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The Rainbow Pen!


Magnifying Jesus the Christ



Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior ..... For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands. (The Magnificat. Luke 1:46-53 NLT)

Mercy is the compelling power behind the rescue of the human race through Jesus Christ. It is the only force strong enough to translate humankind from Satan the Devil's grip to the Kingdom of Light! Mercy is the reason we worship God. It motivates us to walk holy before Him. God's mercy is great and endures forever. In being holy, God sets up a standard against sin. It is not to prevent us from having a good time. God wants us to experience His joy by walking  after His example. In His mercy, God is trying to keep us from sin which has the power to kill us. Don't allow condemnation to keep you from acting on the mercy of God. Keep in mind that God's mercy is far greater in comparison to His wrath. God has always loved us. He loved us when we were yet sinners and didn't know Him. He loves the person who has violated every commandment there is. Because God's love is constant and He never changes, there isn't anything we can do to make Him love us any more or any less. He loves us with all that He is, and He is love.

Everything God does and all of His thoughts and ways are based on His mercy. When we make mistakes, He looks tenderly at us with compassion. The cry of His heart is for us to run from all sin and come to Him. He offers us a place of rest. God is totally motivated by love. He is waiting for us to walk by faith. He wants to deal with us on the basis of grace and mercy. Trying to force Him to help us by crying and continually making confessions is outside the realm of His mercy and tenderness. Even though our body may have been damaged through sin or drugs, alcohol or wrong eating habits, God still compassionately desires to see our body well and strong. His mercy will come in and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When God's mercy flows into us, iniquity is purged! The drug addiction or desire for drink leave and never return.  The Devil doesn't want us to accept God's mercy. Sin calls for the compassion of God and deliverance and redemption through Jesus Christ. God's mercy isn't an excuse to sin. But rather, it is an assurance that we don't have to be entrapped by it.

God's mercy extends to the things we want as well as to our personal needs. He longs to give us more than we could wish for ourselves. God wants to provide for us in lavish abundance, to enable us share with others in need and still have enough for our needs. He desires that we align ourselves spiritually with Him, so He can use us as channels to bless others. God knows that prosperity will ruin the one who trusts in his own selfish thinking. So God is waiting for us to get our mind and will lined up with the Mind and Will of the Spirit of God. When our desires run in the same direction as His, He can give prosperity to us without having it hurt us. God gives us His mercy, but as Believers, we must act as though His Word is true. We must depend on what God says in His Word and act on it, and its power will be released in your life. We realize that we have to place our faith in the Word of God for His will to come to pass for us. We must exercise faith in His mercy to receive mercy just as we exert faith on the law of salvation to get born again. We are in Christ Jesus, and we have received His worthiness before the Father. God only looks at us through the eyes of His mercy and grace.

God sees us in Jesus Christ and in His worthiness! We decide then to live our life based on our place in Jesus Christ. We thus take that place by faith! For we cannot earn it. We therefore make every decree as a statement of where we stand in Christ, not just quoting a Bible verse. We never talk from our place in the natural realm of feeling sick or broke. Rather, we declare and speak based on our position in Jesus Christ, that we're healthy and wealthy! God has trouble getting us to receive what He has provided for us. Because we feel undeserving. We'd remember that Jesus is the only one worthy of being in God's presence. But God has extended His mercy to us and Jesus Christ has paid the price that we might have lavish abundance. God's mercy is with us through the good and the bad in our life. We need to place our faith in God's mercy, especially when we sin. We will not be moved by the feelings of guilt through the accusations of the Devil. After acting on God's Word and confessing our sins, we must stand on it by faith. We'll release our faith in God's grace and compassion. We put the Word first, meditate on His mercy, act on the Word, and decide to live the life of love.

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