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When God Is Speaking



My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27). The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind. (Psalm 115:16). By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground...” (Genesis 3:19).And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke 22:44).


There are several reasons we need to listen and hear When God Is Speaking or broadcasting. This generation is being taught and equipped to move in the supernatural and to cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on the Earth. When did you last hear from God? We need to hear from Him regularly if we must function effectively. We were created for a purpose and only our Manufacturer has the user's manual. We have an inheritance and a legacy to hand down to subsequent generations. Our Creator has given us all the resources we need, but they are held up in the warehouse. We must listen to the daily broadcasts from the Manufacturer. When a problem appears to you, ask for direct guidance and knowledge from God. And then watch and listen for inner or outer guidance to speak to you. Act on perfect faith, and nothing will go wrong. Thus hearing from God isn't so much a matter of whether He's talking, but rather, whether we're listening. Listen when God talks! He has updates for human firmware, hardware and software!


When God Is Speaking there is blessing and no pressure, Scriptures are confirmed and step by step, no complete picture is given and you have deep conviction. Just like a dog will know and hear and obey the master’s voice, we can hear and obey our Master Jesus’ voice as he Himself has declared. We often doubt if we are hearing from God until we learn to recognize the ways God speaks to us. We find ourselves looking for skills to help us hear from God, instead of just waiting to stumble on a burning-bush experience like Moses. Understand that you need to refine these skills to discern when God or Satan or your Flesh is speaking. Your Flesh speaks to change your mind and contradict God’s Word. When Satan the Devil speaks, he is pushy, in a hurry, to satisfy your Flesh. There is often fear or confusion, accusing or condemning, or questioning. God will speak to you in basically 7 ways: the audible voice or still small voice, other people or your circumstances, dreams or visions, or through His written Word, the Holy Bible.


When God Is Speaking through His Audible Voice, pay attention. You can hear something in your spirit that sounds to you like an actual audible voice. Or all of a sudden, you just know you heard something. It is very likely God is trying to tell you something. This is possible but very rare. When God Is Speaking through the Still Small Voice, you’ll feel peace. God uses a tiny voice inside us, or the peace voice, most of the time to let us know when we are on the right path. When you are contemplating something, you will feel peace within you when you make the right decision. However, whenever you don't have peace about a decision or situation, it's a very good idea to stop and carefully look at the options. You are never alone in your decision making. When God Is Speaking through Other People, they may on Radio-TV or Internet, in the Newspaper or in person. It is possible for God to use anyone at any time to try to get through to us. When God Is Speaking through Your Circumstances, it may hurt you and it may take time. God teaches us something by allowing circumstances in our life to lead us to and through the very thing we need to discover.


 When God Is Speaking through Dreams, you are all ears as you sleep. It is said that Dreams are the perfect way to hear from God. When you are dreaming, you are quiet, so you cannot ignore God. And you are not easily distracted. God intends to speak to each of His children in this manner. Not all dreams are God-given. When God Is Speaking through Visions, you see something. God also communicates us by visions today. “Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” Dreams are more difficult to interpret than visions. Therefore the experienced will dream and the less experienced will see visions. When God Is Speaking through the Holy Bible, He goes into detail about how you can expect Him to react and what kinds of expectations God has for us. The Scriptures explain how God expects us to treat other people. And when God Is Speaking throughAny Other Way, in His sovereignty, learn to shut up and listen and obey. God uses lots of things to talk to us. Part of discerning God's will is to ask Him to help us see all sides of an issue - sometimes with help from others we trust. Emotion and intellect aren't enough, however.



Here are a couple of tips on how to hear God. One, get quiet, because you want to focus your attention. But it does not have to be quiet; God speaks in silence or in noise. Two, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Believe He is speaking, get ready and listen. Three, write down everything that comes to your mind. Your mind begins to process what hits your spirit and what you are writing is the words that God speaks to you. Four, it is important to test those things afterwards. The surest and safest way to hear God’s voice When God Is Speaking is to read, study and store the Scriptures in our hearts. We can use them as a lamp to guide our footsteps. God’s Word is the Voice that speaks to our hearts, that inner consciousness that tells of God. It is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God. When we face a decision, we need to do it prayerfully, trusting God to lead us. We also need to do it in light of God's Word, the Holy Bible. God will never lead you to do something that is not in accord with the Bible - never. Make sure of your commitment to Christ, and then submit every decision you face to Him. When we sincerely want God's will above all else, He will help us know what is right.

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