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The Rainbow Pen!


Worship in Spirit and in Truth



Jesus brought an incredible shift in worship in the New Testament. There can be a high level of breakthrough in the realm of worship. Strong worship is a major key in the manifest presence that comes down. Your location is the key to proper worship.  Worship must take place in spirit and in truth. Because God is a spirit, your worship must be in the spirit realm. Find out how to properly worship God as a spirit. The word spirit could refer to the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, or the spirit realm.

To determine the meaning of the word spirit in "worship God in spirit and in truth", look at the context - what the word truth means. Truth can be truthfulness or reality. The Holy Spirit leads us into all reality. Spiritual Reality transcends people and things. Only that which is in the Holy Spirit is spiritual reality. All spiritual things are sustained by the Holy Spirit. Once a spiritual thing moves away from the Holy Spirit, it becomes letter and form, and it is dead. All spiritual things must be in the Holy Spirit before they can be real, living, and organic. We can enter into the spirit realm and worship anytime and anyplace.

Hence, any experience that we can acquire without the guidance of the Holy Spirit is surely not spiritual reality. Anything that we acquire through our mind, our emotions, our physical senses - eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin - alone is not spiritual reality. Only the things that the Holy Spirit guides us into are spiritual reality. We don't worship God merely in the physical realm. We are to touch and tap into the spiritual reality. It is the spiritual reality of Jesus Christ that brings life. Everything in the Kingdom of God is about entering into spiritual reality. It is the Spirit that brings life. We're ministers of the Spirit.

One of the most incredible corporate worship events occurred at the dedication of the Temple of Solomon in the Old Testament. As the people praised the Lord in unison, the glory of God came down as a cloud. God so enjoyed the worship in the dedication service that He released His manifested presence. The Lord so loved the worship in the Tabernacle of David that it is the only Old Testament model for worship that is carried over into the New Testament. All the animal sacrifice and all of the Old Testament altars are left behind in the New Testament in favor of a better covenant.


Put on your favorite worship music. Close your eyes and engage in worship. As you do, ask the Lord to show you what is happening in the spirit realm around you. Perhaps there are spiritual beings or objects in the room with you. The next step is to ask the Lord if you should do something to engage in the spiritual experience of worship. When the Lord directs you to do something in the spirit. Step out in faith and do what the Lord directs. You can enter into an interactive experience in worship whenever you want, by faith.

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