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The Rainbow Pen!


Picking Up God's Vibration



They overcame him (Satan the Devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11). Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. (Genesis 4:9-10). But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? (Hebrews 12:22-25). The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18).


How are we Picking Up God's Vibration? Christ and His Cross are the only and supreme doorway to the the love and power of God out poured and experienced personally. When we call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in time of need, the Holy Spirit will reveal the Father's love and we'll have peace, even if we are in crisis because Christ and His Cross have carried our sorrows and taken our pain. In the mystery of His glory, because of the Blood, you enter into the vibrations of the Lord's song. The Blood of Jesus shed at Calvary created a song, the presence of the Lord.  We've become completely new through the Cross of Christ. We were raised up by the Spirit of His resurrection. The spiritual nature of Christ Jesus indwells us now. He gives us our new identity and DNA. In our new spirit-man, God has constructed His Temple. He is there in the Holy of Holies, and we've access through the Blood of Christ. The new man of glory has been brought home to the Father. We're thus agents of re-creation and messengers of the Cross of Jesus. In the Cross, Jesus became the Life-giving Spirit. The glory we're receiving is flowing to us from the Cross of Christ in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. And we still vibrate with that glory. 


The glory of God is described as bright illumination, for God is light. And the nearness of Jesus is intimate and powerful. The glory of the Lord can surround you as a cloud of golden light. And you'll begin Picking Up God's Vibration and resonating with Him. All pain and hurts will flee in the presence of the voice of glory. That will be the beginning of a miracle of total healing in your body and soul, finances and relationships. Let your testimony bring God glory! The manifest presence of God brings everything else into alignment. Everything else bends to the force of His singing, picking up His vibration and coming along beside Him. The glory is simply the manifestation of miracles or supernatural power. The glory is the effulgence of God's authority and majesty, victory and the essence of "I AM THAT I AM". The glory is the demonstration of a Person. The Blood of Jesus surrounds His Spirit of glory to create a song of redemption that works like atoms splitting. They burst out like a flood and repeat the same action with bursts of energy. The glory of the Cross is made effective through the Blood and brought alive to us by the Holy Spirit. He is the power that will change everything that receives Him. We see Christ now through Calvary, and in the power of the Holy Spirit we can walk in the glory of Christ. And ultimately the whole Earth will be full of this glory if we minister the same glory to others!


Redemption expends holy energy in a way no human may understand. We needed saving and we couldn't save ourselves. The transaction was to extricate us from captivity and transfer us from darkness to the kingdom of light. Through the cross we've radical deliverance. The glory of the Cross is the revelation that God who demands a sacrifice on the basis that light cannot fellowship with darkness, provided the sacrifice in Himself.  Everything in the Universe must align itself in harmony with our King Jesus, Picking Up God's Vibration. When you're in the Lord's presence, His glory will transform you, it will change you. When you've a revelation of the glory, the death of your earthly body acquires a whole new definition: absent in the body, present with the Lord. Yearn to experience the awesome glory of the Lord for God has ordained to make His home inside everyone who receives Him. It is one of the greatest miracles you can experience. We learn that the Spirit of God is most at home when we keep Jesus and His Cross at the center of what we're experiencing. Let the miraculous signs and wonders that take place through you never distract the focus on the miracle Worker, Jesus! Realize that His importance is not the miracles, but the relationship. For even in the absence of miracles, Jesus is still present and powerful in our life and lifestyle. 


In your times of distress due to trouble or difficulty, focus on what you have left and enlarge your focus. And above all, focus on the Lord Himself whose presence will take care of everything. The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you, He is with you but you've got to commune with Him. Know that ever since the Blood of Jesus was shed, you have been made one with Him. You can come and have access, without any kind of separation. God draws us into this amazing communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is allowing us intimate communion and partnership with the Three in One. This is where we begin to look for the glory of the Lord by Picking Up God's Vibration. There is a secret place where His glory is and where you can breathe in the atmosphere of miracles. Times of challenge push us right into His glory. From that time on, it is not you by yourself, but it is you plus the Lord. You don't lock yourself into a room but you carry the situation in prayer or intercession. God's glory is true riches and rests in the culture of honor. The glory of the Cross is to its power to stand in the face of trouble and rise above it. Your moments of difficulty are central locations where God delights to break through. You're being transformed from inside out. 


Connect with the glory of the Cross and live in its shadow by its power. God has made a vacancy that only you can fill by Picking Up God's Vibration. Nobody else can become a contact point between His glory and your World! God is looking for faith-response on your part. He is looking for supernatural people in natural bodies who live in a natural World. He is longing for people who can pick up His vibration and transmit His presence wherever they go. The victory is already here. We need to make it practical, bringing order out of chaos and releasing Heaven on Earth. That is the Kingdom of glory. The Spirit of the Living God within each one of us makes Jesus available every way and every day. We will always overcome Satan the Devil with the blood of Jesus Christ. This is our last resort when all else has failed. The next powerful weapon to break through our challenges is the testimony of our life and experiences. And finally, the minimum power we can use to manifest success is our lifestyle of priority to God, His Kingdom and His righteousness. The two weapons of the armor of God that protect us even while we turn our back on challenges are the helmet of salvation and the belt of truth. Your faith in God's saving power and your lifestyle of honesty and truth can enable you fulfill your divine destiny in love and happiness!

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