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The Rainbow Pen!


Religion Limits the Kingdom of God



No matter what name they bear, Religion limits the kingdom of God. All Religions are an exercise in futility, because they express man's vain frustrating attempt to return to God's presence or to compensate the loss, ever since the tragic rebellion against the heavenly kingdom government. Religion represents every activity of man in its self-centered search for God and the kingdom. The term Christianity tends to mentally lock you into a religious mold and limits the reality of the truth about the Kingdom of God. God created you to exercise dominion on earth!

You're supposed to rule over your passions and desires, but instead, you allow them to rule over you. You slowly and seductively become a slave of the things for which you work, like money. Don't work for money, make money work for you; then it will come back to you multiplied many times over.

You've something to offer that is unique. You've a calling on your life which will become apparent once you're involved in a Church. Think what could happen in the world if you'd get on fire for God and begin to release your gifts and talents in the Body of Christ! You'd see the world reached with the Gospel of Christ Jesus. The local Church is called to touch the Believer then the family then the community then the city then the State then the nation and then the world for God.

You've a talent that your Pastor and the local Church need to help reach your county, city, state, and the nation. Your Church has a vsion that was given the Pastor by the Holy Spirit, and which the Pastor has shared with the Church members. You should seek the Lord Christ Jesus to discover where you fit into the vision. Opportunities for you to get involved are unlimited. Join a department or ministry that requires you to release your talents and skills and gifts. That will help your Pastor and Church leaders break through, not burn out!

Remember, all your life and lifestyle isn't about Church or in the Church, all your life and lifestyle is about the Kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of Heaven and the Earth. There is no disorder in Heaven, all respond to God Almighty. The battle is for Earth, which the Enemy wants to include as part of the kingdom of hell. The Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray for the kingdom of God to extend to the Earth as it is in heaven! He wants you to work to bring Heaven to Earth. With the authority, dominion and influence of Heaven inside you, you'll make it happen through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.

Spiritual and natural breakthroughs will happen as the Body of Christ decides to do its full part. Begin to put God first, seeking to do what He wants. Give your entire attention to what God is doing on Earth right now. For He is shaking the Earth to prepare for the reign of Christ. Don't let the cares and concerns of the world, disapointments or disilusions, distract you. As a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, think like God, speak like God and act like God, in Jesus' name and by faith.

In your striving after Christlikeness, don't feel that you've to try and help or bless people. Just love them, welcome them, shower little courtesies and love-signs on them, and they'll be helped. Love is God and God is love. Give them Love, and you give them God. Then leave Him to do His work of helping and blessing. Love all, even the needy. Send no one away without a cheer, a feeling that you care. Keep on loving and showing love; for love never fails!

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