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The Rainbow Pen!


Trusting God's Goodness



The Rainbow Pen!
Trusting God's Goodness
Friday 29th March 2013

Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13 NLT). The Lord is good to all. (Psalms 145:9). Then Moses said, “I pray Thee, show me Thy glory!” And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion” (Exodus 33:19).

There is so much to be thankful for in  remembering how far God has brought us from where we once were. The simple truth that God is good is the foundation of our faith in Him. The more we know God's goodness, the more we trust Him. The more we trust Him, the easier it is for us to put our lives into His hands. Only by placing our lives in God's hands can we open the way for Him to save us, bless us and work through us, so that His wonderful will can be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven. The Lord can only bless you! He knows it's good when we've more than enough natural provision in our lives. He knows it's evil for us be sick, poor, frightened and oppressed. God's desire is that every direction we turn, we experience His goodness! God wants to bless you in every area of your life. He wants to bless you spiritually, physically, in your finances, in your relationships, and in your career. He wants to give you the desires of your heart.

You can think back at how hard it is to give up everything to God, there is something so strong within our heart that so fights against pursuit of God. In many ways we still do struggle with it a lot. The interaction between what the world expects of us, and what God expects of us is a finer point of faith. When you begin meditating on the goodness of God, you'll see more miracles and healings than before. As people understand God's goodness, they'll find it easy to trust Him. That trust enables them to open their hearts to His healing power. They'll realize that God is for them and not against them. It is the Father's good pleasure to give them the Kingdom and that no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. The truth will dawn on their hearts that God loves to do good, He is endeavoring to help them. Seeing that, they'll be able to relax and by faith receive what they need from Him. God is good, and everything He created is good.

In His goodness, God provided a way for sinners to be forgiven and to be declared righteous. It is not by any good works which we do, but on the basis of the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we remember the shedding of the precious Blood of Jesus for our sins! The goodness of God is directed toward our repentance. It is a perspective through which all of life’s experiences should be viewed. God allows nothing to happen to the Christian which is not good. God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him. We may be convinced of God’s goodness and yet doubt that everything which happens to us is good. Whatever comes into the life of the Christian is a part of God’s purpose to bring about our good and His glory. Trusting God and living a holy life are the means to eternal and great temporal blessings as well. Nearness to God - intimate fellowship with God - is our highest good.

David fellowshiped with God and came to know His nature. David knew about the goodness of God. He knew He was a loving God. He also had seen it work in his life. He had seen the victories God's goodness had gained for him. And just thinking of them made him bold. You can be the same way. Let that speak to your heart in a fresh way about the kindness and loving care God wants to give you. The more deeply you understand the truth of God's love and goodness, the more you'll be able to trust God in every circumstance of life. Your confidence in Him will make you bold when others are timid. The more we see that goodness operating in our lives, the more victories we'll have to remember. As we continue to trust God with our lives, we'll see the evidence of His goodness continue to increase. And the more we'll come to believe that God wants us to give our lives to Him so He can lavishly, without reserve, pour His blessings upon us. He wants us to be so blessed that everywhere we look, we see the goodness of God.

Memorials are important. Remembering the goodness of God reminds us that we didn’t get where we are by ourselves; that we've God to thank and others to remember gratefully. It’s good to remember such things. Until you settle the fact that God is good and you can trust Him with your life, your faith is never going to be great because you'll always draw back in fear. However, once your heart grasps the goodness of God, you'll be confident that He'll never hurt you, abandon you or let you down. As long as you follow Him, He'll always be there - loving you, helping you and blessing you. If you don't start believing to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, you'll be right where you are now next year. Things will be no better in your life. In fact, they'll probably be worse because the devil will still be unhindered in his work to steal, kill and destroy. But if you'll dare to believe God and His Word, things will begin to change in a wonderful way. Your life will immediately begin to improve. A year from now, you'll see it turn around you every day of your life. That's what is called living! 

Whatever interferes with our nearness to God is actually evil. And whatever draws us into a deeper fellowship with God is actually good.The goodness of God is a perspective from which we can and should view all of God’s commands, including His prohibitions. What a good God forbids must be evil, and what a good God commands must be good. Let nothing cause us to doubt God and His Word. May God grant that His goodness becomes a truth we accept and embrace, so that it becomes the perspective from which we view all of the events of our lives. God is always good, whether He sends prosperity or pain, health or sickness. God is good to all men in His common grace, showering blessings on the wicked and the righteous alike. But God is particularly good to those who believe in the Gospel. God’s wrath is good. God’s holiness is good. God’s righteousness is good. God is good in His entirety. God gives to His children only that which is good. And He withholds nothing good from us. God is good, and He is at work in our lives for good. God alone is good. God is the source of everything that is good. You cannot teach values or morality, without teaching about God. 

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