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The Rainbow Pen!


Sharing Life with People



But before I could finish speaking, a voice from heaven interrupted: King Nebuchadnezzar, this kingdom is no longer yours. You will be forced to live with the wild animals, away from people. For seven years you will eat grass, as though you were an ox, until you learn that God Most High is in control of all earthly kingdoms and that he is the one who chooses their rulers. (Daniel 4:31-32 CEV). Don’t keep the prophecies in this book a secret. These things will happen soon. Evil people will keep on being evil, and everyone who is dirty-minded will still be dirty-minded. But good people will keep on doing right, and God’s people will always be holy. (Revelation 22:11-12 CEV).


We are in spiritual warfare from birth because of the good forces for Christ and the evil forces for the Antichrist. The good forces work on our faith and the evil forces work on our fears. Christ forces work on the love of God Almighty for humankind. The Antichrist forces work on the hate Satan the Devil has for humankind because he was thrown out of Heaven. When in doubt of which force your action represents, remember to do to others what you will want to be done to you. God indicates in the Scriptures that He is in charge of all major world events. We need to understand the reality of God's ultimate authority and how real God is. For God is intervening powerfully in world affairs in this generation as never before. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. We can receive spiritual strength and power from the Spirit of God to Share Life with People. Consider the following factors.


First, to limit your ability to Sharing Life with People, the enemy makes you believe that you are not worthy - naked - to receive God's blessing. That you need to work very hard to earn the blessing. The Scriptures declare that God gave power and authority to Adam and Eve over the Earth. But they lost it through the wit of Satan the Devil. When the enemy shared the fruit with Adam and Eve, their eyes became focused on their ungodliness or nakedness. They could not trust God's love and provision. They therefore became separated from God! But when Jesus the Christ shared bread with the two Disciples at Emmaus, their eyes became focused and they recognized Christ. When we fellowship with Almighty God daily, we claim His righteousness and holiness and continue to be transformed into Christlikeness. We receive blessings not because we are good but because God is good through Christ Jesus.


Second, the enemy wants to conceal the Truth from us to limit our ability to Sharing Life with People. Every time we declare Truth, what God says - not reality or facts - there is dominion and authority, power and influence in the atmosphere. Remember, Pilate asked Christ Jesus what Truth is. And Christ has always declared that He is the Way and the Truth, the Life and the Light! No one goes to God Almighty except through Christ Jesus. Truth is the opposite of Deception by Satan the Devil. Truth will set us free when we know and practice it. But Deception from Satan the Devil will instill fear and enslave us! We have been given the power and responsibility to choose Truth or Deception any time, and bear the consequences of each decision. Sharing the Truth with others is sharing life and light. The Truth in your life is not the current circumstances you are in. The Truth is your yet undeveloped greatness!


Third, you can be empowered by the name of Christ Jesus to Share Life with People. When Satan deceived Adam and Eve, God promised to rescue humankind through His Son. When we - body, soul and spirit - recognize and believe Christ, and invite Him into our lives, God and the Holy Spirit takeover our spirit too. We are the temple of the Most High God. And our spiritual journey narrows down to training our soul to obey the spirit. This revolutionary journey started on Pentecost with the Apostles of Christ. The Apostles were empowered and they performed many great miracles. The Sanhedrin issued an order to stop the Apostles from teaching in the name of Christ Jesus. The Apostles ignored the order and continued saving souls in that name, greater than any other name. Since then, Satan the Devil has continued to tamper with the name of Jesus Christ with counterfeit names from age to age. Are you following Christ Jesus?


Fourth, God's Word clearly shows that God hates sin, iniquity and transgression. God made us free moral agents, able to choose between good and evil, regardless of fleshly urges. God is faithful and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able. With every temptation, God will make a way of escape that we may be able to bear. We can be helped and empowered by the blood of Christ Jesus and the power of His resurrection to Share Life with People. We can therefore overcome any aspect of our human nature that pulls us away from God. We can overcome ourselves, the world around us and Satan the Devil. Those willing to honor and obey the Creator of the Universe will be among the overcomers to inherit all things. Overcomers do not make themselves or others around them miserable by constant rebellious attitudes and behaviors. Overcomers enjoy everyday life and honor God Almighty.



Fifth, the greatest battle we face in life against Sharing Life with People is within us. It is the battle between the flesh and the spirit. Satan uses the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life to tempt us to sin. Satan has the same three temptations he had for Christ Jesus! Our 5 senses - taste, touch, smell, sound and sight - all report to the carnal mind which is the enemy of God. Satan uses the 5 senses to tempt us. The flesh includes tasting, touching, smelling, and hearing. The lust of the eyes is seeing. The pride of life is thinking you are special because of who you are, and what you have or know or look like. For the lust of the flesh, Satan asks you: Will you turn stones into bread since you are hungry? For the lust of the eyes, Satan shows the kingdoms of the Earth and asks you: And will you worship Satan the Devil for material gains? And for the pride of life, he asks you: Will you be careless and just fall off so that angels will protect you? Christ Jesus successfully resisted the temptations of Satan using the Sword of the Spirit or the Word of God. You learn to do same and Satan will flee from you! 

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