The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Living and Enjoying Life
Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven! Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with him and to be his holy and innocent and loving people. God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God’s own adopted children. God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God. Christ sacrificed his life’s blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding, and by what Christ has done, God has shown us his own mysterious ways. Then when the time is right, God will do all that he has planned, and Christ will bring together everything in heaven and on earth. (Ephesians 1:3-10 CEV).
There is no better time to be happy than now. Our lives will always be filled with victories and challenges. It is good to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy. God is the great “I AM.” He has blessed us with every blessing! Therefore you must choose to be happy whether these blessings have manifested yet or not! We can admit that for a long time it has seemed to us that real life was about to begin. Life free of difficulties and full of happiness. But there is always some obstacle in the way, some unfinished business. Then the real life would begin. But let it dawn on you today that these obstacles are your life. Many times we convince ourselves that life will be better after the obstacles. Then we are frustrated that the obstacles aren't going away. When we clear one away, another obstacle appears! Don't tell yourself that your life will be complete when your spouse gets their act together or when we get a nicer car or when you retire.
To be happy, don’t hold anything dearly except God Almighty and your salvation. Let them go. Don’t be domineering on issues. Avoid controlling people. After doing all you know to do on any matter, including prayers, leave the outcome to God Almighty. He loves you and He knows best. Don’t kill yourself because someone left your life! A do-or-die attitude has pushed people into anxiety, worry, and even seeking extra powers. In all your ways trust God Almighty and lean not on your own understanding. Just maintain the vision of what you want and your certitude that you’ll obtain it. God Almighty is faithful and compassionate. He controls all who are involved in your vision. Know that there is a purpose in everything in creation. Some things may initially appear to have no purpose at all. Our unhappiness sometimes is when we are out of our purpose. We may not have loved our neighbor as ourselves and have therefore been critical of them. And this keeps us unhappy with life!
In every circumstance you are allowed to pass through, there is a hidden divine purpose. When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. It is to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard. Thank God for the opportunity to learn and discern divine purpose of our lives and family, ministry and business. So treasure every moment that you have. Stop waiting until you get divorced or get married, until you add or lose weight, until you finish school or go back to school, until you have kids or until the kids leave the house, until you start work or retire, until Friday night or Sunday morning, until you get a new car or a new home, until your car or home is paid off, until you receive your paycheck, and so on. Decide and know that there is no better time than right now to be happy. Remember “fake it until you make it?” When you decide to be happy, happiness will follow!