The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD

The Rainbow Pen!
Seeing the Invisible and Discerning of Spirits
Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,
Because many false prophets have gone out into the world.....
Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4: 1-3 NIV).
Do you believe that God Almighty has answered the prayers of believers for the election of a god-fearing President of America in 2012? Do you pray to serve God or to hire Him to serve your interests? You need to discern what spirit guides your answer. Every believer is supposed to exercise wise and careful discernment. Just as you've five natural senses - sight, smell, taste, touch,and sound - you also have five spiritual senses. Sight is one of those five, so you should be able to discern spirits to one degree or another. Increase your quality of discernment; it's part of your divine heritage. The gift of discernment is available to every believer. It's part of the solid food of spiritual maturity.
Your spiritual gift is for service, not status! When God activates your gift of discerning of spirits through the impartation of the Holy Spirit, you'll be enabled to perceive spiritual realities in the natural world that most people cannot see. Your heightened spiritual vision will give you unusual insight into the hurts, pain, and needs of people you come in contact with. This allows you to become an agent of healing in their lives. Every Christian has the potential to walk in greater spiritual discernment. Believe that you can learn to see the invisible. A seer is a prophetic person who operates in a high level of discerning spirits.
When you receive that impartation of the Holy Spirit, you'll begin to see things in the Spirit. The Lord will begin to guide you into the books you need, to grow and to learn in that gift at that time.Even though it has gotten a bad rap among believers, discerning of spirits is one of the nine spiritual gifts. It's been given a bad reputation because people associate it only with the discerning of evil or demonic spirits. There is much more to the gift than just discerning darkness. Spiritual discernment typically involves the working or presence of the Holy Spirit, demonic spirits,the human spirit, and angels or heavenly beings.
On receiving the impartation, your spiritual eyes will be opened. You'll be overwhelmed because you can't understand what you're seeing. To mature, keep on studying books and asking the Lord questions on what you see. Due to the inconveniences the gift of discernment causes, you can stir it up, activate it, turn it on or turn it off as appropriate. You're not supposed to have it on all the time. There are times when you'd move into the Spirit, and there are times when you should relate to people on a simpler, more natural basis. Otherwise, people might become nervous wondering what you see in or around them.
With regard to discerning the human spirit, you'll identify believers because they carry the glory of God - a radiating light shining out in all directions from behind them. Non-believers have a veil of darkness around them. A believer surrounded by a cloud of darkness indicates oppression by depression or sickness. As regards demonic spirits, you'll see serpents or demons on buildings, objects sticking out of people. The objects - swords, arrows, or spears - represent negative or harmful issues or conditions the people are suffering under. Sometimes you'll see words written on the objects that identify the specific problem: unforgiveness, fear, bitterness, depression, resentment, rejection.....
The use of the gift of discerning of spirits has been abused and misunderstood. It is not the ability to know another person's secret sin and therefore use it to justify for harboring attitudes of suspicion, criticism, and accusation. Good-hearted people don't want to operate in this distorted version of discerning of spirits. "To the pure, all is pure." Therefore, learn to be on neutral when operating in the spiritual gifts. Then your senses will pick up the truth, and only the truth. When you pray, you'll accept God's answer. And when you prophesy, you'll speak the will of God only - no partisanship orfalsehood!
Your spiritual authority and also your heart of compassion for the welfare of the whole person are crucial to consider. Each time you observe an event in the Spirit, check it out scientifically with more mature Christians and learn.
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