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The Rainbow Pen!


Reviving the Cameroon Nation



“To what can I compare the people of this generation?” Jesus asked. “How can I describe them? They are like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends. (Luke 7:31-32). For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men..... All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition..... making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” (Mark 7:8-13). I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants - men and women alike. (Joel 2:28-29).



Revival refers to people who have grown cold, who have known the truth but have lost their grasp on it. There is no question that we need to see Cameroon turn to God. But Revival must first begin with the people of God, in the Church which is the Body of Christ. People outside of Christ need conversion, not Revival. This generation, the last before the judgment of God, have their persistent unbelief in the coming of God's Kingdom. This generation  insists on hiding behind the frivolities of life like children playing games instead of opening their eyes to the reality and significance of the coming of God's Kingdom. Gospel teachers are called religious fanatics, out of touch with the world to be taken seriously. For those who aren't open to God, there will always be an excuse for rejecting His messengers and their messages.  Whether they're too fanatical or too worldly, they'll never be accepted by those determined not to accept. The wisdom of the teachings of the Gospel which have been rejected will be revealed in their fruits - the positive effect which they've upon individual lives and on society as a whole.  The application of the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a challenge. Every generation and individual has to make the choice of whether to choose the wisdom of the Gospel message or the frivolities of the world. For when it comes to faith, true faith is evidenced by its fruit.

Are you ready to become a fanatic on fire for Jesus Christ of Nazareth? And if you've to get your hands dirty and be written off by your peers as a religious extremist, so be it. In the end, wisdom will be justified by the deeds of her children. Let no opposition give us an excuse to hide behind the comfort of the pew or pulpit, and play our religious games. There is a pattern for Revival; and when the pattern is right, the Glory of God will fall. A renown Evangelist has stated that the natural always reveals the spiritual. The heartbeat of our Lord Jesus Christ is 3 identical things: the salvation of people, the redemption of souls, and the deliverance of men. When God pours out His Holy Spirit on Cameroon, several things happen. It is revived; it is saved; it is redeemed; and it is restored. It is brought back to life! And the process of rebuilding begins. It begins to get back to its glory again. A life-changing Revival fire is falling on the Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. When the fire of God begins to awaken a nation, Revival begins and lost souls are saved every day. Who knows the mind of God? Why does God choose to send His Revival fire upon nations and Churches? There is a pattern of  Revivals. The foundation includes a series of important messages that are instrumental for laying a foundation for what is to come. Begin pursuit of patterns that need be right to bring God's glory down upon His people in Cameroon.

 There is a pattern for Revival. God never changes His patterns. Man has changed, but God never changes. God's ways are established forever. There is no excuse for not knowing the deeper things of God. There is an ever-changing Christian world. Christians are truly desiring the deeper things of God: search and quest for the deeper spiritual meaning of life. Your life and lifestyle will never be the same when you seek knowledge of God. For Revival fire to begin burning in your nation, it has to be kindled in your heart first. This needs to be a fire that burns with compassion for the lost souls without Jesus Christ and without hope. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already. The fields are ready for harvest. May the fire of compassion burn hot in your heart for the souls that are lost. And may your tears water the soil of the last days' harvest of the sinners in Cameroon. Now is the time for this great harvest. The natural always reveals the spiritual. These are patterns of the heavenly abode of God. God has a pattern to reveal Himself to people. God has never changed His pattern of teaching people of His deep truths. Man can never change God's truth, but God's truth can change man. Studying the patterns of God is changing the lives of both Christians and non-Christians dramatically. God chose Israel to reveal Himself to. The Holy Spirit is wooing you into the deep!

The conditions, or the problems, for a Revival in a nation like Cameroon include the following. Not many people realize that in the wake of a Revival there is a moral slump. Drunkenness and promiscuity are epidemic. Premature deaths and divorce rates are very high. Profanity is shockingly rampant. Assaults on women and men induce fear. Bank and home robberies are a daily occurrence. Wickedness and corruption abound. What about the Churches? They're losing more members than they're gaining. The Preachers decide to take up other employment most of the week. The work of conversion goes on very slowly, that the Spirit of God in His saving influences is much withdrawn from the ministrations of His Word. There are few that receive the report of the Gospel, with any eminent success upon their hearts. The hand of God is not shortened that it cannot save, but we have reason to fear that our iniquities, our coldness in Religion, and the general carnality of our spirits, have raised a wall of separation between God and us. And we may add, the pride and perverse humor of infidelity, degeneracy, and apostacy from the Christian faith, which have of late years broken out amongst us. These seem to have provoked the Spirit of Christ to absent Himself much from our nation of Cameroon. “Return, O Lord, and visit your Churches and REVIVE your own work in the midst of us.”


The Church is in an incredible dilemma. The Church as an institution has lost some of its influence. Where is that dynamic power that once characterised the people of God? It is no good pretending that the state of the Church is in a healthy condition. Some Churches are growing, for which we praise God, but the overall picture is one of decline and fragmentation. Such a situation calls for drastic action. Throughout history, there have been other times when the Church has declined. Sensing the seriousness of the situation, God's people have earnestly sought the Lord for a special working of the Holy Spirit amongst them. Such movements of God have been called "REVIVAL". A deep moving of God's Spirit in the Church has to take place. The desperate need in Cameroon at this point in time is for a deep convicting work of the Holy Spirit among the people of God. Before the Church can effectively reach the unsaved community, we need to get our own House in order. It is understood that "Revival alone can be given by the Holy Spirit of God when the conditions are fulfilled." If that is true, then it follows that we in Cameroon have to meet the 4 conditions laid down by God in 2 Chronicles 7.14: Humble ourselves; and Pray; and Seek God's face; and then Turn from our wicked ways! Let's keep working at it. And we'll surely overcome every obstacle through Christ our Lord.

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