinct individuality. Progress is a result of ingenuity and individualism, even daring and persistent individualism. That trait is usually found in a person who has learned to listen inwardly and who follows his intuitive leads.

Get quiet, meditate and ask your loving heavenly Father if there is any reason why you shouldn't become very successful and having lavish abundance of the rich universe. This will remove uncertainty which delays success. Build a detailed mental picture of the highest degree of success you wish to experience. The more you think about it, the more detailed your mental picture will become. Build the mental picture of what you really want. Your life is a divine gift for you to live. Only what you sincerely want can make you happy. Keep your inner success plans to yourself. Don't dissipate them, or subject them to cross-current. The Holy Spirit knows every thought and can answer you according to your train of thought in your silent prayer. The enemy cannot read your mind; he or his demons can't know what you're thinking. They can only throw negative thoughts - of dissatisfaction or anger or other - into your mind.

Learn to develop good habits and spiritual disciplines that put you in a place to consistently hear God and be used by God. These spiritual disciplines will impact every area of your life and lifestyle, and help you in business and education, your relationships and marriage. Learn to work in unity with others. Be much more sensitive to the hesitation you feel in your spirit, given by the Holy Spirit. Never be impulsive. The Lord still sends out His Disciples 2-by-2. It's much more difficult for the enemy to deceive two or three than one. Never act until all of you are in complete unity and have complete peace. It may dent your ego to wait on your spouse in decisions, but it will be a safeguard against the enemy's deception. There is constant temptation to look outside of marriage relationship for a partner in the Lord's work. You are commanded by the Lord not to put anyone before your spouse. You two have become one.

You're where you're today to redeem certain character traits or attitudes of mind, and to develop divine qualities which have impeded your progress in the past. Attitudes can make the difference for work to be a mighty channel for prosperity. An in-working of prosperous ideas will produce an outworking of prosperous results. Victorious attitude paves the way for productive work. The right attitude is to think and talk about prosperity along with working at it. Also associate with success-minded people. Don't criticize or condemn those succeeding. Your dissatisfaction will often prods you to aim higher, and do whatever is necessary to get there. When the pressure of desiring more good is upon you, your immediate need is to discipline your attitudes and reactions. Learn the good from present experiences. For it’s then that you're feeling the actual pressure of your talents and abilities straining to express through you as richer degrees of success.

Intuition simply points the way to your greater good. As you go about your daily life, act as though you were in the divine presence. Train yourself to realize that divine intuition is right with you, is interested in you, knows all about you, and delights in guiding and helping you. The more you think of this guidance and support, the less laborious will be your effort to make things right. As you take these steps mentally, you'll find you don't have to struggle to make things right and better. Whatever you think about or give your attention to, will begin to reveal its secrets to you. You'll discover that the thing you look at and contemplate desires to know you. All things are already at hand through the help of divine intuition. They are ready to come forth as ideas, plans and methods of procedure, and in due time, as happy results. Don’t think of your desired good as difficult to obtain, and as separate from you. Don’t scheme and try to manipulate people or events.

Your abilities are increasing and you're being instructed from within about many things you need to know! As you follow hunches or promptings in faith, you'll be happily amazed to find that divine intuition has already gone before you and prepared the way for its fulfillment! Your good will unfold to you almost faster than you can accept it. Desire is God tapping at the door of your mind, trying to give you greater good. That you deeply desire something is positive proof that it has already been prepared for you. It is only waiting for you to recognize and accept it. After thinking about a hunch, you can ask for a sign that you're going in the right direction. Prepare for surprises after making your declarations upon divine intelligence. Your problems are not always solved in the way you had in mind. Choose and accept only the good in the various experiences that follow. Results always follow decisions; things begin to happen that fall in line with your decisions.

Intuition also reveals itself in outer ways. After you've asked for guidance, your promptings may come through the words of a friend, a phrase in a book, or through outer events that take place around you. When a problem appears, don't carry it around, nursing it and thinking that you have to wait until a later time to get relief from it. Ask for direct guidance and knowledge and then watch for inner or outer intuition to speak to you. Act on perfect faith, and nothing will go wrong. Affirm that divine intuition is producing perfect results, and good will appear if things appear to be going wrong. Sometimes things appear to be going wrong when in reality they're being rearranged for the right outcome. Insight is inner knowledge or intuition out of which genius power can be transformed into practical power and practical results. You are passing into a new world. The Spirit of God is being enthroned in your heart.

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