The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Reviving Creation to Glory
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. (Romans 8: 18-25 NIV).
There is but one Earth, but the Bible speaks of 3 civilizations - Then, Now and the Future. The world then is from Adam to Noah. The world today is from the Flood until the return of Christ. And the world to come starts when Christ returns and sets up the Kingdom of God on Earth. The revealed knowledge of God's purpose for humankind is the incredible awesome potential of humans. Today Science, Religion and Education still do not believe what God has said. For those willing to believe what God says, He says that He has decreed the entire universe will be put under human subjection. Christians having God's Spirit are joint heirs with Christ to inherit all that Christ already has inherited. Christ is now in glory and sustains the universe by His power. Humans when converted and having the Holy Spirit, will be only heirs and not yet possessors. But Christ has already inherited and has been crowned with glory and honor. He is already in possession. At Christ's return to Earth in power and glory, those who have been converted and received God's Holy Spirit shall be born into God's Family by a resurrection to Spirit immortality. Then the entire universe will be put into subjugation under them! Why should the whole universe be waiting with eager longing for the actual birth and appearing of the sons of God?
The world about us, including you and your existence, is a mystery. You were intelligently designed and created by the all-powerful God of supreme mind for a purpose that also has been hidden in mystery. The mystery of God is not understood by a Religion and not explained by Science. Yet God does reveal Himself through His Word the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is a mystery because it is a coded book. It is like a jigsaw puzzle, with perhaps thousands of various pieces of different forms and shapes that can be fitted together in only one precise pattern. The truths of the Holy Bible are revealed here a little, there a little, scattered from the beginning to end, and revealed only through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the Word in Person. The Bible is the same Word in print. True Religion is God's Truth empowered with God's love imparted by the Holy Spirit. It points the way and leads to happiness, abundance and eternal salvation. Religion involves one's conduct and values, one's lifestyle and concept of the hereafter. God placed humans on Earth to restore God's government, Kingdom. God intended for us to beautify and improve the Earth. For this purpose God gave us His government to regulate our conduct and performance. God is not the author of confusion, ugliness or decay, but of beauty and perfection.
The above quote from Romans chapter 8 portrays a universe filled with planets in decay and futility. Yet as if subjected now to this dead state in hope! The universe will be set free from its bondage of decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God. God created these planets in a perfect state but something caused degeneration and decomposition, deterioration and decay. The Earth was first created a perfect creation of perfect beauty. We see that the Angels inhabited the Earth prior to the creation of humans. Angels who were perfect from the creation until iniquity or lawlessness was found in them, caused the Earth's surface to decay into confusion and emptiness. We are not told specifically that the whole universe with its myriad of other planets were created for the eventual purpose of sustaining life. The creation is compared to a mother waiting the birth by resurrection to immortality, of the children of God. It is as if the creation is the mother and God is the father. Thus when humans are born of God, we are going to do as God did when this Earth was created. We'll have the power and glory of God to transform the Earth into glorious beauty! Christ renewed the face of the Earth destroyed by the rebellion of sinning angels.
This passage indicates what astronomers and scientific evidence indicate. That the suns are as balls of fire giving out light and heat. But that the planets - except Earth - are in a state of death and decay. This is not forever as they await converted humans to be born the children of God, forming the Kingdom of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that the whole universe is or be ruled by us, who with God the Father and Christ, become the Kingdom of God. God is Father and Creator, Ruler and Educator. God reveals all knowledge beyond and outside the scope of human mind of itself to comprehend. The human potential is incredible and is to be born into the Family of God, receiving total power. We are to be given jurisdiction over the entire universe. We shall impart life to billions of dead planets, as life has been imparted to this Earth. We shall create as God directs and instructs us. We shall rule through all eternity. There will be no pain nor suffering nor evil. Because we shall have learned to choose God's way of good. It will be an eternal life of accomplishments and creative projects, of happiness and joy over what shall have been accomplished. We shall never grow tired or weary. Always alive - full of joyous energy and vitality, exuberant life and strength.
Humans have not beautified the Earth where God placed them. Humans have made ugly and polluted, defiled and profaned everything their hands have touched. All because the very first human rejected and turned from God, relying solely on themselves. And all Adam's children have done likewise. Thus humans have built a man-made and Satan-influenced civilization. Humans have ruined the Earth and destroyed their own health by wrong living. They have degraded and perverted their own spiritual character. Humans have built cities and allowed them to deteriorate into slums, filth and squalor. They have created weapons of mass destruction that can destroy all humankind utterly, unless a merciful God intervenes to save us from ourselves. We now live in the last generation before the return of Christ to rule and accomplish on Earth what humankind should have done. Spiritual and material knowledge is increasing, restoring the glorious knowledge of the Faith. Upon Adam's sin, God closed off the tree of life to the world as a whole until the second Adam, Jesus Christ. Jesus first came to announce the Kingdom of God on Earth . He is coming this time to establish that Kingdom. The penalty of human sin is death. But God the Father paid a ransom price and Jesus came to reconcile repentant Believers to the Father.