The Daniel Fast
Standing On the Word Of GOD
The Rainbow Pen!
Sharing in God's Divine Nature
God's divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:2-4 NIV). God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (I John 1:5-7 NIV). As Saul neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. (Acts 9:3-5 NIV).
Jesus equated Himself to His followers when He stated that Saul was persecuting Him. Learn to carry yourself in the King's presence, that is Sharing in God's Divine Nature. In Him you live and He lives in you. There is a presence within and without, that they may be one. You'are the glory of that presence, a fragrance of Christ the anointed King. You move in Him and He moves in you. Practice paying attention to God's commands. When you do, peace and holiness will flow over you like waves. Your family and family line will be secure and they'll never be destroyed. Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free indeed. Followers of God should have divine power for changing their situation! You're a partaker of the divine nature of God. When our Lord Jesus Christ declared that what you do to the least of His followers you do to Him, He declared our partaking in divinity. Every wisdom must manifest into tangible substance. When you're rich in mind and brain, you'll not be broke. For the Lord sets His people free. He teaches you what's best for you. He directs you in the way you should go.
Do you want more and more of God’s kindness and peace? Then learn to know Him better and better; learning more and more about our Lord Jesus Christ. We're partners with God here on Earth -Sharing in God's Divine Nature. God can't do anything on Earth without the body of Christ. We're His body - His hands, His legs, His mouthpiece - and through us God’s influence and impact is seen in the Earth. We're participators in the divine nature. We participate in causing changes supernaturally with God. This is mostly effected through prayer and our lifestyle. When we pray we're availing tremendous power to effect the necessary changes on Earth. We pray because God wants us to be part of the change. Whereas He can do anything and everything all by Himself, He has given us a privilege to participate in the divine nature through prayer and our lifestyle. As you know Him better, He'll give you everything you need for living a truly good life through His great power. We've everything we need to live a life that pleases God. He had invited us to share in His own glory and His own wonderful goodness!
God our Father made great and marvelous promises by that same mighty power, so that His nature would become part of us. For instance, the promise to save us from the lust and rottenness all around us, and to give us His own character. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this World. But to obtain these gifts, you need more than salvation and faith. Therefore do your best to guard your Salvation and improve your Faith. You must also work hard. You can do this by working hard to add Excellence to your faith. And even that is not enough. For then you must learn Wisdom, to know and understand God better and discover what He wants you to do. Next, learn to be Self-disciplined, putting aside your own desires so that you will become Patient and Reverently godly, gladly letting God our Father have his way with you. This will make possible the next step of Kindness, which is for you to enjoy other people and to like them, and finally you will grow to Love them deeply. this is the process of Sharing in God's Divine Nature through maturity.
So don’t lose a minute in building on what you have been given, complementing your salvation and faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love. Each dimension fitting into and developing the others. So as you exercise one you develop the next. With these qualities active and growing in your life, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without these qualities you can’t see what’s right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books. The more you keep growing in this way, the more you will grow strong spiritually and become fruitful and useful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It will show that what you know about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has made your life useful and meaningful. But anyone who fails to go after these additions to salvation and faith is blind indeed, or at least very shortsighted and has forgotten that God our Father delivered them from the old life of sin so that now they can live a strong, good life for the Lord. That is your Sharing in God's Divine Nature!
If you don’t grow, you're like someone who has forgotten that your past sins are forgiven. You must do all you can to show that God our Father has really chosen and selected you. Work hard to prove that you really are among those God our Father has called and chosen, and then you will never stumble or fall away. If you keep on doing this, you won’t stumble and fall. Then our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into His kingdom that will last forever. Confirm God’s invitation to you, his choice of you. Don’t put it off; do it now. Do this, and you’ll have your life on a firm footing. And God will open wide the gates of Heaven for you to enter into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then your experience with God our Father will be life-changing, due to our God’s straight dealing and the intervention of our Father God and Jesus Christ our Savior. Grace and peace to you as you deepen in your experience with God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus.
And remember that everything that goes into a life of pleasing God our Father has been miraculously given to us by getting to personally and intimately know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who invited us to God our Father. New Christians learn to grow spiritually, bringing excitement into the fellowship of the followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As they grow, it is also exciting to watch them learn to do things for our Lord. When they continue to study and practice the disciple lifestyle, they'll eventually get mature and settled in the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in walking with Him. Let the maturing be a dynamic process when you never feel that you've arrived. That is, when you've a routine of serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and you stick to it. You know where you stand doctrinally. You tithe your income and give offerings. However, it is possible for a mature follower to stagnate. And if you do get into rut, you'll eventually backslide. Being in a rut is so close to someone who is established in the present truth that it forms the center of the word! The mature follower must at all causes avoid and escape being stagnant in Sharing in God's Divine Nature.
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