The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Making Things Happen
We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world. Do your best to improve your faith. You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love. If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made your lives useful and meaningful... My friends, you must do all you can to show that God has really chosen and selected you. If you keep on doing this, you won’t stumble and fall. Then our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into his kingdom that will last forever.
(2 Peter 1:3-11 CEV).
After blaming God and everyone else for the difficulties and tragedies of life, we have the opportunity to look into the spiritual forces and spiritual legalities at work in our lives and lifestyles. This will enable us to begin to see the world differently. You will start seeing the need that is immediately in front of you. The history of the World is full of stories of ordinary people who did great things for God empowered by His Spirit. The key that makes things happen is willingness. All movers and shakers of the World are either obedient or disobedient to God Almighty. That is why the Scriptures instruct us to be either hot or cold, not neutral. We are instruments for God’s use to transform the World. We are said to be of either gold or silver, clay or wood! God Almighty knows our hearts and motives in life. He decides where to use us in His service. First of all, He created you for some unique purpose on this Earth. But He has given you a free will to decide and make your choices and to choose your preferences. There are consequences for your actions, choices. Most of the time, we enjoy making our choices by ourselves. And we attempt to hire Him to take care of the consequences of our choices! He lovingly keeps nudging you toward the purpose for which He created you. But you keep going towards popular careers, well-paying jobs, and positions of honor and privileges.
First, we each have personal accountability to Christ. Everything flows from or is traced to this. We are each personally accountable to God and will individually give account of our lives in Christ. This isn't a heaven or hell judgment, but an accounting of what we did since we received Christ's great sacrifice and our new life in Him. On that day we won't be able to put the blame on others. Nor will we be able to cover our true motives for something done in life - we will be as transparent as glass before Him. Christ in us is greater than any demon, greater than any family curse, and empowers us to be able to do all things through Him who strengthens us. There is no greater One than He who lives within, therefore there are no excuses NOT to be an overcomer. Yet, in experiencing difficulties and tragedies, we have all asked, 'Why did this happen?' on everything ranging from losing a job, divorce, accidents, to the car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. Why does it seem on some things His hands are prevented from helping us, and other times it seems He just sits and watches us go through things without lifting a finger to help? Wars, disease, hunger, poverty, and so on. Know that our choices open the door. Learn how to walk in a life protected and provided for, how to work with God so He can help, so that Godly coincidences and goodness will surround and follow you all the days of your life.
You will be blessed, have fresh understanding, and know what to do the next time you are tempted to think, How could you let this happen to me Lord? When you meet a disastrous situation and cry out, feeling brokenhearted and defeated by the overwhelming problem, do not be mad at God. God is gentle and non-condemning. Remember that He has already sent Jesus to die and pay for all of the sin and healing needed and He has provided everything to change things. There is no war or disease, no poverty or rebellion in Heaven. And Jesus made us promise that we will pray for “Thy Kingdom Come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!” We declare that the Lord is our Shepherd leading us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. That is the unique purpose right there. We have to give God first place in our lifestyle and live as He wants us to: “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Our Father God Almighty is asking us who blame Him for our hardships, “Why do you allow wars, poverty, disease, and other hardships in the World?” Now you can reflect on: How and why God allows sickness, how and why He allows hardship when in His perfect will, and how and why we suffer things that are outside of our control - when someone else does something that affects us. Think of Biblical examples and real life situations to answer these questions, and the way to be an overcomer and get the answers you need in these areas, as well as seeking some insight into what is happening in the spirit realm.
You now realize that God is looking for willing people. Each time you find a need, try to fill it. We don’t need to wait for God’s confirmation to relieve injustice or help others. We just need to begin somewhere. For example, start delivering food to impoverished families and individuals. Start visiting and comforting the sick in hospitals. There are “triggers” that show you what God is asking you to fix. You can begin by finding out what you are passionate about. It might take trying different things to discover your passion, but you will eventually find it. In serving others, God has as much for you as He does for the people you are serving. Serving God is not always going to be easy. You may encounter personal challenges along with the challenges of ministry. Heartbreak changes your ministry in many ways, but every season of brokenness makes you stronger. Believe that you are defined by how you respond to loss instead of your victories. And you will realize that the moment of brokenness would one day become a divine weapon of usefulness for God. Even when we face challenges, we must still be willing and available. You will be blessed, have fresh understanding, and know what to do the next time you are tempted to think, How could you let this happen to me Lord? Decide and continue to work faithfully for the Lord and to make your relationship with Him a priority. Find ways to serve Him and begin volunteering.
Be totally committed to the Lord and helping those in need wherever you are. And because you are willing and available, God will cause you to see the need outside of yourself. As a result you will help other people. Though you find an area where you can serve, God will take you to another level where He would challenge and change your perspective on making a difference, how to serve others, and working for social justice. You must prove or walk out your own faith. Free will is a gift we must learn how to use, how to fight for, and how to live responsibly with. Know that what each person does, they do unto the Lord, so don't judge people on personal choices and preferences. Learn to love walk – stand or fall to your own Master Christ Jesus. And let every person be fully persuaded in their own mind. Let us not judge one another, but let us judge whether you are putting a stumbling block in the way of those weaker in faith. The point made is that each of us must make personal choices and preferences about how we worship and what we eat and drink between us and the Lord. Each of us must prove, walk out, our own faith in Christ. We are to seek peace always. But if a person is in a mess, they are responsible for getting themselves out of it. As it pertains to strife, they are the only ones who can recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, and also note that a person in strife is taken captive by the devil at their will. What a horrible place to be in - at the devil's mercy. We are to judge the fruit of their lives.