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The Rainbow Pen!


Personal Integrity and Character



Why do you fight and argue with each other? Isn’t it because you are full of selfish desires that fight to control your body? You want something you don’t have, and you will do anything to get it. You will even kill! But you still cannot get what you want, and you won’t get it by fighting and arguing. You should pray for it. Yet even when you do pray, your prayers are not answered, because you pray just for selfish reasons. You people aren’t faithful to God! Don’t you know that if you love the world, you are God’s enemies? And if you decide to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God... God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us… Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Clean up your lives... Purify your hearts. (James 4:1-8 CEV).


We need Personal Integrity and Character to be able to govern. The message of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ is about government and governance, God’s government. Jesus came to declare the coming of the Kingdom of God on the Earth. We will not need to elect or appoint leaders and rulers when the Kingdom of God comes. Jesus Christ Himself, the King of kings and the Judge, will appoint leaders who have proven they will put the needs of others before their own. We describe them today as servant leaders. Jesus in His First Coming declared to His Disciples that they had to be able to serve in order to lead others. The 12 Disciples are declared to have earned the integrity and character to sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus also informs us in the Scriptures that those Believers in Him who overcome the world and multiply spiritual fruit today will govern cities when He returns.


We need Personal Integrity and Character to be able to serve and lead effectively. Human nature is the common shortcoming and limitation of people everywhere. To solve this problem, God Almighty is working with a few people today whom He will appoint to positions of leadership at the Second Coming of Christ. According to the Scriptures, these are people who possess the basics of leadership. They are not the elite of the World. Rather, they display self-sacrifice and compassion, expressing concern for the governed. They are learning to give away their lives and possessions rather than receive. A reputation ranking will consider tolerance and leadership qualities in individuals. Apparently integrity and character are being devalued in our culture today the world over. And real belief and faith in God Almighty appears to be on the decline. With it, standards of morality are also on the decline. The sense of right and wrong is blurred in general.


Personal Integrity and Character influence the transfer of anointing or impartation. The anointing of God is a seed and not a full-grown plant. It occurs by the direction of the Holy Spirit with a goal in mind. It is God’s mercy that protects us from receiving more than we can handle. Our hunger prepares our hearts to carry the weight of the responsibility that revelation brings. Our character must be able to uphold the amount of power we carry, else we become a danger to those around us. Thus not everyone receives the same level of anointing in impartation. God knows what you need and what you can handle. Usually God has to plow some hearts before impartation can take root. Learn to know Christ more and more. Know Him. He was the Word of God. Don’t try to find answers to the mysteries of the world. In that knowledge of Christ you’ll have all the answers you need. Know no theology, know Christ. All you need to know about God you know in Christ.


We need Personal Integrity and Character to be able to relate and interact with people harmoniously. Ethical lapses in the life of every society will lead to a need for change in culture or business practices and legislation. But it is not always easy to see where the line or standard is! You can live with integrity, in every culture or circumstances, by just doing to other people what you would have them do to you. First, understand that the opposite of holy is common, not sinful. To be holy, we just need to learn to be set apart from common practices. Second, know that we cannot perfect our character or behavior by ourselves. It is not by our might but by the Spirit of the Lord. We are the righteousness of God by faith because Jesus already paid for it with His blood. Claim it and decree it, declare it and work towards it daily. We can do all things through Christ our Strength!

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