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The Rainbow Pen!


Yielding To God's Spirit



Put everything to the test. Accept what is good and don’t have anything to do with evil. I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this. (I Thessalonians 5:21-24 CEV). Instead of doing what I know is right, I do wrong. And so, if I don’t do what I know is right, I am no longer the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them. The Law has shown me that something in me keeps me from doing what I know is right. With my whole heart I agree with the Law of God. But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do. What a miserable person I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is doomed to die? Thank God! Jesus Christ will rescue me. So with my mind I serve the Law of God, although my selfish desires make me serve the law of sin. (Romans 7:19-25 CEV).

We're trying to solve a dilemma, that you've been born-again for several decades and you're not able to receive God's grace in your life and lifestyle. First, God says He will finish the good work He began in you when He redeemed your spirit man. Second, Jesus promises that whoever He sets free is free indeed; but you're still in bondage. Third, Jesus promises that He came to give you a more abundant life, yet you're still broke. And forth, Jesus promises that whatever you ask for in His name, you'll receive; and whatever you seek, you'll find; and wherever you knock, the door will be opened to you. So why are you still struggling in life? It may be because you're not cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Yielding To God's Spirit is the missing link to a fruitful life and lifestyle! We're partners with God. God has a part and we've a part to play in our life. God cannot do our part and we can't do His part. You'll get yourself into trouble when you try to do God's part. You'll get frustrated trying to change other people; that is God's part through His Spirit.

Don't try to do those things that you can't do, instead do what you can. As partners with God, try to do the possible and the natural, and let God do the impossible and the supernatural! Trust God and have confidence in Him. Have faith in God, for He works through our faith and not through our needs nor fear nor tears. Our part is to let the Holy Spirit work through us, just as channels. When you sense the Holy Spirit wanting you to do or not to do something, you don't have to fight Him. But let go and let Him have His way. Tell the Holy Spirit you believe in Him and in His power. Then you surrender completely and willingly to Him. Let Him work in you, through you and for you to God's honor and glory. Don't be stubborn by resisting Him. You've been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. God has a glorious comeback planned for you. You can begin again by Yielding To God's Spirit. Being led by the Holy Spirit is to obtain and be filled with, and be governed by Him. Pray that you'll be literally filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing. It is the overflowing coming out of your life that makes a difference to someone else who comes around you.

You don't have to peach to people all the time. But let your actions be better off with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We want to obtain and be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit. That is Yielding To God's Spirit! Being led otherwise is carnal living or bondage. May your spirit and your soul and your body be found blameless. We've to understand ourselves better than what we do. We should not want two different things at the same time. When born-again, the spirit part of us is made holy because God cannot inhabit unholiness. We receive the divine seed of the Almighty God. Your soul is your will, mind and emotions. You want what you think and how you feel. Your soul doesn't tell you anything about God, but it tells you all about you. Your spirit tells you all about God. Your soul tells you all about you. And your body tells you all about the environment around you, your world. Your body can do only what you train it to do. Your spirit may want to do the right things according to God's will. But your spirit tells your body through your soul. But if you've not renewed your mind, your reasoning kicks in and contradicts your spirit to work against God!

The Holy Spirit is the agent of sanctification through our Yielding To God's Spirit. Our complete sanctification involves spirit, soul, and body. When you say yes Lord, I want to be completely sanctified, God's Word that we feed our spirit with renews our mind. Then the Spirit takes control of our thoughts, will and emotions and begins to work in our body. Sanctification and holiness is a reward. We live a life without feeling condemned for what we're doing or not doing. Sanctification is separation unto God. God needs you on Earth as His arms and legs, mind and mouth, heart and body. Live a lifestyle that is suited for sanctification. Tell God each morning to show you what He wants you to do for Him. We've various traffic lights or warning signs with the Holy Spirit, everywhere, every minute. What you've in your spirit is God's gift bought by Christ's Blood. But what you've in your lifestyle, how you live your life, is your gift to Christ. You're not defined by who you once were. The love of Christ has forgiven your past and the results of the mistakes of the past!

What you've in your spirit is in Christ. If it never gets to your body through your soul, you'll never be able to help anyone else. You may be alright but you need to fill up your soul's God-sized vacuum to overflowing to be able to help other people. By Yielding To God's Spirit, surrender completely to the partnership with God your heavenly Father. Whereas the Holy Spirit confirms God's forgiveness, Satan always continues to question it. Guilt is one of Satan's most persistent weapons. We recognize Satan's work when a person is spiritually bound, without joy and inner peace. But once such a person comes to the place of honest repentance and renunciation, Satan's work ceases. Then the believer can command Satan to flee. The Spirit of God will deliver you from any contrary spiritual law that is working in you that wants to do things against your obeying God. He will sanctify you. He who began a good work in you will finish it in due season. So when you've a problem, pray to God about it and listen for an answer. Even if you don't hear from God, you'll know in your spirit what He wants you to do. It may be an impression or a thought. Take a bold step in faith. Find out all God wants for you and begin to take His leading in your life.

 What's God made you to be? You're fearfully, wonderfully, and uniquely made. God has a destiny for you. You've to be real; you've to be you, because God has made you different. No one in this world can do what He has called you to do because they don't have the destiny, the design that God put in you. Every person in this world has a divine destiny, a footprint from that reflection of God that no one else owns. So if you don't be you, the world goes without seeing that part of God in your DNA. You've been given permission as a born-again child of God to be everything God has called you to be. It's time for you to be authentic and unique to fulfill your destiny. The Lord wants your heart. He has given you gifts of talents and a personality for a unique purpose. Remember that character is grown in the soul of adversity. Welcome your challenges as stepping stones to your destiny! And realize that your tears in Heaven will be regrets for your not being what God made you to be and become. He wants you to maximize every creative space and talents He put in your life. Forgive everybody that's hurt you and live your life with no regrets. Your hands are an extension of God's heart, an extension of Heaven. Have an open hand; lay it on people to bless and to heal.

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