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Unsealing Prophetic Knowledge


But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.” (Daniel 12:4 NLT). Don’t keep the prophecies in this book a secret. These things will happen soon. (Revelations 22:10 CEV)

Staggering changes are just ahead which will soon affect your life and the lives of all your loved ones. Our society has turned away from God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Who do you turn to during a crisis or tragedy in your life? What values form your lifestyle? Does God Almighty have anything to do with the turn of events in your family life? Realize the real meaning of all the events in your life. If you turn away from God Almighty, He will shake you to get your attention. Because of your obedience to God's commandments, statutes and laws, the Lord promises to bless you in every way. You'll lend and not borrow and you'll be the head and not the tail. How else could the island of England gain control over vast nations and continents all over the world? God Almighty will allow you to win battles and conflicts . But if you turn away from Him and His laws, your victories will become more and more difficult. God will give you up to vile passions, and over to a debased mind to do things which are not fitting. Hence the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. You'll not die until you fulfill your purpose on Earth!

There is a growing antagonism in the minds and hearts of many individuals that has turned them against even considering that a real God Almighty exists and has authority to tell us what to do! Most people aren't willing to listen to their Creator or His inspired Word, the Holy Bible. Yet the many Bible prophecies clearly indicate that people will suffer because they're not willing to obey their Creator! It almost sounds too simple to be true. But it is absolutely true. And this truth will soon affect your life and the lives of your loved ones, as our modern society turns further and further away from God Almighty. Understandably, they're disappointed or disillusioned by various false Religions and ideologies. When people, especially the youth, aren't taught to properly reverence the Creator God and obey Him as a lifestyle, their moral and social values will naturally tend to deteriorate more and more with each passing decade. The families break down, crime and violence increase, and people's willingness to work together for peace and prosperity begins to fall. Many give up on Religion completely, and then declare themselves to be atheists or agnostics.

The vast majority of people today are cut off from God Almighty! They've banished God Almighty and His inspired Word from the family and schools, marketplace and workplace, government and entertainment, and even from the Church! When you observe God's laws, you indeed are given liberty from crime and violence, war and greed. When the entire world starts keeping God's laws upon the return of Christ, peace and blessings will permeate the Earth. And prosperity and individual freedom and peace of mind will certainly be the prevailing way of life - all based on God's spiritual law to love God Almighty and neighbor. Most people have been blinded by the invisible power of Satan the Devil, who deceives the whole world. May God help you to sincerely listen and seek God Almighty and be willing to do what He says, the Truth, the ultimate reality! Christianity is under attack in the world. This is heading to an ill-equipped society to face what is prophesied to come upon the whole world in the next few years! Many people have become disillusioned with the Church due to paedophilia in the Church, homosexual ministers, and approval of same-sex marriages.

Time is getting short and the false Religion is waiting in the wings to be thrust onto an unsuspecting world. You're able to discern between the true Christianity and Satan the Devil's Counterfeit Christianity. The false prophet will soon be revealed, masquerading as a very holy man, and occupying the highest religious position in the world. But a charlatan of the highest order. He'll perform great signs to deceive the world. He'll cause people to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. Rather than view the mark as a microchip, others state that the hand and forehead symbolize that this mark will be a matter of what people do and what people think. They'll chose a way of worship that rejects God Almighty. A spiritually ignorant world will be swept away with religious hysteria. Recognize a connection between modern trends and ancient Bible prophecies. Many ominous trends are coming together in weather, in morals, and in geopolitics. The weather factors include hurricanes and flooding, high winds and heavy rainstorms, firestorms and droughts, and earthquakes.

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