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The Rainbow Pen!


Thinking Victory and Abundance



Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law... do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful… Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:7-9 NIV).


God has the final word for our lives. Thinking Victory and Abundance means dwelling on what our Creator tells us. To break strongholds and wrong mindsets, remember that you’ve complete control over your life. What you experience is not due to other people or your circumstances. You’ve complete control over what seeds grow on your soil. Why do you think a certain way? Where do those thoughts come from? When you were a child you believed you could do anything. Where has that innocent faith gone to? Where have fear and doubt come from to dominate your lifestyle? Get back to your original life-software. And you’ll overcome all obstacles and strongholds in your life. Strongholds are thoughts taken captive to anything but Christ. When we’ve faith in Christ, the love of God is so real that we feel we could do anything for Christ Jesus. Whoever believes also loves. To believe is to overcome the world. You’re destined to leave your unique mark on this generation and the next! You’ve complete control over what derogatory remarks you allow to influence your life. Don’t let these viruses play over and over in your mind. Guard your mind. Know that you’re victorious, confident, prosperous, healthy, and powerful.


Thinking Victory and Abundance is saying that Christ is the source of our faith. And because He is in our faith, what we believe for will come to pass. There is no limit to the power God will cause to come upon those who cry to Him in faith. God is rich to those who will call upon Him. Stake your claim for your family and business that many lives may be brought to glory. As your prayer rests upon faith, nothing will be impossible for you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the secret to every hard problem in your heart. God confirms this faith in us so that we may be refined in the world. It is the Lord who purifies and brings us to the place where the fire burns up the dross, and there He anoints us with fresh oil, so that at all times we may be ready for Him. God is separating us for Himself. We need to walk by faith until we overcome all things. By our simple belief in Christ Jesus, we walk right into glory. The most effective way to live a life of victory over the enemy is to walk in righteousness with God. Determine what seeds, words, take root in your mind, soil. And water the seeds by meditating on them.


We must be careful to see that God means something greater for us than we have ever touched. We do this by breaking strongholds and wrong mindsets, who tell us we can’t succeed. Those are like viruses in our thinking. They want to limit our lifestyle. You’ll have every success that God tells you when you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. Thinking Victory and Abundance is thus reprogramming your thinking, your life-software, with thoughts of favor and hope, abundance and victory. You will break out of mediocrity, defeat and lack into excellence, victory and abundance. Know that God has already equipped you for every battle to reach your highest potential. The enemy will use people in your life to try to contaminate your life-software with negative thoughts! Just hit the delete button. Quit dwelling on those negative thoughts. God gives you the grace. When you control your thinking, you control your whole life. You’re destined to leave your mark on this generation. Ask God to give you discernment about what may be hindering your freedom and abundant life in Christ. Reprogram your mind and go around with a high self esteem and with an unlimited thinking.


You’re not what people say you are; you’re what God says you’re. You can become everything God created you to be. You can do everything God created you to do. You can have everything God created you to have. The greatest weakness in the world is unbelief; the greatest power is the faith that works by love. Love, mercy, and grace are bound eternally to faith. Fear is the opposite of faith, but there is no fear in love. The world is filled with fear, torment, remorse, and brokenness; but faith and love are sure to overcome. God has established the Earth and humanity on the lines of faith. As we come into line with faith in God, fear is automatically cast out. And Thinking Victory and Abundance will become a lifestyle. We overcome because we believe and obey the truth, and the truth sets us free. He who believes is definite; and a definite faith brings a definite experience. Whether you're facing a stronghold or a momentary struggle, you'll find grace and mercy in your time of need. As you single out one obstacle you desire to overcome, don't forget that other issues may be involved too. In other words, if you're praying to overcome unforgiveness or anger, the stronghold of pride is virtually always involved.


God has the power to free you and to keep you free. But in the matter of demolishing strongholds, He also demands our prayerful cooperation by Thinking Victory and Abundance. God is far more interested in your getting to know the Deliverer than your being delivered. Remember, freedom comes through taking thoughts captive to Christ. Whether the stronghold is an addiction or unforgiveness, it's something that consumes so much of your emotional and mental energy that abundant life is strangled. Your unfulfilled calling and ineffective believing life are the precise goals of the enemy. God always wills for you to be free from strongholds. You'll never fail to have His cooperation as long as He has yours. Stand firm and don't be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. When seeking to demolish a specific stronghold, pray the relevant Scriptures over and over until you experience lasting freedom. All people who have never accepted Christ as Savior are held captive by the enemy, their primary stronghold being unbelief. Learn to focus on your communication with God through prayer and His Word far more than directives on what to say to the enemy.


Thinking Victory and Abundance involves getting rid of idols and strongholds, anything pretending to be like God. Idols exalt themselves in your mind against the knowledge of God. Strongholds steal much of your focus and cause you to feel overpowered. The enemy is most effectively rebuked by taking your stand in the Word of God. Sometimes the overwhelming power of a stronghold may be instantly broken, but the renewing of your mind can take a little longer. Whatever you think about or give your attention to, will begin to reveal its secrets to you. The more you think of God’s guidance and support, the less laborious will be your effort to make things right. As you take these steps mentally, you'll find you don't have to struggle to make things right and better. You can then receive plans or thoughts flash into your conscious mind from God's voice. Get quiet and meditate regularly. Build the mental picture of what you really want in life. The Holy Spirit knows your every thought and He can answer you according to your train of thought in your silent prayer. You can learn to hear God's voice clearly - the keys that speed prayers up supernaturally. 

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