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The Rainbow Pen!


Radically Serving Humanity



As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat,summer and winter, day and night.” (Genesis 8: 22 NLT). Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me... Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence... I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night - but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. (Psalm139:1-12 NLT).


Lasting success requires being loaded in the attitudes of God Almighty. God created us with a gift and everyone’s gift is so unique: the unique way in which you think. Every one of us thinks in a unique way. We each have this unique way that we filter information through the world as we think. So our gift of thinking filters and it builds the thought, and it’s different for every single person. God Almighty has planted eternity in our minds and a divine sense of purpose. And we’ve got the mind of Christ. There’s something that you can do that no one else on this planet can do, which makes you a designer. Everything that you can do is gifted because it’s a result of the way in which you think. So there’s something that each of us can do that no one else can do. When you can learn what your gift is and operate in your gift you’ll have extraordinary peace. You’re going to accomplish your destiny. You’re going to be walking in a healthy body and soul, and healthy finances and relationships. Your relationships are going to be better. Our gifts are so unique it’s like as unique as a fingerprint. When your gift is ignored you literally can’t even hear the Holy Spirit. It blocks completely because your thinking is like a triangle between your brain, heart and mind. Your thinking begins in your brain where your thinking is happening,and then down to your heart. God has built in a check mechanism to okay when you’re thinking clearly. You get a little checking station from heart. Listen to the heart. And as the heart calms the brain down, your heart will release a chemical called ANF. When that flows through your body you get that feeling of peace. That’s the right place.


The spiritual realm is more real than the material realm. Every success that manifests in the material realm first takes place in the spiritual realm. And the source of all light is God Almighty, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. It is believed that the power players of this century, the 21st Century, are looking for people, challenges, opportunities, growth, and money. They have recommended the following contrasting leadership qualities for this century against the last one. The 21st Century leaders use meaning and purpose rather than structures and spreadsheets. They require emotional and rational aptitudes rather than financial and technical expertise. They utilize collaboration and human capital rather than control and financial capital. They are focused on developing leaders and leading through networking rather than developing followers and managing by hierarchy. And finally, they succeed through emotional intelligence rather than economic competence! You'll have an encounter with God Almighty one of these days! He can call you to proclaim the Kingdom Gospel throughout the whole world. Your family and friends could tell you that you can't preach the Kingdom Gospel for one reason or another. Remember that God Almighty told you to do it. So you can stand on Scriptures and God Almighty will take away your limitations from you. That will probably be your first miracle. When you have a great hunger for God and the supernatural, tell God Almighty about it. Talk to Him like an Employer, laying out your resume and your reason for wanting to serve Him.


Make a commitment to God Almighty and even tell Him how much of your time T/24 you want to devote to His services each single day! And there are very few people who ever have such a commitment. Remember He gives everyone the same amount of capital or time each day for investment or consumption: 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds. Depending on how long you maintain that commitment, it will be a very vital part of your lifestyle. God will surely honor you and give you a gift or blessing. Insist on bearing witness for practical Christianity for yourself and family, friends and humankind. They will see the reality of Jesus Christ in your life and will become born-again Christians. Just believe the Word of God! Everything is possible when you believe. The initial action of bowing on your knees and praying after hours may have nothing happening. Then God will begin to show you that you don't need a visitation from an angel. You just need to believe God's Word. God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him the name above every name in Heaven, Earth and Hell. This revelation of the power of Jesus' name is awesome to you. And it is the greatest name of things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth. So begin believing God's Word. And any believer, who will simply take the authority, can perform miracles. The authority of the name Jesus Christ is what brings the wonders and miracles. Know that this is possible for any person who will let the Lord give them that holy boldness and dare to speak the name of Jesus with authority.


When you embrace truth, it burns in your spirit. And when you pray for boldness, the working of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit explode in you. The disciples prayed, "Lord, grant to us Your service that with all boldness we may speak your Word by stretching forth to heal and that signs and wonders may be done in Jesus' name." When they had prayed they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak the Word of God with boldness. Remember the greatest miracle occurs when you proclaim with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord, and you believe in your heart that He rose from the dead and ask Him to forgive you of all of your sins. He'll wash them away and God, Jesus, and the Spirit of God will live inside of you! You’re not what the IQ test or personality test or aptitude test is. You actually have a unique way of thinking that is different and there is no one else who can think like you. You’re a unique design in a way that you think a designer.  Well it’s just in terms of physiology; what happens is that we’re thinking all day long. You’re even thinking at night time. You’re a thinking being. God has blessed us with this ability to think. As you think, you think, you process this information from outside and as you’re thinking you’re making choices and you’re building thoughts. Now thoughts are real. They occupy mental real estate. They’re real physical structural things inside your brain and they’re constantly changing. So our thoughts are constantly dynamic and changing.

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