The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Problems are a Setup for Triumph
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:24)
You can dissolve some problems by what you think and declare, and by your attitudes and actions. With words, God created the universe, Jesus killed a tree and raised Lazarus from death. You can imitate them with certitude. In the face to face encounter of Jesus with Satan, Satan focused on Jesus' identity, the Son of God. The battle revolve around Jesus being secure in His identity. This is also true of Christians as well. Firmly grasp your identity in Christ to secure victory in your life and lifestyle. Before we were saved, we were without ability to defeat Satan. Jesus had to pull us out completely of His own power and forgive us and then seat us in heavenly places with Him. We're now in God's Kingdom, and our call is to work with Him to progress this Kingdom forward together. Don't ever stop pushing and claim that you've it all, because God always wants to give you more revelation, understanding, and victory. Seek to obtain more spiritual life in Jesus. You need to press in for progress and growth by faith, walk in love, and increase discernment. It's the very nature of God's Kingdom to progress. The Scriptures declare that we move from grace to grace, strength to strength, faith to faith, glory to glory, and grow brighter and brighter.
You can have a prophetic experience, like prophet Ezekiel, with the river of God. When you wade into the water, you'll have four-level measurements. First water at ankle level, second at knee level, third at waist level, and final measurement is water over your head. This is a clear picture of the nature of progress in God's Kingdom. Jesus set in motion a Kingdom that is still progressing and being established more and more each day. It's never stagnant; always progressing forward and taking ground. The Christian walk should be a partnership with God: God will not do all the work. Our understanding of God's sovereignty will determine whether we continue to progress with God. He reigns over all; but He has given us authority that He wants us to operate in, so that we move forward in our call and destiny. If we sit by and just say that God will handle everything, then we'll not move forward with the Lord. The Scriptures again declare that He has given us everything we need for life and godliness and that we're to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We need to hunger and thirst for righteousness, press in for more, pursue love and spiritual gifts.
God desires a systematic, progressive destruction of the enemy through us. He wants to walk with us while we take ground for Him in this world, mile by mile. Even before Jesus established God's Kingdom on Earth in the New Testament, He gave us a major clue in the Old Testament as to why God's Kingdom would be progressive in nature. He drove out the enemies from the Promised Land little by little until the Israelites had increased enough to take possession of the land. The Lord even left certain enemies for His people to fight, so that they would be grown and developed. This idea of God not doing all the work for us and actually wanting us to be involved may be difficult for some people. This is not meant to discourage or defeat us. This is a setup for victory and triumph. You don't have a victory without a battle. You are not an overcomer without any obstacles. You need a testimony of victory. If God were to do all the work and destroy every enemy without our involvement, then what value would we place on that victory? The authority we've been given as Believers is contained in our identity. The truth is that we've been put into Christ. We're one spirit with Him. The authority that we see in the life of Jesus Christ is the authority that we've been given. He gave us the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. We can do all things, have all things, become all things through Christ who strengthens us.
There is no question about us having all authority so long as we comprehend our identity. If we understand that we abide in Christ, which also means that we abide in His authority, then our spiritual warfare is very different. We are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from victory. Jesus already fought and won the battle against Satan, and then Jesus put us inside Himself so that we can walk in this same victory. If you are not living your life inside of Jesus, then you have not received eternal life. The only way that we have eternal life is by being in the Son of God, Jesus. Triumph is the celebration after victory has been achieved. We're not still fighting a battle against Satan and we're not looking for victory. We're enforcing and reveling in the victory that is already ours. We're triumphing in our King Jesus. Understand that Satan wants you to think that you're fighting him. He doesn't want you to understand that he has been defeated. We're currently on Earth as ambassadors enforcing and advancing the heavenly civilization and culture, the application of the victory of Jesus. Satan has been rendered powerless. Jesus' Kingdom is advancing and placing all of Satan's works under His feet and under our feet. Jesus totally stripped Satan of all his power and authority.