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The Rainbow Pen!


Living the True life



And so I say to you fathers who know the eternal God, and to you young men who are strong with God’s Word in your hearts, and have won your struggle against Satan: Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God; for all these worldly things, these evil desires - the craze for sex (lust of the flesh), the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you (lust of the eyes), and the pride that comes from wealth and importance (pride of life) - these are not from God. They are from this evil world itself. And this world is fading away, and these evil, forbidden things will go with it, but whoever keeps doing the will of God will live forever. (I John 2:14-17 TLB). When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye (lust of the eyes), and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked... (Genesis 3:6-7 NIV).


We are spirit being, with a soul in a body! The soul is the will, emotions and mind. We decide with our will; feel with our emotions; think with our mind; and understand with our heart. When our thoughts and feelings and decisions coincide and are aligned, we are in harmony and we generate miracles. When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we haven't received the fullness of our Salvation. Jesus' dying on the Cross partially covers our spiritual nakedness. God's righteousness comes down from Heaven and clothes the rest of our body. Thus as a royal priest, our spiritual garments are salvation and Christ's righteousness. In fact, our spirit is immediately redeemed, but our soul has to be processed over time. To our salvation, we add faith, and to our faith we can add excellence then wisdom then self-discipline then patience then godliness then kindness and love, step by step in our spiritual maturing process. It is important to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord with holiness. We have a responsibility to do our part in this spiritual maturing process. Holiness is defined partly as an external thing that has to do with the way you dress, or the particular things you do or don't do. But it is first internal, a condition of the heart. In our heart we know the Holy Spirit will lead us to do things that are pleasing to the Lord. At the same time, our external behavior is important because there are certain things that we don't want to put into our ears. There are certain things that you don't want our eyes to see. We want to maintain purity as much as possible, because that also will attract the angels. They are able to see what we are emanating; what is radiating out of us.


Things like watching violent or suggestive television and other things of that sort, bring a kind of spiritual defilement. In the spirit realm, these things are very easily distinguished. Angels can tell what a person is emanating. If we are emanating divine love and a life of purity, they want to be around us. Such things attract them. As angels can pick up on a pure thought life, evil spirits are attracted to impurity. Evil spirits can tell what a person is emanating. If we fill our mind with all sorts of garbage and filth, they will gather around that. Thoughts of self-centeredness, depression, impurity, immorality, and the like draw them.  So there is a way that we need to live that is holy and pleasing to the Lord, to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the Holy Spirit. One of the keys to holy living is the spirit of humility. Learn to deflect every praise right back on the Lord. When you are spotted in a full-blown move of God's Spirit during a revival that you minister in, insist in your response that you didn't have much to do with it; and give all the glory to God as He carried the whole thing. God measures success completely differently from the way man does. We look at numbers and power, money and influence. God looks at obedience and humility. Success in God's eyes is to humble ourselves before Him and to be obedient to Him, doing whatever He has told us to do, whatever it might be. That is where the spiritual empowerment or anointing comes from, and where the reward lies. Like Moses, learn and work to be the most humble person on the face of the Earth.


Don't seek supernatural encounters or angelic visitations for your own sake. That's the wrong focus. Instead, seek the Lord Himself, who is the initiator of such encounters. Draw near to Him in humility, with a submissive spirit that is ready to hear, learn, and obey. This is the key not only to intimacy with God, but also to spiritual victory. If we want to be closer to God, we need to spend more time with Him. Read and meditate on, and study, His Word. Open your heart to Him in prayer. Wait on Him expectantly, with your heart and mind tuned to hear His voice. The Lord honors and rewards those who wait humbly and expectantly on Him. If we want to know God's heart, we need to love Him with all our heart. Spend time in His presence. He will draw near to you if you draw near to Him. Set yourself aside to seek God for divine direction. And a spirit of holiness will fall on you. God will prompt you to yield to Him on deeper levels and holiness will be your lifestyle. Ask for great humility to sustain the move of God that is coming. Let this holiness attract heavenly encounters and angelic activity. Don't get distracted from intimacy with God by seeking the supernatural and miracles for your own sake. Part of our inheritance is the realm of the supernatural and miraculous. Praise and thanksgiving are keys to your victory. So choose to praise and thank Him with all your heart, tell of His wonders, and lift His name above all names. Sing His praises and declare to everyone you meet what God has done for you. What a season for giving Him your thanks and praises, despite your circumstances! 

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